Roommate troubles... Who's in the wrong here?

:lol: you're in the wrong

i doubt all your leaving is your backpack on the couch and laptop on the dining table.
OP you're wrong. Either respect the shared space or get your own place and live however you want. There's no reason why you can't keep your things in your room and there's no reason why you can't put things back the way they were after you move them.
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When she comes to the door hit her wi one of these


You'll instantly be transferred to the right.
Are you a famb or a yamb? If a yamb, we needz proof
:lol: seriously. that's all it is. the dishes are very rarely left overnight and our dishes NEVER stack up.. what else could it be? i don't leave anything else laying around.

I'm saying that this isn't a big problem at all. it was resolved between me and my the other two girls.. only problem was that one of them snapped at my roommate, and she took offense to that. so she wants to move out, and that means I gotta move out unless I can find another roommate.
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If she's going as far as to ***** about how pillows are placed on the couch that's some OCD ****. I'd say deal with it. I guess it wouldn't be too hard to put your backpack next to the couch. If it makes her that irate to use one second of energy and move it herself. Same with laptop. In most cases I'm gonna leave my laptop where I last used it or place it somewhere safe, like a table not the floor. It shouldn't drive her that crazy that there's a laptop on the table. It has never bothered me to takes 5 seconds to move a roommates laptop or 1 second to move their backpack from the couch to the floor. Unless you have dishes everywhere, clothes, and papers all over anywhere but your room I don't see the issue. I've never lived with girls though, and that's why I don't want to. Not to mention they **** up a bathroom 10 times worse than any guy could.
OP they dont like your roomie anymore and they want her out.
No one is that anal, who cares about book bag on the floor
I currently live with a female and we share a bathroom. From my observation, women have a far more advanced vision of "dirt" and "uncleanliness" and are much more emotional and thus petty over little things than guys are. 

While I agree that leaving your personal things in common areas is a no no, from my experience I can see how those women could blow it up out of proportion. I also agree that there is definitely something else that you did that bothered them, and thus these little things become ammunition for them to release there emotional frustration with you. 

I remember the first night I brought home a chick to smash, she definitely heard what was going on, and she wasn't getting any D from any dudes at the time, so I'm sure she was feeling a little neglected in that department. I'm also usually real cool with her in the sense that I give her some attention whenever we are around each other and flirt a little bit. Well, after that night I smashed that chick, the next day I could feel the tension in the air. For the later part of that week I felt the coldness sink in, and she began to get annoyed by "dust" in the hallway, and very small hairs left over from shaving in the sink, things that are inconsequential to guys, these hairs i wouldn't notice unless I had a microscope examining the sinks, but she brought them up after that night of smashing that broad. 
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Its nots a big deal, but hey some people are anal. Its the common area, so out of respect, you shouldn't leave it out there. Were these random roommates or friends?
Gotta think of others POV when it comes to situations like this. Just think of the things that bother you but don't seem like a big deal to other people.
theyre just letting you know their standards and what they expect.

No one is in the wrong. You can deal with it or not. Up to you.
yeah respect the common areas, not a big deal just fix yourself and you guys will be fine
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