Roomate coming in Drunk unnappreation

May 26, 2003
This dude in here just talking about how he better then Wayne, and repping his hood and stuff, throwing up and crap.

This is why I dont get drunk
if he doesn't do it often just let him sleep it off...if it happens alot talk to him about it...
I see you on roommate feels the need to blast the tv and bring the most annoying people I know who only know how toyell when they talk at like 3 am...makes me eager to live by myself soon.
we in here sitting listening to him talk right now. Thing is dude got 3 classes back to back in the morning.

I wasn't there when they were drinking and stuff, because dude don't get messed up like this.
I love being that guy
If it's once in a while just laugh at him and make sure he wakes up for class

If it's more than often...put him in check
This is first time being this bad, and we sleep in one room so I gotta be here.

oh and videos he's the one in the wife beater.

Originally Posted by kingkb34

I see you on roommate feels the need to blast the tv and bring the most annoying people I know who only know how to yell when they talk at like 3 am...makes me eager to live by myself soon.

man I know what you mean to the fullest, I got 3 roommates who do that mess Thursday thru Sunday !$$
I drink but I get straight and chill, these dudes just drunk for the sole purpose of getting messed up, my roomate dont even drink like that but they got em
hahah I mean I`m dying of laughter, but the bigger picture is kinda sad, but he aint a drinker like my other boys so this isnt that bad, its just bad cause hein here throwing up and got 3 classes back to back in the morning
Man if you drink at all I'm willing to BET you have been there before. Granted it is annoying, but I've been that dude plenty of times and my friendsgenerally just laugh it off, everyone in a while if I REALLY need it they might lay me out, but that is rare. Getting to that point can be funny man, I'mjust lucky I've got easy going dudes who will take up for me if I pop off to the wrong people.
naw I drink but I stop when I feel things are about to get ugly, I dont like not having control over my self
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

This dude in here just talking about how he better then Wayne, and repping his hood and stuff, throwing up and crap.

This is why I dont get drunk

... huh ? you know there are diff types of drunks right ?
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