RUN with US on INSTAGRAM #NTrunning (NikeTalkRunning)

My Nike GPS is up and running again finally.

Ran around the UES, running and dodging people makes me run faster actually, kinda fun too. :lol:

Not faster, but YES, FUN! I do this when I run the Golden Gate Bridge with all the tourists walking throughout most of it. I feel like Devin Hester whenever I do so :rofl: :smokin
Latest pickup for my running rotation.


Too bad it's coming into winter over here so will have to put them away till summer or a sunny day.
I'd love to add another Racer to my stable, but they'd have to be CHEAP though... [emoji]128064[/emoji]
half-marathon last saturday. PR'd and finished in 1:37:02. last mile my core was DONE
is it the muscle or a tendon? may just be very tight.

It was tight! I've been using the massage roller everyday and now when I run I have no issues :pimp:
Ran 3miles in under 25minutes and I'm so happy I have no more pain haha
Can't wait to get it in now! Wish I would've known sooner about my issue being so simple lol
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I'd love to add another Racer to my stable, but they'd have to be CHEAP though... [emoji]128064[/emoji]

No $60 price over here in aus. Cheapest pair of Flyknit Lunar1 I have got was $84.

In the racers, bout $100 is the lowest when in back wall at the outlet.

Cheapest Flyknit which was the horrible looking Flyknit Free managed to go down to $40 at the outlets, but even at that price I couldn't.
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Ray, I'm about to wear out my latest pair of FK1s.  Should I break out another pair, or grab FK2s from the outlet?
Personally, I'd opt for the FL2s. Man, I really wanna try out some Peg30s! [emoji]128064[/emoji]
just a little over 35 miles left before i reach 1k miles logged on my nike plus app

8) trying to hit it by the end of this month
Hello NT Runners, this is an awesome thread. Just read back a few pages just to see what some are eating, running in, wearing, and purposes for running. I started running last year and lost 30lbs. I was 265 lbs and got down to 235 lbs. I gained 10 lbs and got back up to 245 because I chose not to run over the winter months last year. I started running last month and I'm currently at 232 lbs. I eat very light and monitor my weight religiously. I only have time to run at work on my 15 minute break which I manage to get a mile in 9-11 minutes... I currently run in the Nike Zoom Wildhorse which is a trail shoe. They are comfy and lightweight but due to the soft rubber compound, they wear fast. I suffer from shin splint in my left leg. Its sore after every run. I also supinate when i run. So I'm looking for another good shoe to run in. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post...



Cant go wrong with the Pegasus line.

You trying to lose weight? You're gonna fluctuate a bit if you stop running but its 75% diet. I lost 40lbs last year and it was my diet that got me there, not my cardio.
Cant go wrong with the Pegasus line.

You trying to lose weight? You're gonna fluctuate a bit if you stop running but its 75% diet. I lost 40lbs last year and it was my diet that got me there, not my cardio.

Trust me when I tell you I know lol. On my job we have these big scales that weigh a few thousands pounds. So every day id weigh myself before I leave work. Come in the next morning to find I was eating to heavy at home and not losing the weigh. So now I'm very discipline on my portion size and calorie intake. I see the Pegasus 31 at my local Nike outlet but didn't buy. I kinda like the Vermero 10 being that they have zoom air in the forefoot and heel areas. I'm thinking I'm a little too heavy to run in any Lunar base shoe. I dont want the cushion to bottom out on me. I don't know if the impact protection would be there for my weight and that's key right now.
Vomero would be a good choice.

Honestly, try Brooks or Asics. The Asics Nimbus or Cumulus line may be better for you.
Hello NT Runners, this is an awesome thread. Just read back a few pages just to see what some are eating, running in, wearing, and purposes for running. I started running last year and lost 30lbs. I was 265 lbs and got down to 235 lbs. I gained 10 lbs and got back up to 245 because I chose not to run over the winter months last year. I started running last month and I'm currently at 232 lbs. I eat very light and monitor my weight religiously. I only have time to run at work on my 15 minute break which I manage to get a mile in 9-11 minutes... I currently run in the Nike Zoom Wildhorse which is a trail shoe. They are comfy and lightweight but due to the soft rubber compound, they wear fast. I suffer from shin splint in my left leg. Its sore after every run. I also supinate when i run. So I'm looking for another good shoe to run in. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post...

Stop checking your weight so often. All it does is play with your mind and stops you from focusing on the important things. Concentrate on your eating and exercise.

15 minutes is all that you have time for? The day is 24 hours long, and I get people have family, jobs etc, but 15 min and that during your break is not going to get you were you want to be. Can't go for an extra 15 before work or after? Also how many hours sleep do you get? Make sure you get enough as too much sleep, or less is also bad. 

As for shoes, you said it yourself, the wildhorse are a trail shoe. If you not on the trail go get a pair of running shoes. Also look outside the box and try something other than NIKE.

Also if you need encouragement, you are in the right forum. Seeing everyone here posting their runs, gets me motivated to go out and run. Add/Follow people on instagram who live a healthy lifestyle and run or exercise. Its amazing at what another persons post can do to you.
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I've heard the mention of the Asics Nimbus. I'm kinda of bias to Nike but I'll take a look that them.

go to a running store and get fitted.

everyone's feet are different. forget loyalty to nike, it's all about what's going to make you a better runner. i can only run in saucony's honestly.
ayo another fatmanrunner! not trying to offend, im actually proud of it lol, but alsa2009 alsa2009 i thought i was the only fat/big NTRunner here. I actually am about the same weight as you. My weight fluctuates 230-240 lol. I'm 5'10

guess what, I run almost everyday. I run an average of 15 miles a week. Usually 3 miles a day. My pace has been a constant 9:30-950/mile BUT, I have been able to break in the 7s for a mile. And if I wanted can regularly run "A MILE" in mid 8s. But I rather go distance.

