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Do any of u guys weight train need some advice I merely train to add mass mostly heavy weights but I am having the hardest time trying to balance that and running at the same time I can't seem to get my pace out of the 10 minute radius my diet is good I don't use any supplements is there anyway I can balance both I really would like to get my pace in the 8 minute slot any advice will be much appreciated
Do any of u guys weight train need some advice I merely train to add mass mostly heavy weights but I am having the hardest time trying to balance that and running at the same time I can't seem to get my pace out of the 10 minute radius my diet is good I don't use any supplements is there anyway I can balance both I really would like to get my pace in the 8 minute slot any advice will be much appreciated

What's causing your pace to not progress? Out of breath, dead legs, soreness...

I lift 3x a week and run 4 days a week. I only run on lift days twice; chest, back and triceps only on those days.

I've been successful using the Nike+ Coach feature and keeping my muscles and joints loose.

You don't have to take supplements but you definitely need to eat right before and after. The most important part of my training schedule is dedicated recovery times.

DAMN. Are you training for a full?

yep, marine corps marathon in october. i ran 3:48 last year but felt i could have done a lot better and crashed pretty bad the last 5 miles. i feel faster this year...still 12 weeks left of training!!

Keep working hard at the training. It's going to be worth it with all the miles you've put in already.

For the full marathon runners, where did you start at with your training. Were you doing shorter races and moved up, just running long runs... And what training programs did you use?
yep, marine corps marathon in october. i ran 3:48 last year but felt i could have done a lot better and crashed pretty bad the last 5 miles. i feel faster this year...still 12 weeks left of training!!

NICE!!! What's your goal time?

For the full marathon runners, where did you start at with your training. Were you doing shorter races and moved up, just running long runs... And what training programs did you use?

For the fulls I ran, I just focused on distance. I didn't have a training plan. I trained for about 7 weeks. I regularly ran 12mi runs before I officially started training. I had 18 runs before the big one packed into those seven weeks. Of those 18 runs, six were at least 20mi and 15 were at least 13mi. I honestly ran on feeling and willpower.
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For the full marathon runners, where did you start at with your training. Were you doing shorter races and moved up, just running long runs... And what training programs did you use?

The first race I ever did was a half-marathon. I didn't do a full until about 2 years later.

I found out after the half that I could realistically run at least double-digits every weekend if I wanted to. Still, going past 15 and 16 mi was hard for me. But after you stick those a few times, it gets progressively easier. 20mi is still daunting to me though, even though I did it twice last year in training.

The hardest part for me is switching to running almost every day. I was technically in better general shape last year as it relates to cardio and strength. But I decided I get more of a release from running than lifting so I've switched gears.

As far as programs, you will find a lot of different philosophies. I am doing Pfitzinger's 18/55 program, which means it's 18 weeks and peaks at about 55 miles. It's known for having more "speed" or "quality" workouts. Like there's a couple weeks where I'm supposed to be running all out for a race of at least 5mi and then doing a 17 mile run the next day...

You'll see a bunch of other ones...there's Hanson's, which maxes out at 16 miles for the long run...theres Hal Higdon's, which is like one of the first Google results, and he has some for novices and more experienced racers...and plenty others.

You can learn a lot about marathon plans and running at this site.

NICE!!! What's your goal time?

I'm going to do a tune-up race a few weeks before and see what the equivalent is. I did a half-marathon in May and finished in 1:37, which ranges from 3:25 to 3:35 in some race predictors. I anticipate that the current program will make me faster...just how much, I'll have to check. I'll probably try and be conservative to avoid smacking the wall.
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Great work, all of you.  I'm satisfied running half marathons, and have much respect for those that push farther.
What's causing your pace to not progress? Out of breath, dead legs, soreness...

Think it's either my work schedule but I feel soreness in my calves and weak legs wonder if I might have to cut back on training or will I have to eat more or should energy supplement to boost my energy
I tried running in the rain today. Big time failure. Only made it to 2miles out of the 4 before leg cramps and overheating happened.

Wore my nice NorthFace rain jacket. It's not designed for running and I overheated bad. Guess I need to look into some Mid-weather gear.

Should have prepared better and wore lighter clothing and hydrated more. Will know for next time.

What's causing your pace to not progress? Out of breath, dead legs, soreness...

