Roy Hibberts post game interview...No Homo

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the whole world is going rainbow...... the future seems bleek
if that's the case then it seems pretty...........bright


*i'll get my coat...*
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This annoys me but it shouldn't, don't know why. Good he's taken this upon himself, but who the **** appointed you the spokesperson now? in a way i know he kinda is, but just seems like a "my career is fading" attention *****.
Roy said that to Jason not vice versa.

I still facepalmed at this.
Ice City - I think a separate topic should be made about "so ghetto." I never thought of it that way, but're completely right.

Same can kinda be said about the usage of the word "thug."
I think this how they pay the WNBA players salaries
:lol: :lol:
Wait, so you get fined more for what you say after a game, than for what you do in a game (flop)?
That is an interesting damages the perception of your players, the other damages the credibility of your game. The way the pro ball game is run and officiated deters me from watching it, and I know I'm not alone.
The NBA is a business and one that partners with several LGBT organizations, if you're surprised by Hibbert getting fined you shouldn't be. 

On a different note I've been wondering something for a couple of weeks now. In terms of offending groups of people with everyday language, what's the difference between no homo and that's ghetto.

Truth. It's all about the dollars here people...if they don't punish him, they "condone" what he said, and the sponsors will not like that. Gay is the hot social topic right now, to be on the wrong side of that discussion is bad for business.

It wasn't that serious in my estimation, but you had to expect this from a multibillion dollar corporation concerning comments made by a high-profile employee.

:wow: @ that's ghetto...slice it however you want, it evokes images of a standard of living common in neighborhoods that are predominantly black. From now on, I'm going to act offended as **** whenever somebody says that **** on some "how DARE you..." :lol: Never thought about it that way, man.

...oh, and side note, we wonder why sports press conferences are so painfully boring, nobody's allowed to express any sentiment whatsoever on any subject. Truthfully, I don't see why they even have pre/post game interviews. The only thing that won't get you fined and controverted is "we won, yay" or "we lost and can do better". Riveting. Not saying this was a smart use of his 1 Rights, but this is just an opportunity to express my view on a wider issue in sports media coverage.

Said this before....nobody says how they truly feel, just the same standard bs answers...the media just waits for the rare times somebody says something they really want to say and jump on it..the cycle of sports interviews :smh:

This annoys me but it shouldn't, don't know why. Good he's taken this upon himself, but who the **** appointed you the spokesperson now? in a way i know he kinda is, but just seems like a "my career is fading" attention *****.

Roy said that to Jason not vice versa.

I still facepalmed at this.

Oh ok, i dunno how to read the twitter. Same reaction then.
It's part of the vernacular. That's just how it is. If he was an nt'er he might've said No Amaechi.

See below.

It's 2013 b, you can't say "no homo" in a professional environment, it's not complex.

Hopefully all of us know how to talk at work, a work function or school. I'm not stupid, I know that wasn't an appropriate comment to make in an interview. The world is getting too p.c. The reason I keep quiet most of the time when there are conservative people around.
If all they want to hear is cookie cutter p.c. filler, they shouldn't have press conferences at all. I find them boring for that reason. You're picked apart on every word. Same with those awful coach interviews after the 1st quarter. They all say the same thing, in so many words. If honestly rather hear from the refs and get some insight from them at halftime.
By saying "no homo," Roy basically said he'd rather be confused for a bigot than a homosexual. That's how this translates on paper.

[BillBurr] OH, JEESHUSH [/BillBurr]

All "No homo" is is a preemptive rebuttal to immature reactions that can result from a statement that can be interpreted, in any way, as an implication of homosexual behavior. The politicly correct version is "pause" (if he had said "pause", or "so to speak") in the exact same sentiment, there would be no issue). So basically, the "bigot" label that was reserved for the person would make the joke has now been transferred to the speaker beating the potential joker to the punch.

THE PROBLEM IS THAT THE "BIGOT" LABEL DOESN'T FIT. "Bigot" is a highly overused and misused word in the sexual "preference" debate that's thrown around (by members of either side of the debate) whenever homosexuals are potentially offended.

With that said, I will acknowledge that Hibbert's comments were graphic, inappropriate, and unprofessional. All of those things? Yes. Bigoted? No. He alluded to graphic sexual (of any nature) activity on live television. That, combined with cursing at the media, in addition to saying that he doesn't care if he gets fined, lead to his punishment. I'm fine with that.
And for those saying freedom of speech. That goes out the window when you get into business/employment. Especially a business like the NBA which is worldwide and has a lot of sponsors that they have to keep happy. You can say whatever you want obviously, but be prepared to be reprimanded if it rubs a group of people the wrong way. Especially a group of people as large as the GLBTG

exactly. freedom of speech protects you from the government. it doesn't apply to your employer.
So what if Hibbert said after his statement "I am not gay". Just letting people know he like Paul George but not like that. Isn't that all no homo is?

Are gays offended by the word homo? Is that just slander? If so then I understand the fine. But to me all he was saying was "I am not gay". Whatever...75k is way too much
Ghetto =/= Black. But if you can gather a group of people who identify themselves and ghetto men/ women and fight against the word's usage, by all means go ahead. If you're really that offended by it.
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So what if Hibbert said after his statement "I am not gay". Just letting people know he like Paul George but not like that. Isn't that all no homo is?

Are gays offended by the word homo? Is that just slander? If so then I understand the fine. But to me all he was saying was "I am not gay". Whatever...75k is way too much

Asserting that you're not gay makes being gay offensive

Same way if a white basketball player said "Great win tonight, absolutely gonna kill some fried chicken and watermelon tonight, not black" or something along those lines
$75K is too much? Really? $75K is a large number, but not when you put that number into perspective. He will make that back in 22 minutes of action. 22 minutes. If you were suspended from work for and it only cost you what you'd make in 22 minutes, is that much of a deterrent? I'm guessing your employer would have stiffer disciplinary actions levied against you.
I see what you are saying. But I don't think it's really the same.

Like if a gay guy said "no hetero" when he said something about a that offensive?
Ghetto =/= Black. But if you can gather a group of people who identify themselves and ghetto men/ women and fight against the word's usage, by all means go ahead. If you're really that offended by it.

I find the term to be pretty distasteful

Its offensive in terms of class

Referring to something as something only the "lowest"/ "untouchables" do or go through

Without realizing many had no voice
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