Sami Aka SuNiversal Vs. Kobe Bryant in Horse

NTers flourishing 

 at the hate being thrown at Sami yall really that hurt?
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That's a damn lie cause he leaked it on twitter before it even touched NT old man

old man joke, wow, how original and creative. I bet you have people cracking up at your wit.

It might not have been on NT, but it was around before he had posted it.

Sami a cool dude, always showing love back on IG...what up I'm I'm tryna meet La La and Melo???

Sami a cool dude, always showing love back on IG...what up I'm I'm tryna meet La La and Melo???

My man! They were in Cali last time I saw them. If you around in October hit me up and ill tell you when to come through.
Sami has been cool before he "blew" up. His IG should motivate you to work harder, not hate.

Next time you out here lets catch a lakers game. Tix on me and you introduce me to kobe? :nerd:
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You corny lil ****** nters on here that roll in celeb circles for just being genuine and cool have to donate to charities to spend an hour with them [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Keep dm random chicks on twitter and offering might get one to take the bait so you can get ya fingers wet

You are so right. I'm sorry for donating to charities. I know you accomplished so much in your life with over 14,000 posts in few years and having a mascot avatar.

[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] another corny post...i must've hit a nerve with the gnome

Damn, no females admired the system to get a lil action? You can always donate to high class escort services

Why are you so salty?
wow! Crazy you had to opportunity to play against Kobe.

This mans instagram is popping. I see it almost a motivation to try and work harder..

I'm a youngin' so seeing these types of things really get to me and make me strive to become successful in life.

Yo @SuNiversal
, would you ever let a young person come through to your RL place in NY? Lol. I think it'd be sick.

Of course. Just rock a button down and slacks and ill say you are looking at opportunities at RL. Corporate offices are in midtown.
No D riding. But this whole "he's paying to meet celebs" thing is stupid because that's how rich people network and meet other celebs. They donate to their charity. They attend auctions.

#1 way to creep into these wealthy circles or any circle is to come bearing gifts. Networking 101
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