Safety tip of the day: DO NOT POOP IN A TOILET FULL OF BLEACH!(story)

Mar 23, 2002
K, here we go. I'm prepping for a superbowl party at my house. I just cleaned my basement bathroom using an all purpose bathroom cleaner that containedbleach. I poured some of this stuff in my toilet bowl and let it sit for a little while. Some time goes by snacking on lil' smokies, chips and othervarious superbowl food, the urge for #2 is going to happen, so I head into the bathroom. I did notice that the bleach/cleaner solution was still there but Idecided against better judgement and just took one with the stuff still in there. Now I took my time with this session, which gave those turds plenty of timeto soak in that bleach. I then heard a fizzing sound coming from underneath me. I look down and there was this even coat of fizzy white foam along the sufaceof the water. At first I thought, "Oh sweet! I'm conducting a cool chemistry experiment with #$#+!" Little did I know that the compostition ofturds contains traces of sulfur and ammonia which when combined with bleach creates a toxic odor. Soon enough My lungs and throat were on fire! I was coughinguncontrollably and struggling to breathe. I opened a window and flushed with a quickness before passing out. It was horrible...

So a note to all of you. By absolutely no means, take a dump in a toilet full of bleach. It is incredibly hazardous and potentially fatal.

i would never do that, my turds are always huge and splash when they hit the water. Not takin any chances on bleachin my booty hole
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