I hope you know I was being facetious??? SMH

This was me about two days ago.
What's a Yezzy? Sounds like the abominable snowman...
Speaking of Volt, Did anyone try putting volt laces on the Tarps yet? Im pretty sure that Jedi feel is gonna be the thing thatll sway me to getting them. Really liked the Jedi SBs if you guys remember that shoe. 

That sounds awesome, I just might do that
Guys, Roshes gaining even more attention. It really has become the hottest shoe on the market.

Check it out:

What does it matter about them making an article about the best shoes to wear with jeans. Yall kill me, wanna clown them but then yall clown other people on the way they cuff their jeans, SMH

Anyway, which shoe is this thats in the pic?

lmao!! they should make an article on how to cuff your jeans! haha i know sometimes it wont be perfect but sometimes dudes cuffs look like they are eating their pants!!! i did like the marketing artcle tho. :smile:
who the hell makes a top 5 shoes to wear with jeans list....seriously :smh:

Before seeing the link, i was gonna say Complex. :lol:

They're always coming out w/ some ridiculous "Top" lists...

Any of my broshe fam know if any So CAL stores still have black sails in a sz11 or 11.5 or even the recent black gamma's? Lmk thanks fam!

Check Champs too. I've seen scattered sizes of Black/Sails and Sport Reds in SoCal.

backwards upside down visor


YOOOO!!!! I remember doing this when i saw Seau rocking his visors like that. :lol:
Walking to work early this morning wearing the Iguana's, and a total stranger initiated a Roshe respect high-5. Great way to start a Monday!
whats up with people?  you dont see me high-fiving people whenever i see someone with air maxes, jordans or air forces on
Hahaha I was thinking the same thing, but that reminded me of episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm with the the Bald Brothers
If i see a dude with the 3's, i pay respect. Those are my grails.
i mean, i get it. if i saw a pair of patta or amsterdam am1s, i'd pay respect.  i've passed by people and said "dope kicks" or something like that, but nothing like high-fiving people or getting down on my knees to take a picture (happened to someone here wearing their roshes).  
For anyone in the Portland Area

Urban Outfitters @ Bridgeport had Iguanas in 9.5-12 and sport reds in a 10.5 as of yesterday afternoon

Luckily I picked up the last 9 in iguanas
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