San Francisco Niketalkers, is this really how you guys are living?

^^^^What do you do if you don’t mind me asking? Trying to do a career change and want to work at a tech company (but not necessarily do tech specific work) but just not sure how. Don’t really want to go back to school but will if it makes sense in the long run.
Had to join em. I'm in big tech now and its weird how many people get surprised that I'm actually from the bay and hype it up. and it lowkey makes me sad lol

Same. I have an accounting/finance role that requires a lot of interaction, so I completely change my personality at work to fit in :lol:
Same. I have an accounting/finance role that requires a lot of interaction, so I completely change my personality at work to fit in :lol:
You gotta make a living. I'm doing well, yet I still can't stand the neighborhoods changing nor natives being priced-out. I just secured my finances to make it here myself.
^^^^What do you do if you don’t mind me asking? Trying to do a career change and want to work at a tech company (but not necessarily do tech specific work) but just not sure how. Don’t really want to go back to school but will if it makes sense in the long run.

Send me a dm pimpin. For some reason it wont let me message you lol Fong$tarr Fong$tarr
^^^^What do you do if you don’t mind me asking? Trying to do a career change and want to work at a tech company (but not necessarily do tech specific work) but just not sure how. Don’t really want to go back to school but will if it makes sense in the long run.

I think you've mentioned that you were in finance before, right? FP&A and accounting work are always in high demand in tech startups. A lot of these startups are founded by people who have no idea how important the details are, and they always say things like "we'll deal with it later". 2-3 years later, they go to banks/investors for additional loans/funding, and they hire accountants (like me)/financial analysts to prepare their financial statements and update their budgets before they can get additional funds. That's when they realize how @#$@$ up their books have been :lol:

I've been in a high transaction volume startup where their bank balance was off by FIFTEEN MILLION dollars. I spent 6 months just going through their bank statements from 2014-2017 and tracking down each expense :lol: Thankfully, I was a consultant getting paid hourly at the time, so I had no complaints :pimp:

Another startup had a controller who was booking estimates for their inventory count/value, and when I got there, I spent 4 months cleaning that up because an auditor from the bank could not match the warehouse count to oru statements.... Sometimes I look at the officers of these companies like "How the hell did you get to where you are now if this is your quality of work?"

The financials of these companies are always in chaos, so if you're willing to put up with that environment and have some experience, you should easily find work.
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^^^^^^I was an underwriter that wrote commercial insurance policies. I am sure it's no different selling personal lines insurance like car and house stuff but I sold specifically an insurance line called product recall. Most companies that bought that policy manufactured foods and other personal goods. So getting into a tech company with those credentials is sort of hard unless I can get into sales or even marketing which I actually don't want to do. By the end of it, I want to work at a tech company that doesn't have to deal with sales but then something I don't have to go back to school for. Hah...god that sounds dumb just even saying that.

Send me a dm pimpin. For some reason it wont let me message you lol Fong$tarr Fong$tarr

Fat sho man. I'll send you one when I get back to my desktop.
^^^^^^I was an underwriter that wrote commercial insurance policies. I am sure it's no different selling personal lines insurance like car and house stuff but I sold specifically an insurance line called product recall. Most companies that bought that policy manufactured foods and other personal goods. So getting into a tech company with those credentials is sort of hard unless I can get into sales or even marketing which I actually don't want to do. By the end of it, I want to work at a tech company that doesn't have to deal with sales but then something I don't have to go back to school for. Hah...god that sounds dumb just even saying that.

Fat sho man. I'll send you one when I get back to my desktop.

Got it. Yeah if you don't want to do sales and marketing, I don't know. Most of the companies I work/have worked for have been approximately 50% engineering/operations, 40% sales & marketing, 5% finance/accounting, 5% HR/Admin. That 5% finance/accounting might make it look like there aren't many positions for it, but people in that field are CONSTANTLY shifting from company to company for better earning opportunities/getting out of difficult environments, so there's always many vacancies (which is why I suggested it)
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^^^^^^I guess that sort of answers my question then. I am just not good at sales and figure to try and get out of it but my resume pretty much just shows that's all I sort of do. I guess I have to be pretty practical about this and just go back into the field I am already in.
Damn is everyone living paycheck to paycheck?

