damnit man...what a waste of 10K

peace out dudes
Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

Can there ever be originality in "streetwear" nowadays?

Im kinda guessing where your going from that statement but do you care to elaborate? Im assuming I know what your saying but I just want to make surebefore I say anything HAHA...


Originally Posted by d0nt w0rry about it

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by d0nt w0rry about it

Originally Posted by m0nstar

Cute seed Mark..

I bet you only got that TV because LT endorses it....Just playin

My parents just recently got a HD and Bolts games are
you'll never want to watch a charger game in standard definition again. guaranteed.

It's hard watching a home game in HD than watching it live.
But then again, money talks.

Have a safe and Happy New Year folks!

i'd imagine. that's why i'm going to qualcomm this sunday.

Enjoy my friend.

All I can say is my last two playoff experiences live sucked major goat knads.

Standing in the rain and being on the receiving end of the Jets' winning field goal was traumatizing.

Spraining a knee during a tailgate and losing my cellphone inside the stadium last season against the Patriots.

I think it's stupid how the Chargers were charging $280 dollars for the playoff tickets knowing damn well that the AFC Championship isn't going to beplayed in SD, barring that the Pats or the Colts choke up and lose their first games which I highly doubt. You don't get your money back so it goes towardsnext season.

I'm sitting this one out. Maybe I'm just bad juju when I watch it live, but I hope they win this one while I'm watching it at home. And if theydon't win it barring any freak action that they don't decide to show up against the Titans for some magical reason beyond God's control, Iwon't have to be in the parking lot depressed for a third time and breaking my new years resolution of quitting cigarettes.

Nonetheless, have fun and represent!

On a side note, anyone going to Landlord Jim's last night on Saturday? I'll be there getting sauced. See you suckas there.
Originally Posted by IamCROS1

Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

Can there ever be originality in "streetwear" nowadays?

Im kinda guessing where your going from that statement but do you care to elaborate? Im assuming I know what your saying but I just want to make sure before I say anything HAHA...



Streetwear, in this regard, means: "What I saw people wearing on the street in Brooklyn and SOHO." I just got back from NYC and the amount ofpersonal originality there is NULL. All the kids wear the same nut huggin' jeans with expensive jordans and florescent colored tshirts (oh and a red andblack flannel and some white sunglasses). I thought that SOHO was the mecca of "streetwear" and "street" fashion forward thinking. Ithought it was just a SOCAL phenomenon with all the conformist hypebeast kids here... I guess not.

I did come out of SOHO with my arms carrying bags full of the so-called cliche hypebeast products though hahaha.

CROS1, my original statement was not aimed towards your business and product, though it is true that the aSDthing "slogan" is a play on words ofan established brand (aNYthing)... however that has been done before in fashion many times and if you are making paper with it and reppin' SD at the sametime more power to you.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by d0nt w0rry about it

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by d0nt w0rry about it

Originally Posted by m0nstar

Cute seed Mark..

I bet you only got that TV because LT endorses it....Just playin

My parents just recently got a HD and Bolts games are
you'll never want to watch a charger game in standard definition again. guaranteed.

It's hard watching a home game in HD than watching it live.
But then again, money talks.

Have a safe and Happy New Year folks!

i'd imagine. that's why i'm going to qualcomm this sunday.

Enjoy my friend.

All I can say is my last two playoff experiences live sucked major goat knads.

Standing in the rain and being on the receiving end of the Jets' winning field goal was traumatizing.

Spraining a knee during a tailgate and losing my cellphone inside the stadium last season against the Patriots.

I think it's stupid how the Chargers were charging $280 dollars for the playoff tickets knowing damn well that the AFC Championship isn't going to be played in SD, barring that the Pats or the Colts choke up and lose their first games which I highly doubt. You don't get your money back so it goes towards next season.

I'm sitting this one out. Maybe I'm just bad juju when I watch it live, but I hope they win this one while I'm watching it at home. And if they don't win it barring any freak action that they don't decide to show up against the Titans for some magical reason beyond God's control, I won't have to be in the parking lot depressed for a third time and breaking my new years resolution of quitting cigarettes.

Nonetheless, have fun and represent!

On a side note, anyone going to Landlord Jim's last night on Saturday? I'll be there getting sauced. See you suckas there.

I'll be there.

Look for me section E3.

If anyone here would like please come to our tailgate but please reference me by my real name (i.e. NOT "Supra" hahaha), I would then happilyprovide anyone here with a free shotgun of the light domestic beer of their choice.

