for those of u that like to match with ur shoes, nike jus released some jackets that go with the camo roshe run colorways

matching like this isn't my cup of coffee but i like the jackets as pieces on their own. red camo doesn't really go with the red camo roshe doe
It's way too hot here to even be thinking about jackets, man.

Any San Jose folks find a place with Premium Safaris yet?  Every boutique online has $15 shipping.  That's no bueno for me.

It should be coo with the Fall hits or to wear at night. Agreed on the heat tho :x

But $100 for a windbreaker? No thanks.

I'll let you know about Safaris if I ever come across them.
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Dude... where'd you get all the money for this...? smh. Save some money man. Roshes won't help you get anywhere except for being in TRo, it won't change your life and give you a job with a strong financial structure. Plus, just having a bunch of roshes won't automatically get you into TRo (I am not in it however). Just saying, slow down, this isn't that important to get all worked up about.
Trust! Again another member and I have told him exactly that among all the other helpful information but in one, out the other. But then again its 'his' money and he can spend it however he wants (i guess). You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink. And droberto is right like many members here have stressed many times before, its not your collection its your contribution to the community and input to the thread. With that said good luck to everyone applying tomorrow. 
I'm always stuck between Roshe's and photography... always trying to balance out money for both. So here's where both things I love come together. I'll post each day of each shoe I have. I've been experimenting with lighting and everything, so I'm fairly new to product photography. Enjoy.

Tiger Camo GPX.

Beautiful. Nice work.
My current collection of Roshe, missing nothing (as far as the colorways that I want)
I love your collection man! From customs to IDs! Awesome.
Picked up the urban safaris for my cousin off my homie for 150 today. Gonna be honest, these look sick in person. really wish I got a pair for myself on the drop. 
As I keep seeing pictures, I wish I had the money to cop this and a few pairs that came out recently but priorities and Teams Reds, haha!
I just picked these up today. What are your guys' thoughts?
Green Camos I would! Box, of course! haha.

**Just caught this but I love your avi NAWZLEW!!**
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So i see finishline had a pair of the Camo's....did any major online retailer get the Red Camo's yet? :nerd: :nerd:

Sorry if asked and answered already looked through the past 5 pages and saw nothing..thanks
So i see finishline had a pair of the Camo's....did any major online retailer get the Red Camo's yet? :nerd: :nerd:

Sorry if asked and answered already looked through the past 5 pages and saw nothing..thanks

As of right now I believe it was just FNL that got the camos in regards to the major online stores. I don't think anyone else them just yet and who knows when they'll get them.
So i see finishline had a pair of the Camo's....did any major online retailer get the Red Camo's yet? :nerd: :nerd:

Sorry if asked and answered already looked through the past 5 pages and saw nothing..thanks

As of right now I believe it was just FNL that got the camos in regards to the major online stores. I don't think anyone else them just yet and who knows when they'll get them.

Thanks man repped.

Any clue if they got all the colors or just the one they have up now

What's up, my name is Stanli and I am applying to team Roshe.
Above is an image of my collection so far.
What had gotten me interested in the shoe, I'm not going to lie, was the wonderful price tag. When I was first able to purchase a pair, fortunately I was at the Nike employee store up in NH. The shoe had already been priced at a retail starting value of $70, but because they were in the employee store I was lucky enough to get them at discounted price of $38, the best part was my first color way in the Roshe run was the Calypso. I didn't think all that much of the shoe, mostly because I am a skateboarder and I don't wear much else than skate shoes, but when I tried on a pair of Roshes for the first time, there was no doubt in my mind that I had to cop. What I love about this shoe, is that I now have something stylish, very affordable and most importantly comfortable to wear after I skate. The Nike Roshe Run without a doubt is by far my favorite Nike shoe to wear for any casual occasion, and I am not stopping anytime soon. I hope you guys like my collection, and consider putting me on the roster, thank you so much for letting me share!
^ there have been some parameters on what you need to do to apply - see Page 1.

