Santa is an anagram for satan

Originally Posted by Swagger2Much4You

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Swagger2Much4You

Try and trivialize this all you want but im pretty sure that this is legit. It just makes perfect sense all around. Its false idol worship

Yeah, if only we had more than 26 letters in the English alphabet(and only so many phonemes) we wouldn't have to make these sorts of connections with devil characters...

Yourcynicismis greatly appreciated. Look i'm far from a religious person,matter-facti'm agnostic. I do believe in thesubconsciousand spirituality and it just seems funny to me, like this is somesubconsciousmanipulation.
Look...I'm not trying to make this in ANY WAY about what you believe...
But the connection you made is unsubstantiated.

You tried to connect the fact that a 5 letter word in which 2 of the letters repeat some how equates two mythical individuals to each other. Its a non-sequitur. Its not a conspiracy either.

You guys remind me of this
Racecar=Racecar backwards
Dad=Dad backwards
Mom=Mom backwards
dammitimmad=dammitimmad backwords


Look of course its unsubstantiated, its not going to be found in an encyclopedia. I just believe that in a weird way  that they're metaphysical connections with these two characters. I mean even with them calling Lucifer old nick. I'm not trying to reach but I mean c'mon he descends into fire and its almost sacrilegious how kids pray to him and how he's this omniscient type of figure like God.
Give enough coal to the kids in the hood and we having barbecue.

We eating.
Question for the Christians. If you go to hell, are there forever or is it possible for you to still go to heaven?
Originally Posted by Swagger2Much4You

Look of course its unsubstantiated, its not going to be found in an encyclopedia. I just believe that in a weird way  that they're metaphysical connections with these two characters. I mean even with them calling Lucifer old nick. I'm not trying to reach but I mean c'mon he descends into fire and its almost sacrilegious how kids pray to him and how he's this omniscient type of figure like God.

Are there things we can't explain? Yes.

Are there things that exist beyond our scope of **PRESENT** understanding and our senses? Yes.

Do you have reasons to believe in them with no evidence? No.

Originally Posted by All Ready

he does come down a chimney

chimney, fire

fire, hell 


OP needs to lay off the egg-nog 
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Racecar=Racecar backwards
Dad=Dad backwards
Mom=Mom backwards
dammitimmad=dammitimmad backwords


we call those palindromes
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by go rilla

satan and god mentioned in the same post? sillyputty is going to have fun with this one

I'm almost certain he just types in key words related to religion and has his anti-God material in chronological order.

im sayin
dude has too much time on his hands to be finding all this
@Silly Putty, I feel like Swagger2Much4You is not disagreeing that santa or satan isn't real, but he feels that the figure of satan and santa are actually similar even though they are make believe..
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