Go Chargers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah its taking over. The funniest thing to me was when some of these brands started emerging and people in SD started wearing t's and gear reprsentingother places like New York, Los Angeles, Bay Area and anywhere else thats "MAJOR" or "COOL". Thats kinda when I just figured I would justflip some SD stuff more hoping that cats would catch on and actually be proud that there from SD. Sd is a slept on city. There are tons of industry peeps outhere that are major on a worldwide scale and people that have been from SD that are making it out of town. But kids see the whole LA, Bay Area, New Yorkstuff and its the cool factor that takes over them. Ive always been a strong advocate of reppin where your from. I travel the world doing what I do andalways have to correct people cause they think im from LA. I tellem straight up !+$! that Im from San Diego. And ofcourse gotta stay fitted with the SD hator something reppin SD when im out of town.

Yeah streetwear is kind of a bland term. It got ransacked by a bunch of nerds that huddled together and kept calling themselves cool so much now I guess theyare "COOL". HAHA. Can't front its cool for them cause cats are making a living for themselves doing what they want. But at the same time alotof the blogs and stuff are more like small time propaganda theres a big circle of folks from allover the nation that are in a network just pumping each otherup and it gets sorta irritating HAHA. To be honest with you I made the aSDthing shirt as a joke of sorts poking fun at the notorious anything %%$!. I wasgonna make it once only but we sold out imediately after we printed them the first time. And got requests for months til we printed them again. Its funnycause we even caught heat from people but I was like whatever. I mean honestly its a freakin shirt what you gonna do sue us HAHA. People talked under therebreathe for the most part cause they'd be stupid to say %%$! to us cause we really dont give a %%$! HAHA. I was rocking my fresh new aSDthing arounddowntown during trade show time and I seen a bunch of industry people that design and have there own companys looking at me hella funny but I was just chillinaint no one say %%$! in my face. The same night I met Maurice the editor of Vapors Magazine and dude was like YOOOOOOO I gotta have that shirt thats theillest flip he was just laughing the entire time. I was like sure my shops over there. Then he told me he was editor of Vapors and that he is originally fromSD. So he gave me a card I sent him a shirt and he printed it in the mags next issue on the section where they highlight cool shirts. I stopped making themagain before that came out and I swear every day we had either a call, email or just someone coming in asking when are the asdthing shirts coming back instock. So I just decided I guess people like this and decided just to ride it out. And like you said it lets cats rep where there from kinda cool cause itworks as a intro to some cause we also have other designs that rep uslike the bridge design, Gully(flipped the SD Gulls Logo), America's Finest City,Armory Fitted hats with the New Era Sign Flipped into SD, Padre Friar Shirts etc etc. I actually got some ill more original hats but gotta wait to drop thatafter the SDthing hats cause thats whats gonna pay for those hats you feel me. Were a small operation so we gotta play everything smart.

And about the Soho thing. Every city you go theres those certain boutiques that have the same %%$! that every other boutique in every other city has. Onlything I get hyped up about in NY shopping is some of the shop t's that come out of some spots and the fact that theres two tier zero Nike accounts outthere within walking distance from eachother and Flight Club and ofcourse you get to check out like the entire range of %%$! thats out in a one day time span. But even the sneaker thing to me is dead. Its like I can spend a little money get some Nike ID's on some one of one %%$! and be og so why waste money on alimited 1 of 1000 or 1 of 5000 sneaker haha.

Damn that turned into a book. Well atleast people can see where im coming from with it.

Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by d0nt w0rry about it

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by d0nt w0rry about it

Originally Posted by m0nstar

Cute seed Mark..

I bet you only got that TV because LT endorses it....Just playin

My parents just recently got a HD and Bolts games are
you'll never want to watch a charger game in standard definition again. guaranteed.

It's hard watching a home game in HD than watching it live.
But then again, money talks.

Have a safe and Happy New Year folks!

i'd imagine. that's why i'm going to qualcomm this sunday.

Enjoy my friend.

All I can say is my last two playoff experiences live sucked major goat knads.

Standing in the rain and being on the receiving end of the Jets' winning field goal was traumatizing.

Spraining a knee during a tailgate and losing my cellphone inside the stadium last season against the Patriots.

I think it's stupid how the Chargers were charging $280 dollars for the playoff tickets knowing damn well that the AFC Championship isn't going to be played in SD, barring that the Pats or the Colts choke up and lose their first games which I highly doubt. You don't get your money back so it goes towards next season.

