Mints came today... Gotta be honest- not really feeling them much. Not nearly as comfortable out of box to me as the Cybers, Knicks, Siren Reds (OGs),etc....Something about the original roshe I just dont think they are gonna match. Its comfortable instantly- gives nicely and just feels right from the moment you put it on. The mints felt way to snug and restrictive and I even sized 1/2 up from my OG roshe size. The material is not nearly as giving as the mesh and it just feels "cheaper" to me for lack of a better word. I would trade mine even up in a heartbeat for any of the OG CWs, but maybe I just need to wear them 5-10 x before they get a "fair shake". Thus far, not impressed. Hoping the cheetah FBs are better. BTW, I have done everything from walk a sandy beach, to walk the dog in the muck, to play tennis in my cybers and they are absolute beasts ( not that they were meant for that, but the absolutely worked fine). Easily one of my top 5 shoes of the last 5 years.
JoeSD - did you get hit with customs?
Not that I know of.. It went in and right out of customs. Unless they send bills later.. Lol.

But from what I read, they'll hang on to your stuff until you pay. And as you can see.. I've got it all here.
I finally got my pair back-ordered from UO. Only took a week, so it wasnt that bad.

However, they sent me tarps instead of iggys. :lol: :smh:
No need for popcorn. It wasn't a diss towards him nor was it supposed to be.
I didn't take it as a diss.

Just4ballin is a douche.

Just cause I have a new name doesn't mean I wasn't here from the get. I got every OG pair except for Calypsos at NR.

Your teammate stays hitting Non-TR members with sarcastic replies.

so to his jab at people paying $20 over retail to save headaches I provided the reality of ROSHES today.

Roshes ARE everywhere but, how easy has it been for the average consumer to get pairs.

Mints did not sit. Every store in L.A. was bought out because TR was on twitter hash tagging #yeezy to pictures.

TR was ok when it was 10 members but now you got dudes calling each other broshes and everyone on twitter with it as a hashtag and retweeting which only brings more light to releases which is a negative.

You guys love to be secretive yet you air it all out for social networks.

I just hate the elitist attitude most of you have. Talking down to non TR members and hating resellers when most your team are resellers.

I'll leave it at that. The thirst for roshes is at an all time high and just because they're "everywhere" doesn't mean they'll be easy to get.
Not that I know of.. It went in and right out of customs. Unless they send bills later.. Lol.

But from what I read, they'll hang on to your stuff until you pay. And as you can see.. I've got it all here.

thats a good sign for me. you ordered 6 pairs and didnt hit with customs. i have 10 pairs coming in 2 separate parcels, so hopefully i have the same luck!

Yessir! 11 days from placing the order to being in my hands. Well, the 1972 are from Nike, of course.
good stuff.

i just picked up a pair of sirens too from there.. waiting for them to get the stock.  hopefully shipping aint too expensive.. would you mind pm'ing me what you paid for shipping for 6 pairs?
Does anyone know if there's some sort of compendium/catalog of the Roshe releases? Both for shoes that have released, and for upcoming releases? A friend is asking about them, and I figured that we'd be the best way to check them out.

Thanks to anyone who could help!
Does anyone know if there's some sort of compendium/catalog of the Roshe releases? Both for shoes that have released, and for upcoming releases? A friend is asking about them, and I figured that we'd be the best way to check them out.

Thanks to anyone who could help!
From what Ive seen, most roshe releases have been dropped at either random or short notice, and when a release date is given, its usually like "predicted date" or "expected date" like the beaches on May 15th. This is just my observation, I dont really know for sure whether there is or not. Hope this helps a little though!
I didn't take it as a diss.

Just4ballin is a douche.

Just cause I have a new name doesn't mean I wasn't here from the get. I got every OG pair except for Calypsos at NR.

Your teammate stays hitting Non-TR members with sarcastic replies.

so to his jab at people paying $20 over retail to save headaches I provided the reality of ROSHES today.

Roshes ARE everywhere but, how easy has it been for the average consumer to get pairs.

Mints did not sit. Every store in L.A. was bought out because TR was on twitter hash tagging #yeezy to pictures.

TR was ok when it was 10 members but now you got dudes calling each other broshes and everyone on twitter with it as a hashtag and retweeting which only brings more light to releases which is a negative.

You guys love to be secretive yet you air it all out for social networks.

I just hate the elitist attitude most of you have. Talking down to non TR members and hating resellers when most your team are resellers.

