Checking in fellas...
I don't run much, nor do I particularly enjoy running for the joy of it. However, I've been trying to run about 2x every 10 days. I found my technique was really poor, and I could do just over 5 miles on the old style. I tried the "proper" form today and could only get in a mile. I was totally winded after the new style. I'm going to be posting in here from time to time with updates.
By "proper" running form, do you mean your footstrike? Like landing on your midfoot or forefoot, instead of your heel? If so, I had the same transition problems, but it only took a couple weeks to work through it. I could only do about a mile, and my legs were extremely sore the next couple days. Very much worth it though - better on the knees, and pace was better overall. Tough transition though.