However, we need another Boston rep to compete with all the SoCal guys, so when you get there, I'm in your corner.
I am applying for team roshe




I first started my love for roshes about five months ago. I had a friend name Zach who had a few pairs and he bought a couple of each, so I decided to buy his crimsons I remember the next day I wore them to the movies. My problem started right then and there I realized these are style and they are the most comfortable thing I have ever worn. So the next day I bought his cybers and it just kept going from there to stadium greens, Knicks, safaris and alot more others. I was done with all those Jordan's, nike sbs and other stuff like that so I decided to sell all of it. I decided why not buy some more roshes which then I got cybers mangos and sport reds and some others. I then came across this thread on niketalk after following team roshe on Instagram for a couple of months. As soon as I went on this page I made some stupid posts and people were annoyed, as I grew with the thread and community I began to learn how to help and not just receive. Everybody was so understanding with me and just great people I then began to talk to some great team roshe members and some other dudes about what I should post and do to help out with the community and they gave me a whole list of different things. The first guy that ever helped me was akosaka he should me around the thread and kept me updated with all the new releases I then had bigpoint, civickid, stussykyd, del-Ro and also majestic, dut192 and even a few others. A big part of my collection is from all the great updates and help you guys have gave me. Honestly without this thread I doubt I would know about many roshes. I always try to do my best and return the great favor that you all have done for me I couldn't thank any of you enough, even if your name is not posted I hope you know that I am talking about you to.

Thanks again I hope you will review this

Teamroshe application #happiness

Btw, while I was in Vegas for EDC ...

Roshes ... Roshes everywhere.

I wore my Crimsons all three days, just put them through the washer.

Waiting for Blue Heros and Gamma Greens to restock in 10's since I missed the initial release on FNL.

Honestly, the black/grey camos are not bad. Heros, Greens, for sure. Maybe I'll grab the black camos down the road.
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^ there have been some parameters on what you need to do to apply - see Page 1.

However, we need another Boston rep to compete with all the SoCal guys, so when you get there, I'm in your corner.
I checked out page1, what else am I missing?
Dude... where'd you get all the money for this...? smh. Save some money man. Roshes won't help you get anywhere except for being in TRo, it won't change your life and give you a job with a strong financial structure. Plus, just having a bunch of roshes won't automatically get you into TRo (I am not in it however). Just saying, slow down, this isn't that important to get all worked up about.
homeboy lives in wellington, fl. That area is for the rich folks.... Plus if he is 15 its probably its his allowance money from mommy and daddy. But word up since your 15 your not going to see it now, but save your money 24 pairs of roshes is absolutely ridiculous imo.
What's rep? Sorry if I sound like a noob
If you thumbs up icon like on my post right here, it gives me rep.

What if I told you, that every rep that you have ever received or given was not real? Rather each "rep" was a .jpg that appeared on your comp. Which was created to make you judge your own self worth by the amount of “reps” given to you by people who you don’t even know or might never know? It was created by a man who wants total control over you. A man who will stop at nothing to gain control and power in order to arise a new order. His name...Cobra.
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Speaking ot Team Roshe. Just a suggestion to the active members. You guys should make stickers for all of the colorways released. Reason being makes it easier for us that over over 10 pairs to easily label our boxes. I already own the og sticker pack but would purchase more of you had other sticker colorways. Just my .02
If you thumbs up icon like on my post right here, it gives me rep.

What if I told you, that every rep that you have ever received or given was not real? Rather each "rep" was a .jpg that appeared on your comp. Which was created to make you judge your own self worth by the amount of “reps” given to you by people who you don’t even know or might never know? It was created by a man who wants total control over you. A man who will stop at nothing to gain control and power in order to arise a new order. His name...Cobra.
Thank you for making my morning
This was too funny
lmao at some of da requirements.

anyways ill be doing a northern nj report this afternoon for you (b)Roshes 
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