Anyone of that khaki premiums? How do you like it? And anyone knpw where i can get it for retail or close in size 9:smile:
for those that have ordered from frugirls/tmall, could you shoot me a pm please. i'm looking to order, but i need some help
sorry for pming a little wait, but i got you fam!
Don't know why people get upset when I claim OG mangos are better than "v2". The v2s are nice... But they ain't touching the OGs. Smh
No one is upset. It's solely a matter of that has been expressed many times over. We get like the OG mango's better. Moving on...
Any info on how the DFW's fit yet?

I have the black/teal DFW's i went TTS, I'm a size 9 and it feels a little narrow at the toe box. I would say go .5 up if you want a more loose/comfy look or stay TTS and wear them out till it stretches
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Is it me or does the NS Twitter seem dumb as hell I asked if they have any info on when NDC releaseing the Strata Grey DFW and basically told me "we don't know" I feel like the person who wrote back to me gave me a Kanye shrug lol
Got the Grey Volt colorway yesterday. Black/Turquoise coming in monday. Only missing HyperBlue now. 

I love the Flywire set, one of my favorite if not my absolute favorite. I think it fits TTS the only thing thats tighter is the toe box. Its a little tighter above your toes. Everything else is nice. 
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