Salvaged car?

Dec 2, 2006
hey guys im probably going to get a salvaged car,i have a friend in the business. a silverado 1500 king cab. so my question is how are they selling at the auctions if anyone is in the business and knows anything about the prices? i was going to get a charger but some are way to damaged and my friend told me it was easier to get a truck and i really wanted one in the beginning but thought a charger would be easy to get but i was wrong.  


edit: its a family friend super close and hes not going to make any profit off me hes doing it as a favor to my grandma for me. its salvaged but the one i might want is teft all the elctronics and front seats are gone inside and just has alot of scratches that a new paint job will fix for sure
Salvaged or repossessed? Your friend might be trying to make a quick buck. Friends and business don't mix.
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