nevermind, you're right..... i tried to use my *valid* WC code on a pair of roshes and it said the same thing. guess that means i'll be copping via ndc.
haha i get what you're saying now with the whole sadderday thing. i just assumed you were just spelling like an *******....if your on within like 20-40 minutes you should be good, i dont think they'll go in seconds

Absolutely will not last 20-40 minutes. If that's your game plan, you're gonna miss out. Be ready at 7:59
Absolutely will not last 20-40 minutes. If that's your game plan, you're gonna miss out. Be ready at 7:59

ya, judging by the 20+ posts in the middle of the night, id say this hype is real, so you're probably right haha. glad i already have my pairs in, and am rocking them to work as i type this
The hype has been real. Like I said, the first flyknit release went in seconds, I actually had to get help from a friend in grabbing a pair.

Edit: I retract my statement. I'm shocked these are still up, but I know they won't last. Very surprised
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wtf finishline keeps thinking my address is commercial and wans to charge me shipping
Anyone have problems using their WC rewards? Mine show that they are valid but the discount isn't taken off during checkout.
wtf finishline keeps thinking my address is commercial and wans to charge me shipping
Happened to me to. Did not want to risk not getting the pair so I bit the bullet. Will give them a call later on today to try to apply a code. 
$20 off $120 coupon for Finishline


If you're ordering both pairs, do separate orders since both pairs qualify for free shipping
Dammit!!! couldn't you have posted this like 10 minutes ago! 
my WC code worked fine but it kept saying my address was commercial and it wanted to bill me the 8.49 shipping. i just copped on nike with my gift cards, and if fit isnt good (went half down) then ill return like i did the blue pair lol. still waiting on that dolphins pair
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