Compared to our fellow NTRunners that run like 6-7min paces lol, its not much to them, but a big boy like me to run that much and that fast I'm satisfied.

As someone said before, I will agree, it hasn't been so much the running/cardio, but the diet a long with it. I eat like crap. The reason I run now is to merely maintain and to be able to eat the junk that I do because I love it. lol. it doesn't help that my metabolism sucks.

BUT to be honest, as I got more serious with #NTRunning, and seeing other members here, it's been wanting me to watch my diet, to improve my split times, etc.

I'm still running in Lunarglides. Maybe it's not so good that I put over 200 miles on it and I weigh this much running in them and i dont have a running rotation. I pick a shoe, I run it to the ground until I "feel" it's time--which has been after 300 of straight miles running on them. Some have suggested I try the Pegasus line and I might just do that. A long with incorporating an actual rotation. Anyways, i'm glad to see someone with similar body type as me running. I won't feel alone lol.
Stop checking your weight so often. All it does is play with your mind and stops you from focusing on the important things. Concentrate on your eating and exercise.

15 minutes is all that you have time for? The day is 24 hours long, and I get people have family, jobs etc, but 15 min and that during your break is not going to get you were you want to be. Can't go for an extra 15 before work or after? Also how many hours sleep do you get? Make sure you get enough as too much sleep, or less is also bad. 

As for shoes, you said it yourself, the wildhorse are a trail shoe. If you not on the trail go get a pair of running shoes. Also look outside the box and try something other than NIKE.

Also if you need encouragement, you are in the right forum. Seeing everyone here posting their runs, gets me motivated to go out and run. Add/Follow people on instagram who live a healthy lifestyle and run or exercise. Its amazing at what another persons post can do to you.

Well for me checking my weight is my motivation. To see that I don't gaining extra weight by eating too much is good for me. I do walk on my lunch and 2nd break which I didn't mention so I do get it in where I can.... My 15 minites runs have gotten down to 13lbs in a months time. It would of been more but I had ween myself from my horrible eating habits. But you're right, I need to get better shoes to accommodate my runs. I have logged walks/runs also but not as advance as other on here.




My walking step has gone up every month since I've started back walking/running...
If youre satisfied with not gaining any weight after struggling to even find time to run, then youre doing it wrong.

If you have any questions feel free to ask bruh.
Well this is why I'm here. Let me just say this incase I've confused you. I run six miles a week because I work 6 days a week. On my app 10,000 steps is equivalent to 5.5 miles. As you can tell on my logs I posted I do walk several miles per day, I just run a mile. If any of you see something that I need to change just let me know...
FK2 are ugly. Go for the FK1 or maybe even the new 3's.
Oh, for sure they're the ugliest of the three, but I'm more curious about performance for this one.  I'll beat this one into the ground (for $42), and have plenty of other sneakers to look nice casually in.  I've blown out 2 pairs of the 1s already, and have a couple more DS in my closet, but I'm curious about the sole and tongue changes.  I bought a pair of 3s, but I think those will just be casual for now.  I'm also going to pick up a pair of Lunartempos when the next NDC clearance code hits.
Walking is one thing, running is another. Don't get me wrong, any exercise is better than none. However to put it simply, you need to look at the Energy you are putting into your body, to the Energy you are putting out. Keeping everything the same will keep you where you are. So you either decrease your energy in, or you increase your energy out and adjust both sides accordingly.

Personally speaking, I can eat like crap, but if my exercise levels are up I actually lose weight and get fitter. Should also look into varying the exercise what you do. Ever added sprints to your workouts? Even something different like cycling can help get you to your goal a lot sooner.
I'm still running in Lunarglides. Maybe it's not so good that I put over 200 miles on it and I weigh this much running in them and i dont have a running rotation. I pick a shoe, I run it to the ground until I "feel" it's time--which has been after 300 of straight miles running on them. Some have suggested I try the Pegasus line and I might just do that. A long with incorporating an actual rotation. Anyways, i'm glad to see someone with similar body type as me running. I won't feel alone lol.
Having a running rotation can help in the long term, especially if you are using them every day. Just like you need to rest and recover, so do a pair of running shoes. Allowing shoes to rest and recover will increase the life of them. Not everyone can afford a running rotation but if you're on NT, I'm guessing you have more than one pair.
Oh, for sure they're the ugliest of the three, but I'm more curious about performance for this one.  I'll beat this one into the ground (for $42), and have plenty of other sneakers to look nice casually in.  I've blown out 2 pairs of the 1s already, and have a couple more DS in my closet, but I'm curious about the sole and tongue changes.  I bought a pair of 3s, but I think those will just be casual for now.  I'm also going to pick up a pair of Lunartempos when the next NDC clearance code hits.

Performance-wise, the FL2s are significantly better than the 1s, IMO. To be honest, I never was a fan of running in the FL1s because they felt a bit clunky to me. Plus, the tread on the FL1 sole wore down pretty quickly after hitting triple digits. On the other hand (foot), the FL2 sole seems to be more firm and durable after logging the same distance. Again, I know the FL2 isn't perceived as the best looking FL. Heck, they're perceived as the "ugly step sister" amongst the three! I think if Nike did a better job with the cws they'd have a better consumer response. I'd say there were about 4-5 quality cws.

alsa2009: Welcome! I see that you've incrementally increased your distance every month. I think it would be a good "time" to focus on TIME. Rather than hitting distances, time yourself and try to best those times. You'll exert more energy in less time and achieve your fitness goals in "less time" as well.
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