What's good y'all? I hope everyone's being doing all right. It's been a tough time for all of us, I know. Personally, I don't know anyone whose property has been affected by the wildfires but sadly enough, I've had a friend named Marc who recently got into a serious motorcycle accident last Sunday during the build-up of all of these fires. I hate to say that I've been more caught up with all of this wildfire @#%$, but my prayers with my homie. Basically, It's been a stressful time for me and thousands of families, but it's important to realize that there a few positive things that we can take from these recent experiences.

As cliche as it may sounds, time will heal all wounds. I can't begin to imagine how much $$$ is going to be put into rebuilding our beautiful city but after all is said and done, we will prevail from this. I know that my friend Marc has got a long road ahead of himself with rehabilitating, but being the strong person that he is, I know he'll be back up on his feet doing the damn thing once again.

Ironically, I happen to be posting this in a forum which epitomizes something that shouldn't matter too much right now but yet again, I'm speaking to you as if you were brothers of my own. Having said that, we gotta remember that's more to life than rags and kicks. Our families, friends and our own lives are what we truly live for. I'm sure we all have our own definitions of being 'blessed', but every now and then, it's important to remember where you come from, what you have and just how easily things can be taken away from you. Unfortunately, that's life but we have the ultimate power of controlling our destinies.

To be honest, I'm getting a little bit emotional as I finish this post. Some of you might not agree with what I have had to say, yet alone will think that I'm sort of wuss. But believe me, it takes a real man to get out there and express his deepest feelings. That's what I'm doing right now. But for the meantime, stay safe. Continue to watch the news. Do what you can to help! And pray. God bless y'all.
JP since 88, I think your friend Marc was riding with a guy I know, if its the same guy. Apparently they ran into your friend at a gas station or something and then your friend Marc followed them to the canyons. I guess he lost it and ran into a speed limit sign and they tried calling 911 but there was no service but they remembered they saw a cop earlier and one of the guys went to get a cop and then your friend was helicoptered out of there. From what I hear, your friend was in really bad shape but thats good to hear that he is alive,I hope he is okay. God Bless.


I know 2 co workers whose homes were burned down to the ground.
Nah man...hype would be waiting in line for a week to buy a unicorn eyelash x Wonderbread x leprechaun hair x famous skate shop, design by a obscure graffiti artist Dunk Mid SB from [insert your local skate shop] for 3x retail...

Anybody down for Yahoo! Fanstasy Bball?
Nah man...hype would be waiting in line for a week to buy a unicorn eyelash x Wonderbread x leprechaun hair x famous skate shop, design by a obscure graffiti artist Dunk Mid SB from [insert your local skate shop] for 3x retail...

Im down. As long as its free. :D
League ID#: 143892
League Name: NT SOLE CAL
Password: socal
Draft Type: Live Draft
Draft Time: Sun Oct 28 8:15pm PDT [ Add to My Calendar ]
Max Teams: 12
Scoring Type: Rotisserie
Max Moves: No maximum
Max Trades: No maximum
Trade Reject Time: 2
Trade End Date: March 6, 2008
Waiver Time: 2 days
Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports
Trade Review: League Votes
Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules
Max Games Played: 82
Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow
Start Scoring on: Monday, Oct 29
Roster Positions: PG, SG, SF, PF, C, Util, Util, Util, BN, BN, BN
Stat Categories: FG%, FTM, FT%, 3PTM, PTS, REB, AST, ST, BLK, TO

Nah man...hype would be waiting in line for a week to buy a unicorn eyelash x Wonderbread x leprechaun hair x famous skate shop, design by a obscure graffiti artist Dunk Mid SB from [insert your local skate shop] for 3x retail...

Hope all is well...I got evacuated from Spring Valley but got to go back the day after had some crazy views of the fire from my backyard. But it switched directions and headed elsewhere. Hopefully everyone else is safe as well...
I didnt but I'm good with these until Uncharted: Drake's Fortune comes out next month.

Ratchet & Clank: Future Tools Of Destruction I just cant put down and stop playing.It's easily the best looking and most fun game that has come out for PS3 so far.
"Kobe is in a no win situation, he's in hoops purgatory."- Scoop Jackson
I was just about to make a B-ball league. Im at work and cant access Yahoo!

If there are anymore spots left later on tonight...im gonna sign up.

Half way through the Football season... No. 1. :pimp:
. Tom Brady is killin it for me.
We have spots for the bball league. COME IN PLEASE!
Nah man...hype would be waiting in line for a week to buy a unicorn eyelash x Wonderbread x leprechaun hair x famous skate shop, design by a obscure graffiti artist Dunk Mid SB from [insert your local skate shop] for 3x retail...

Big ups to propa over at active otay!
Come check us out this Saturday....Some exclusive colorways on the Bridge Shirt and some others...


A bit random but.. Is there anyone here that happens to play the drums, guitar or piano with a little bit of music theory knowledge (as in playing by ear, picking our chords, etc.) Along with a friend who plays bomb piano, I'm looking to sing and perform at SDSU's upcoming AB Samahan High School Conference Talent Show. You figure we'd be straight keeping things acoustic, but if anyone out would be willing to work with my friend and I, let me know!
I wonder if it was hot for arnold wearing that leather jacket on the field.

It was so freaking hot today at the stadium, well, until the second half and the shade finally hit plaza 22. :pimp:
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