Any in houston w info? I called gulgate and guy said he wont know when they get them until they open the shipment
Hmm. Possible pick up for me.I don't think that many people in NJ are up on roshes like that. No word on a date or does it depend on the store? If anyone can help me out and cop a 10.5 for me locally it would be greatly appreciated.
I can see if the FA in Woodbridge has them. If they do, I'll pick up your size and PM you.
Just called a FootAction that's about an hour away. They have a FSR of the Mint FB's. Debating if I should take the drive out..:x
Fck the mints. i dont even want them anymore! lol im just mad

pretty much... just kinda sad what has happened here with all this overinflated hype for no good reason. Wear the helloutta my cybers since last year, got okc thunders, squads, and now crimsons on deck waiting for me ( my top 4 CW btw ). I am good with those and possibly an ID or two down the line. Let the beasts and hoarders get off on this meezy yint crapola. Dug the roshe thread much more when there wasn't the mint FB craze. :smh:
Just called a FootAction that's about an hour away. They have a FSR of the Mint FB's. Debating if I should take the drive out..
what mall did you call ?

ONCE AGAIN, its a pity that the first 3 are womens. Hopefully they do have a US 9. The tonals are indeed underwhelming and Im looking forward to seeing REAL pics of gamma green/sail.
Not a fan of the other two but I'll be getting these.
Just passed by footaction on 34th st in NYC, all of the hypebeasts bought out like 8 pairs a piece. So much for one pair per customer.
Heads up to all South Bay peeps

Footaction Eastridge just got their shipment of FB Roshe in. Just walked in paid, left. Just like the good ol days. My heart was racing as soon as I saw Footaction post the FB info and noticed that Eastridge was getting em. Just my luck I had the day off today. Raced over there and BOOM! Shipment just arrived.

Id been trying for days to get a pair close to retail in promise that I would return the favor down the road. No love received and wasnt about to pay double retail. Fortunately I held out and look what happened...patience is a virtue. I know I could iD some but wasn't feeling the options
Good luck to all still on the hunt.
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I'm calling every store on that list tonight to see which one will do a phone order for a FSR

Haaaa wow! It's obvious no one wants to hear about reselling. How about let someone actually score a Fin pair at retail. That would be something worth posting about. Why order a full size run if you Aretha going to resell them? Just wondering why you would post something like that
I didn't see a Hispanic guy but I saw an Asian guy (Arab type) with like 12 pairs. He was using homeless guys to buy pairs for him. The cashier cut him if I'm not mistake.
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