RUN with US on INSTAGRAM #NTrunning (NikeTalkRunning)

People always tell me to breathe through my nose and out the mouth. I find this method to be awkward and I tend to just continue to breathe in and out through my mouth which makes me get tired faster

I guess its something I have to try and get used to
I used to breathe through my mouth when I started, but, now, I do pursed lip breathing. It actually helps keep your airway open and makes it easier to breathe...

It's also frequently used for COPDers.
I need to start running again.....I'm a weights only kinda guy.

No clue on what's a solid running shoe these days. I'm sure free runs aren't the best choice.
I need to start running again.....I'm a weights only kinda guy.

No clue on what's a solid running shoe these days. I'm sure free runs aren't the best choice.

If you are a neutral runner, cant go wrong with the Pegasus 31. has very good reviews.
:nerd: how do you guys improve your time ? trying to get my miles under 8 minutes

:lol: ran 2 different times today. to the gym today and back. time was 8.19 and 8.21 per mile
:nerd: how do you guys improve your time ? trying to get my miles under 8 minutes

:lol: ran 2 different times today. to the gym today and back. time was 8.19 and 8.21 per mile

Im an average runner doing less than 10 miles a week, went for a timed mile today and just made it at 7:51. Nike+ has a pace tracker and I used that to keep me goaled.

Either keep attacking that mile time everry time you run or go for a distance run which will naturally improve your mile time.
Im an average runner doing less than 10 miles a week, went for a timed mile today and just made it at 7:51. Nike+ has a pace tracker and I used that to keep me goaled.

Either keep attacking that mile time everry time you run or go for a distance run which will naturally improve your mile time.

I average about 10 to 15 miles per week. I think thats my issue since i normally shoot for 2 or 3 miles per run i pace myself

Today i just shot for 1 mile per run :lol: paced improved by about 17 seconds
:nerd: how do you guys improve your time ? trying to get my miles under 8 minutes

:lol: ran 2 different times today. to the gym today and back. time was 8.19 and 8.21 per mile

Nice, bro! You're getting there! Try to do a 5miler then rest it off for a day or two. The next time you run, aim for a 2-3miler. I hope you get your results! [emoji]128588[/emoji]

We need to get a challenge going by Summer! I know I'll stay motivated with one going on!
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Setting a goal of 50 miles this month. 3 miles today to start. Super out of shape, way overweight, 8:10 mile pace :pimp:

Told a friend I would do a half with her this summer and going to Vegas so need to get in shape ASAP
Setting a goal of 50 miles this month. 3 miles today to start. Super out of shape, way overweight, 8:10 mile pace :pimp:

Told a friend I would do a half with her this summer and going to Vegas so need to get in shape ASAP

This is not out of shape. :lol:

8:10 pace for 5 miles? Thats GREAT shape.
This is not out of shape. :lol:

8:10 pace for 5 miles? Thats GREAT shape.

3 miles*

But dude I am seriously like 35lbs overweight right now :x

I used to run a lot though, averaged 30+ miles per week on a consistent basis so I still got it in me haha

Need to get a new watch so I can post to instagram, not going to carry this Note 4 with me while running.
8:10 pace for 3 miles is still above average man. I cant even do 3 miles under 25 min (yet) and I think im in good shape. Lost 50lbs last year, my cardio game has never been great, goaling myself at a 7-7:15 mile and a sub 25 min 5K race this year.
Any of you guys lift as well? I've always preferred running but I want to start incorporating some weightlifting into my regimen
Any of you guys lift as well? I've always preferred running but I want to start incorporating some weightlifting into my regimen

I lift too. I normally jog to the gym workout and then middle of my workout I do stair steppers then post workout I jog home...

Sometimes on weekend I'll just do strictly cardio
I wonder if there'll be an Easter Nike+ Badge for logging a run tomorrow... [emoji]128064[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji]
Forgot about this thread. Been getting nice out now so I've been running with my dog. Forgot about the run app too


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