Depends. The people who are living like that...It's a 50-50 ratio of people living beyond their means and people who are being priced out of their neighborhoods/small businesses by predatory landlords and the city's outrageous gross receipts taxes.

The stories about people saying "I make 90K a year and can't afford to live here in SF!" are complete BULL @#$@. Probably renting an expensive apartment near the Embarcadero and then complaining about the city being unaffordable (while there are studios in the Sunset District or in Daly City/East Bay available for less than $1800)
Depends. The people who are living like that...It's a 50-50 ratio of people living beyond their means and people who are being priced out of their neighborhoods/small businesses by predatory landlords and the city's outrageous gross receipts taxes.

The stories about people saying "I make 90K a year and can't afford to live here in SF!" are complete BULL @#$@. Probably renting an apartment near the Embarcadero and then complaining about the city being unaffordable.
I go to SF and think no way everyone here makes 100k+ :lol:
**** even the homeless are coming from out of city and out of state to be in SF.
For real. Used to work out in concord with housing. Their busing them in from Vegas, Reno and east cities. Norcal def making usage of the whole care pilot program
Lol this is lightweight a Bay Area out cry thread in disguise. Yo, anyone have leads on a design position/opening in your company?
My wife and I make $200k combined before taxes. After mortgage($7k) and tuition($2k for 2 kids) we pretty much live paycheck to paycheck
Damn, and to think why I still live at home in the north bay. Actually a lot of my friends still do. I think I f’ed myself over by venturing into a career that is highly impacted. I thought being on home soil was an advantage but boy i thought wrong.
My wife and I make $200k combined before taxes. After mortgage($7k) and tuition($2k for 2 kids) we pretty much live paycheck to paycheck
Just curious, where do you live? My wife and I are sort of in the same boat. Trying to buy a home in the Bay Area that makes sense and she says Burlingame and I keep telling her that is in a different tax bracket than what we make. We had our sights set on Pleasant Hill since it's the most bang for your buck with decent schools but that commute sort of bothers us since we work in SF. We're sort of spoiled since we do 20 minute commutes now and we realized we're just going to have to do that longer commute.
Damn... hopefully private school is worth the investment.

Who said anything about private school?? The $2k a month is for preschool. Private school is $30-40k a year.

Just curious, where do you live? My wife and I are sort of in the same boat. Trying to buy a home in the Bay Area that makes sense and she says Burlingame and I keep telling her that is in a different tax bracket than what we make. We had our sights set on Pleasant Hill since it's the most bang for your buck with decent schools but that commute sort of bothers us since we work in SF. We're sort of spoiled since we do 20 minute commutes now and we realized we're just going to have to do that longer commute.

We live in SF. Candlestick Cove to be exact. I might have mentioned it before but there’s a neighborhood called Maxwell Park(94619) in Oakland that still somewhat affordable. The problem is there’s very little inventory there right now and it’s very popular for couples looking for a starter home. Check out 4601 Fairbairn Ave. It’s listed at $724k but It’s probably going to sell for closer to $900k-$950k
Just curious, where do you live? My wife and I are sort of in the same boat. Trying to buy a home in the Bay Area that makes sense and she says Burlingame and I keep telling her that is in a different tax bracket than what we make. We had our sights set on Pleasant Hill since it's the most bang for your buck with decent schools but that commute sort of bothers us since we work in SF. We're sort of spoiled since we do 20 minute commutes now and we realized we're just going to have to do that longer commute.

Same boat as you...wife wants no part of the east bay....want to stay this side of the bay...farthest is redwood city...boy i thought making that techie money and nursing money will help us finding a house even a one bedroom condo...nope
I looked at some BMR condos in SF and to qualify, one has to make less than like $85k/year. Basically you are considered poor if you make less than that. Crazy. :lol:
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