San diego 32nd NEX Shoe Dept Post

^just checked in today and we don't have those vans in...sorry dennis... and regarding the mars is set for the 22nd...but i'll post later to confirm this when the shipment is received....

It's all good. Thanks for checking though rowell!

i actually don't know yet....i'll know for sure tomorrow night if we'll have them on the 22nd....
you can put whatever on layaway right?

as long as its over $50? like if i got the mars and put em on layaway it would be possible?

just an example, but im speaking generally like if i wanna buy kicks thay way..
member #14

740 5th Avenue, Suite B./ San Diego, Ca. 92101/ Ph: (619) 955-8046
It's been a min since I've written a decent post on NT.

Everything seemed to go as usual at the NEX, doors opening and everyone just jetting to the back.

I was thankful enough to be 2nd in line, since I was the 2nd head at the front door.

The guy in front of me got his size, which I believe was a sz 8.5/10.5. I know damn well it wasn't a sz 9.5/10 though.

Anyway, the guy working the door asked for my ID and size, I handed him my ID & I clearly stated "size 10 or even 9.5". While the Auntie was in the back looking for my size, the guy working the door starts asking about 2-3 heads behind me for their ID's and size, which so happened to be sz 9.5. They ended up getting their pairs before me and I said, "I'll just take a 9.5, if you can't find a 10." No response. Also, some OG looking Uncle tried cutting, who came from the back door, but ended up not getting anything.

Finally, the Auntie comes out with a sz 10, but guess what... it wasn't even the right shoes! Good thing I checked on em before losing my place in line. I handed em back and told them nicely that I got the wrong shoes.

A few min go by and the Auntie asked for my size again. I told her sz 10 and she tells me she already sold the sz 10. In my head I was like "@#%$?", so I explained to her what sizes they were giving out, as I was able to glance at all the box-tags while they were giving people their pairs. The guy working the door went back himself to look for my sz 10.

About 5 min later, he came back and said that they are sold out of sizes 9.5, 10, & 10.5.

There was nothing more I could do, so I just went ahead and took a sz 9. They came out with the sz 9, box all fked up & shhh.

Not a pleasant release at all in my eyes, being that I was 2nd in line and should have easily gotten a size I was pleased with. I didn't come all the way from Temecula to be BSed. They should be able to satisfy one customer at a time, before ever trying to satisfy the rest.

Btw, I was the one in some Infrared VI's..

If anyone happens to have a sz 9.5/10 & wouldn't mind trading for a sz 9 that is located in the Socal area, please get at me. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

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what!!!! they released them today...the nex is funny sometimes with the releases but oh well
Looking for PE Lebrons Only!!!!!
Thats wack...Hey Rey I got a 9.5 they fit a lil bigger then expected if you down to trade for the 9's come to the Armory in downtown and ask for King D he will havem waiting if your down. If not its all good...I will private message you as well...
^^im sorry to here that the release was in fact co-workers took this release too likely in thinking it wouldn't be that crazy...but now they know and the next release will go much smoother as changes will be made...
^your co-workers must be noobs because releases @ 32nd have always been crazy since way back! it isn't going to get any better. man i miss getting my j's on base :frown:
I rolled up the NEX at about 7AM. I didn't see anyone waiting in the front door, so I rolled around to the back (since the back is closer to the shoes). Fortunately, I was the 5th or 6th person in the line. Close enough to the front to actually get a pair. Around 850AM, uncle was chillin by the back door, getting ready to open them up. But by the time the back door opened up, the folks who decided to wait in the front, were actually ahead of us. (Now, I was there early enough to actually see the folks go from the back door to the front door, due to us early birds, who took the time and woke up earlier than usual on a Saturday morning). I don't hate them for getting up to the front though, they did what they had to do to get their pair. I was just a little disappointed that the folks who actually woke up early to scoop a pair were done a little dirty.

Maybe on release dates, there should be tickets or numbers handed out at the back door. Just a suggestion. I'm sure the homeboy Rowell is puttin it down and kickin a little knowledge to the Uncles and Aunties.

I did eventually get my sz 10's, so I'm not that bitter. But I would have rather paid 90 instead of 123.
Were you behind me and my bro when were in line at the stock room?

I was wearin my V's..
^thats what i've been trying to do...telling my co-workers that some releases are going to continue to be crazy as it was last saturday...and now i'm working w/ my manager and supervisor in coming up with an organized way in passing out these kicks....if anyone has any other method besides the ticket/number'll be much appreciated..b/c i've asked about that b/4 and they said we couldn't do that....but i could always try again....
you could always post a sign or something saying that they're opening only one door. like the front or back door so no one gets shafted. because i know when the sevens released the back got opened first... opening one door like 15 minutes before opening the other door might be a good thing on release dates...
NEED LIST: Undefeated Dunk, Pinstripe Blazer, De La Soul Hi Dunk, GM Vandal (size 9.5 or 10)
For Sale: Purple Patent Avenger Dunk sz10, Reebok Answer V sz10 blk/blk, Jordan XIV blk/red sz8
^already asked about that but was again seems that the other managers don't really care that these releases are crazy because they aren't working at the time...but i'll probably have to do something on the solo tip to keep the craze down...
Do you guys have the white/carolina low-top XXI's? And if so what's the price on them and do you still have a good size run. Thanks.
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