I'll leave it at that. The thirst for roshes is at an all time high and just because they're "everywhere" doesn't mean they'll be easy to get.
Calm down. I'm just tryna tell people to wait rather than to spend more money and cop overseas. I'm sorry if I reply sarcastically. Everyone was quick to cop the spring CWs and now you see them at the malls and also Zappos still has them. If people want to cop right now for over retail, that's fine, but the V2s will hit stores soon for retail. I have no problems with resellers because mostly everyone who collects sneakers will re-sell at one point. I have never, but I know that a lot of the team does. sorry for the "elitist attitude" too. I agree the term broshe is pretty stupid and I don't even who who started that lol. We're all here because of the kicks! remember that! No need for drama. We're all fam here.
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Calm down. I'm just tryna tell people to wait rather than to spend more money and cop overseas. I'm sorry if I reply sarcastically. Everyone was quick to cop the spring CWs and now you see them at the malls and also Zappos still has them. If people want to cop right now for over retail, that's fine, but the V2s will hit stores soon for retail. I have no problems with resellers because mostly everyone who collects sneakers will re-sell at one point. I have never, but I know that a lot of the team does. sorry for the "elitist attitude" too. I agree the term broshe is pretty stupid and I don't even who who started that lol. We're all here because of the kicks! remember that! No need for drama. We're all fam here.
I apologize. Back to the shoes.
I can understand your frustration but your rant has a few holes in it.

You really can't blame Team Roshe for anything. You have to remember that we were Team Roshe long before the hype that you see today. Actually we're fanatics of these even before there was a TR. Our group in this thread was pretty small for quite a while. Calypsos, Sirens, Knicks, Stadium Greens, Speed Yellows, and Cybers were actually everywhere. Heck last year Calypsos sat for a while on NDC and eventually sold out but it took a good moment. There was even a restock on Calypsos on NDC. Sirens, Cybers, sails, sport reds, and iguanas sat and collected dust on Sheikh store shelves and a ton of other boutiques. A lot of the OG 3 hit Nordstrom Rack. eBay reselling prices were only $10 above retail. Places like Sports Chalet couldn't even move Sirens and even had them on sale. Zappos had a FSR of the speed yellows, Knicks, etc. The florals even sat on NDC for forever and now everyone is trying to hunt down a pair. These shoes never hit major retailers (besides Niketown) such as FNL, FA, and Champs until early this year. A lot of us had to resort to hunting down our pairs because there wasn't really a large run of these back then like they are today.

Again these shoes where everywhere last year. It's unfortunate that a lot of the recent people that have jumped in to Roshes are having a hard time finding the other OG 3 + speed yellows, knicks, sand stadiums, (if you count the Mangos overseas), but I hate to say it but you guys were late to the party for those releases which a lot of you are now having to result to resellers and overseas ordering. You can't fault us or anyone for that. These shoes sat for so long that last year we all thought that the Roshe line was going to be discontinued. It's because of long time fans of the shoe, great articles, and also TR that the shoe is now a mainstream success. For months we couldn't convince people to give these a try. I'm glad to see this wonderful line grow.

These were so widely available last year that I was fortunate to double up on every single pair of the OG 6 before the hype train moved at full steam. I don't recall anyone saying that Strata Grey DFWs are everywhere. As of today, they have only hit a few boutiques. Also, technically the Mints were everywhere. You can blame the resellers for limiting the options for everyone. The Beaches (Mango V2) will be a GR. This morning wasn't even a full release. Just a small glitch in their system so just be positive that these really are a GR like the squads and tarps.

TR has done waaaaaay more good than harm. Last year we all looked out for each other and went out of our ways to get everyone a pair. It may not come off as obvious today but f you go back to the beginning of this thread, you'll see exactly how easy these were to get. When TR first started the Facebook Page, you had to be accepted via request and that upset quite a few people since TR had info before others. Now that the info is widely available from TR, people are pissed. its quite the irony. Again, I can understand your frustration but you can't fault the people that have been collecting these since day one and categorize all of them elitist attitude. Till this day I'm still helping people locally and people on these boards find the pairs they need and will continue to do so like a lot of us have been doing since day one. I understand that the hype doesn't help sometimes, but there's nothing that we can do about it. I will however admit that some members on TR can come off a little brash but I'm sure that wasn't their intention ( at least I hope not) but I can't speak for everyone. There really isnt anyone to blame for this madness today. Everyone is a part of the shoe's success. I hope this gives you a different perspective of things and really hope you get all the pairs that you're looking forward to. Ill even help you if you have a hard time locating a pair. I hope you don't take any of what I said the wrong way because I really meant no harm by it. I just don't think it's fair to label everyone that's associated with TR and other NT'ers as the blame for the hysteria today. Again, everyone in here is to blame for the Shoe's success.
Amen to that, we need more people like this.
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