Think it's either my work schedule but I feel soreness in my calves and weak legs wonder if I might have to cut back on training or will I have to eat more or should energy supplement to boost my energy

The researcher I did said to wait 5 hours after workouts or an "on your feet" job before running.
Your legs will get stronger and you just need to stay hydrated and eat at the right times.
To get speed up slowly introduce your faster stride by running 100meter fast then do 300meters regular. Then try next week to do 200meters.
Just focus on stripe and proper form. It's really helped me with my running portions of the workout.
I've ran in the rain a couple times, was pretty cool. But I was scared of my phone getting ruined

For those that have done some really long runs, what do you do for energy? I haven't eaten anything so far, but know I will have to, soon. I know it's all preference, but would love to hear what you guys eat, how long into the run, etc. thanks! I bought some Gatorade prime energy chews that I will try on Saturday. I've tried gels and don't know if it's bad luck or not, but I wasn't feeling it. Jelly beans seem like they would be awesome to eat every 10 minutes or so as well
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Eminem Battled Drug Addiction With Running: 'I Became a F---ing Hamster'

Eminem weighed close to 230 pounds at the height of his addiction to drugs in 2007, and in a new interview, Em told Men's Journal he has a good idea of how he got there.

"The coating on the Vicodin and the Valium I'd been taking for years leaves a hole in your stomach, so to avoid a stomachache, I was constantly eating -- and eating badly," he said.

Eventually, the "Phenomenal" rapper learned how to function sober with the help of running, even to the point where he began to injure himself.

"I got an addict's brain, and when it came to running, I think I got a little carried away," Eminem said. "I became a f---ing hamster. Seventeen miles a day on a treadmill. I would get up in the morning, and before I went to the studio, I would run eight and a half miles in about an hour. Then I'd come home and run another eight and a half."

Now, the rapper has a routine with at-home workout DVDs. He started with Shaun T's Insanity videos, switched to P90x and then moved to Body Beast videos. When he first started the at-home routines, Eminem said he couldn't move for two days. But now the 149-pound musician can finally do the videos without pausing.

"I guess I'm pretty compulsive working out. I feel like if I step away from it for too long, if I have a crazy week and take a five-day break, it'll be like starting over. I'm afraid that if it goes beyond that, I might lose the motivation," Eminem said. "Once you're at a place where you've made progress and you've got some time invested in it, you don't wanna quit and give up what you started."
CONGRATS on 1,000 posts with the #NTrunning tag, y'all! :nthat:

my last #NTrunning tag didn't show up :x

also does any one know if we get a trophy for completing the coach training programs :nerd:
Hmmm... try calling their help line to sort it out.

Received my Elite8s... I'm loving the forefoot Zoom, and the Flymesh feels so good! It's unlikely that I'll be running in them though hahaha
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I keep preaching the elite8's
Going to pick the competitor pack up probably.

Set 3 PRs tonight.
Really had to put it out there to reach the goal of 10min-mile.



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I keep preaching the elite8's
Going to pick the competitor pack up probably.

Set 3 PRs tonight.
Really had to put it out there to reach the goal of 10min-mile.



Inspiring gonna keep pushing and thanks for the advice very much appreciated
I keep preaching the elite8's
Going to pick the competitor pack up probably.

Set 3 PRs tonight.
Really had to put it out there to reach the goal of 10min-mile.




Keep it up, Sir! #NTrunning has been shattering their PRs lately! [emoji]128526[/emoji]

I really hope I find a second pair of the Elites at the outlets because I'd love to run in them! Anyhow, I scored another LR3 for my running stable for $30 shipped from eBay!
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I picked up the new MC Flyknit Lunar 3, so I think I'm going to put the Black/Crimsons I have into my rotation.
For those that have done some really long runs, what do you do for energy? I haven't eaten anything so far, but know I will have to, soon. I know it's all preference, but would love to hear what you guys eat, how long into the run, etc. thanks! I bought some Gatorade prime energy chews that I will try on Saturday.

While I haven't ran with the Gatorade chews; I worked a double at work once (I throw freight at a grocery store over the summer) 16 hours on your feet moving around.
I wasn't feeling eating so I tried the Gatorade chews and it worked for me. Probably not the same but they helped that day.
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When I run over 20mi, I use those Gu gels...

Anyone in here own the Vomero 3, 4 or 5? If so, how'd you go about sizing in each or which ever of those you own?
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