Same Sex Marriage Is The Law Of the Land

Congrats to the LGBT community
Not to thread jack, but I don't feel like same sex marriage is always gay marriage, feel me?

I feel like a straight man should be able to marry another straight man. Like for example, think of your best friend. Been sons for 10 years and been through it all. Straight facts. I feel like straight men should be able to marry each other and reap the same benefits. Who's best to marry you but ya best friend? Right?

Bust this. You and ya mans can live in the same crib, nice *** crib too cus that joint income gonna be looking real proper, yall can get money together, smash **** together, and just have each other's back 100% on some death do us part ****, feel me? I don't see anything wrong with that. Although it is kinda weird to walk up to a shorty to try and bag and say "yeah ma I live with my husband." But that's another story.

And instead of wedding rings, yall can cop each other a rolex or some fly ****.
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Final 2 paragraphs of court order

No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right. The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit is reversed.

It is so ordered.
Kudos to Justice Kennedy for writing that...

View media item 1600792
Looks like Sotomayor, Sotomayor, Ginsburg, Breyer, & Kennedy voted in favor while Roberts, Scalia, Alito, & Thomas dissented.
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How am i posing? By saying im aware i am a sinner because i have yet to become born again but still acknowledging my faith in god?

My first post says basiclly that i aint even trippin over this but just for the fact yall saw 'christian' in my post yall wana try to talk down. Yall sound dumber then a bag of rice
no i feel u. these dudes just trying to clown you .

i  dont care about this at all. doesnt effect me. let people live. im not god. 

I believe in christianity but dont follow the religion as well. 
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Great day for America.

I pity those of you that feel like this decision will negatively effect your own personal life or america as a whole, and I pray that one day you will realize that your right to freedom and equality does not include depriving others of the same thing.
I don't believe in the concept of marriage in today's western civilization. I don't need the government or the church to validate my love. Can't say I support gay marriage because I don't support marriage period. But I support gay rights because they're human rights. I'm glad they now get to reap the financial benefits of this joint business venture labeled as marriage though. Because that's pretty much what this is about for them.
Slippery slope.

Sees sn + post combo...

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I thought it was pretty respect and fair, I used the technical term homosexual as opposed to lesser derogatory slang. The underlying idea of the thread is civil rights. Rights as human beings.
I get what you're saying. I'm happy for those affected, but you'd be a fool to think that this supreme court ruling isn't forcing other issues to be swept under the rug. Marriage wasn't even banned in all states, so truthfully this is more akin to when Abe Lincoln freed the slaves (he didn't).

But an even more pressing issue is that we're congratulating/patting America on the back for doing 'something right.' Right would be rejecting these laws in the first place. We aren't addressing the hateful ideology that's putting legislation like this into place. The same ideology that has been a part of this country forever. @RustyShackleford  aren't you the one that uses the chess/checkers reference? Isn't it a checkers move to applaud a barely passing law that shouldn't have even been existent in present day? I want to celebrate, but iono famb, everything that's come out of the news lately has been a blatant distraction at best.
Slippery slope.

I don't believe in the concept of marriage in today's western civilization. I don't need the government or the church to validate my love. Can't say I support gay marriage because I don't support marriage period. But I support gay rights because they're human rights. I'm glad they now get to reap the financial benefits of this joint business venture labeled as marriage though. Because that's pretty much what this is about for them.

View media item 1292649
:lol: am I wrong though? They want to have the same financial benefits that come with being married. I doubt it's because they want to validate their love in the eyes of god. The majority of religious denominations rejects their lifestyle so what else is it?
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This is a great day and will be the start to force all kinds of people who discriminate in any fashion, against people who like the same sex or different skin color or race, to take a deep look at themselves and question the very foundation of which those views are held upon and say we can all love one another and i don't need to hate fellow man.

Smokescreen for the TPP? :nerd:

Don't worry about that Nonsense, have a nice acid trip with a guide or meditate, at some point you and many will see that we are all one and that seperation is nothing but an illusion. Currently we exist as physical beings but that's only because it was the modality for which our souls do work to go back home and merge with the one love. So ain't nothing to worry about.

:lol: good one
This is a great day and will be the start to force all kinds of people who discriminate in any fashion, against people who like the same sex or different skin color or race, to take a deep look at themselves and question the very foundation of which those views are held upon and say we can all love one another and i don't need to hate fellow man.
Smokescreen for the TPP?
Don't worry about that Nonsense, have a nice acid trip with a guide or meditate, at some point you and many will see that we are all one and that seperation is nothing but an illusion. Currently we exist as physical beings but that's only because it was the modality for which our souls do work to go back home and merge with the one love. So ain't nothing to worry about.
good one
yea it really is 

the person behind the hollaback movement is a white gay woman

Glad they're able to marry but this has nothing to do w/ these other issues 
:lol: am I wrong though? They want to have the same financial benefits that come with being married. I doubt it's because they want to validate their love in the eyes of god. The majority of religious denominations rejects their lifestyle so what else is it?

-To be able to visit their partner in the hospital if something horrible happens to them

-To be able to adopt children and have both people parental rights

-Being able to take family leave to take care of your partner during an illness

-Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.

-being able to mak burial or other final arrangements.

-Being able to get residency or citizenship for spouse

Some other points:

-There are tons of atheist that get married, so it ain't just about God. Matter of fact this ruling has nothing to do with god.

-Marriage being still being the ultimate symbol of love in a relationship.

I dunno B, you might be wrong. But your comment was an improvement over your previous "conspiracy" talk
-To be able to visit their partner in the hospital if something horrible happens to them

-To be able to adopt children and have both people parental rights

-Being able to take family leave to take care of your partner during an illness

-Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.

-being able to mak burial or other final arrangements.

-Being able to get residency or citizenship for spouse

These are all government allotments.
-To be able to visit their partner in the hospital if something horrible happens to them

-To be able to adopt children and have both people parental rights

-Being able to take family leave to take care of your partner during an illness

-Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.

-being able to mak burial or other final arrangements.

-Being able to get residency or citizenship for spouse

These are all government allotments.

Annndddd the goal post moves :smh: :lol:

:lol: am I wrong though? They want to have the same financial benefits that come with being married. I doubt it's because they want to validate their love in the eyes of god. The majority of religious denominations rejects their lifestyle so what else is it?
I don't believe in the concept of marriage in today's western civilization. I don't need the government or the church to validate my love. Can't say I support gay marriage because I don't support marriage period. But I support gay rights because they're human rights. I'm glad they now get to reap the financial benefits of this joint business venture labeled as marriage though. Because that's pretty much what this is about for them.

Brah I'm not even going to go at it with you on this subject, given the stuff your have written in the past about their being a gay "agenda/conspiracy" in this country :lol:
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My fault when I said financial benefits I basically meant all perks that come with the system. So I misspoke
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