I'm sitting this one out. Maybe I'm just bad juju when I watch it live, but I hope they win this one while I'm watching it at home. And if they don't win it barring any freak action that they don't decide to show up against the Titans for some magical reason beyond God's control, I won't have to be in the parking lot depressed for a third time and breaking my new years resolution of quitting cigarettes.

Nonetheless, have fun and represent!

On a side note, anyone going to Landlord Jim's last night on Saturday? I'll be there getting sauced. See you suckas there.

I'll be there.

Look for me section E3.

If anyone here would like please come to our tailgate but please reference me by my real name (i.e. NOT "Supra" hahaha), I would then happily provide anyone here with a free shotgun of the light domestic beer of their choice.

Go Chargers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Supra, you tailgating with Gavin?

Looks like E3 has become the place to be at when it comes to tailgating now. That used to be the place for me before some BS happened. Oh well, life goes on.
I actually dunno if Gavin is going. I dont know if he has recovered enough yet. I hope he has.

I need to buy a standup tent as it will be pouring rain during the game.
Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

I actually dunno if Gavin is going. I dont know if he has recovered enough yet. I hope he has.

I need to buy a standup tent as it will be pouring rain during the game.

Better load up on panchos also. I'm talking about the good kind. Not the trash bag ones the stadium sells.

Unless you're under an overhang, rain games suck balls. Jets playoff game flashback. AAAAAAAH.
Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

Yeah my tickets are great... for getting SOAKED.

I was drenched at the Indy game, so I'm ready to buy a poncho.

You know what, if you hit up the Chargers Power Party early enough and the GM booth is there, they might be giving seat cushions again like they did lastseason. The seat cushions came with panchos in the zipper pouch.
I own three aSDthing tees and I plan on buying up a fitted or two. Rep SD until the day I pass. Props to CROS1 for putting it out there.
You lookin' to work part-time or full-time?

The company I work for is going to be hiring some people within this year due to an expansion.
Sheed are you a student? The County is always hiring student workers. Thats where I work and its pretty easy and pays really well. KB8, where do you work? Justcurious. Cause im moving out soon so I am kinda looking into full-time job opportunities.
Lookin for part time, I'm literally broke

The county? sounds interesting

I'll shoot you guys a PM...
Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

Sheed are you a student? The County is always hiring student workers. Thats where I work and its pretty easy and pays really well. KB8, where do you work? Just curious. Cause im moving out soon so I am kinda looking into full-time job opportunities.
you work at the county too? what section/division?

i work in downtown.. revenue & recovery. you know, the building that has HUSTLER and ON BROADWAY connected to it.

they give us free parking in the structure too. gotta love it. the free parking can be used 24/7 so you know i take advantage of it.
Yo, spread the news with the some places yall know about hiring? I'm looking to pick up another gig too..
dont worry -- I work at the courthouse on W. Broadway in the Department of Child Support Services. Chillest job I have ever held. And it pays mad money. Howcan I swing one of those passes!???!! I hate walking half a mile before and after work (I park at the navy base). Hook me up! lol. Where do you go to school?
How much is the pay exactly, if you don't mind me asking?

I'm working at a video game company in MV and the pay is 'alright', I'm in the tech support department...

By the way, the company is hiring an IT position, mainly for network administration, but it requires at least 2-5 years experience, if anyone is interested. Ifyou want info just PM me.
Ugly first half. But our San Diego boys got it done when it needed to get done. Cheers to all the Charger fans out there!
As much as Rivers gets flamed. The dude gets wins. No question about it.
Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

Sheed are you a student? The County is always hiring student workers. Thats where I work and its pretty easy and pays really well. KB8, where do you work? Just curious. Cause im moving out soon so I am kinda looking into full-time job opportunities.

I work for a company called Aspen Marketing Services. They pretty much bought out Newgen and assimilated us. It's a super stable company that payswell. Finally getting the raise I deserve since it's been close to two years since I last got one.

We work off of Lusk Blvd in Mira Mesa.

As far Rivers goes, I still hate the guy but he got the job done today. Yeah, he gets flamed but gets the job done. Cough, Rex Grossmna last season, cough.
hey guys i just moved down here for school and am looking for a fulltime job. i live off the 805 near san ysidro. do you guys know of any places that arehiring? if so please let me know! thank you
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