Roommate troubles... Who's in the wrong here?

You would actually consider moving out simply because you can't put your backpack and laptop in your room? Dude, like everyone says, it isn't hard to put your things in your room. Also, keep in mind, your backpack has probably been put on the ground and floors everywhere. No one wants a dirty backpack on a couch. 
OP just get your gf to pick up all the stuff...

Why you call her a roommate?
:lol: my roommate is a roommate. yes I'm a guy. :smile: no, I'm not gay.

I don't wanna move out. putting my stuff in my room is nothing. I already apologized.

it's my roommate. she wants to move out, and I can't afford the rent without her.

I just don't think that the things we were doing were considered as being I know different :lol:
Man honestly, it's not even that big of a deal. They're probably mad at you for some other reason and found this as an easy escape to blow up on you
It's not necessarily being a slob, it's just being inconsiderate

that too. this is the first time they ever told us anything about it. but one of the girls snapped and yelled at my roommate about it, and I guess my roommate took offense to it. my roommate doesn't think it's big deal either, and that she should be able to leave her backpack on the couch.

I still wanna live here, shoot.
It's not necessarily being a slob, it's just being inconsiderate
that too. this is the first time they ever told us anything about it. but one of the girls snapped and yelled at my roommate about it, and I guess my roommate took offense to it. my roommate doesn't think it's big deal either, and that she should be able to leave her backpack on the couch.

I still wanna live here, shoot.
then you know what you need to do.
You're probably underselling it or they are annoyed for another reason that you're unaware of.

No way they just snap about backpacks without ever talking about it with you first. There has to be something else.
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Yeah, no one's going through the trouble of moving out and finding a new apartment over a backpack :lol:
Yeah, no one's going through the trouble of moving out and finding a new apartment over a backpack :lol:
I believe the OP, some girls are really spiteful and feel that they are always right even when they are not :lol:, the OP and his roommate are wrong in this situation.
I hate them couches with all those pillows on em and ****, gotta move em out the way just to sit :smh: :smh: ...

But pics?? u bout to move out anyway...
I guess I'm the only one with OP and don't think that he and ol girl are being slobs.

It's not dishes in the sink for days, clothes all over the living room or anything like that.

I think there may be something deeper there. But OP, now you know so I guess try to be more considerate? Idk sounds petty.
I guess I'm the only one with OP and don't think that he and ol girl are being slobs.

It's not dishes in the sink for days, clothes all over the living room or anything like that.

I think there may be something deeper there. But OP, now you know so I guess try to be more considerate? Idk sounds petty.

There HAS to be something more OP. Girls are petty, so they might be bothered by something else and taking it out on this minor stuff. I understand them being mad - but kicking you guys out or wanting to move out over it is excessive. They gotta find new roommates to pay the rent, you gotta find another apartment that fits your money situation. Crazy amount of work over something so minor. They would hate living with me :lol:
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