Sarah Palin stay takin Ls Haha

Here's a quick fix for Palin: quit having ******ed babies and kids that bring children into this world with a deadbeat as their dad. fixed. voila.
Yeah, Family Guy has definitely received the Tard Card. They are now down with the Downies.

Palin has a different kind of Tard Card. Her's allows her great parking.
Palin took an "L" before the episode by getting on Emanuel for using the word ****** but giving Rush a pass. The Family Guy writing staff and Seth McFarlane an "L" also for once again reminding everyone that South Park is still a much better written show.
I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor. Ithought the line "I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska"was very funny. I think the word is "sarcasm."

In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. Mymother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of Frenchbread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around lookingfor sympathy and votes.
Originally Posted by Black Jesus

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

This reminds me of that Joke:

What's the difference between Sarah Palin's mouth and her vagina?

Only some of the things that come out of her vagina are ******ed.
who said this?
Biden did at the debates...

Here's another good one

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Bringing your family to campaign events isn't parading them around.  What candidate hasn't brought his/her family out in public.

Let me understand this - Palin has to do something differently so other people won't attack her? 

How is someone being recognized in the media a license to demean and character-assassinate them over and over for no reason other than to be mean?

As for '12, who knows who the GOP nominee will be.  You can, however, be sure that Obama is dead man walking.  Dude's finished.

Yeah Palin didn't Parade her children around.. You serious..She mentions those kids at every turn... Who criticizes Trig or anyone... No one... but you say anything best be assured she will jump on it and claim it is attack on her family...

Palin's criticism is completely justified.. You want to run in the Grown Up Game of Politics you better be ready. If you are not prepare to get "character assassinated".But really she assassinated herself and made it easy to criticize her.. Stop defending her. She is an insult to Conservatives, Liberals, Republicans, Democrats, our Democracy and this country as a whole...

So yes she has to do something different.. Learn the facts and actually know what the hell she is talking about.

Nope.  Not out there talking about the kids at every turn.  Don't know what to tell you on that one.

I'm not defending anyone.  I'm pointing out fairness, that's all.  Disagree with someone on the issues but any other criticism/personal attacks is completely unwarranted.

The media set out to characterize her as an idiot and it worked.  Since most Americans have no critical thinking skills or political depth anymore, they took the characterization as fact and that was that.  By the way, the United States is a representative Republic, not a democracy.

Tell me this: if Palin is such an idiot, such an irrelevant nobody who isn't even a threat to tie her own shoelaces let alone run for president, why are some people still attacking her?  What's to be gained by that?  If a fly is annoying, you don't berate the fly, you don't insult the fly, you wave it off and move on.  Some people just can't seem to manage that.

And lobotomybeats... what is wrong with you, man?  The vile, morally-bankrupt trash you're posting is, well, vile and morally-bankrupt. Checks SN *lobotomybeats*  That's got to explain it.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Bringing your family to campaign events isn't parading them around.  What candidate hasn't brought his/her family out in public.

Let me understand this - Palin has to do something differently so other people won't attack her? 

How is someone being recognized in the media a license to demean and character-assassinate them over and over for no reason other than to be mean?

As for '12, who knows who the GOP nominee will be.  You can, however, be sure that Obama is dead man walking.  Dude's finished.

Yeah Palin didn't Parade her children around.. You serious..She mentions those kids at every turn... Who criticizes Trig or anyone... No one... but you say anything best be assured she will jump on it and claim it is attack on her family...

Palin's criticism is completely justified.. You want to run in the Grown Up Game of Politics you better be ready. If you are not prepare to get "character assassinated".But really she assassinated herself and made it easy to criticize her.. Stop defending her. She is an insult to Conservatives, Liberals, Republicans, Democrats, our Democracy and this country as a whole...

So yes she has to do something different.. Learn the facts and actually know what the hell she is talking about.

Nope.  Not out there talking about the kids at every turn.  Don't know what to tell you on that one.

I'm not defending anyone.  I'm pointing out fairness, that's all.  Disagree with someone on the issues but any other criticism/personal attacks is completely unwarranted.

The media set out to characterize her as an idiot and it worked.  Since most Americans have no critical thinking skills or political depth anymore, they took the characterization as fact and that was that.  By the way, the United States is a representative Republic, not a democracy.

Tell me this: if Palin is such an idiot, such an irrelevant nobody who isn't even a threat to tie her own shoelaces let alone run for president, why are some people still attacking her?  What's to be gained by that?  If a fly is annoying, you don't berate the fly, you don't insult the fly, you wave it off and move on.  Some people just can't seem to manage that.

And lobotomybeats... what is wrong with you, man?  The vile, morally-bankrupt trash you're posting is, well, vile and morally-bankrupt. Checks SN *lobotomybeats*  That's got to explain it.
Oh come on everyone gets the criticism past their policy viewpoint.. She gets no different treatment than anyone else..

Are you trying to tell me this woman is not on the short bus going to school? The media didn't have to tear her down, she did it herself.  She made herself look dumb on that Coric interview... She was the one who opens her mouth every couple weeks and either says something ridiculously wrong or ridiculously absurd.

And the reason she is still mentioned is because she still wants to be in the spotlight. If you want to be in the spot light (which she does) you open yourself to whatever words someone wants to say to you.

Also when it comes to politics if you let someone talk and talk and talk without rebuttal people will start to believe it. For example Obama death panels.. Obama's lack of action against his detractors is a major reason why he slipped to where he is at..Go ahead call me a blind follower.. Btw I don't think Obama is doing that great of a job.. He is moving too far right.. And that is backed up by the Mass. Special Election exit polls.

She is getting similar if not better treatment than anyone in politics.
Originally Posted by Essential1

come on everyone gets the criticism past their policy viewpoint.. She gets no different treatment than anyone else..

Are you trying to tell me this woman is not on the short bus going to school? The media didn't have to tear her down, she did it herself.  She made herself look dumb on that Coric interview... She was the one who opens her mouth every couple weeks and either says something ridiculously wrong or ridiculously absurd.

You know, you're right.  Obama never gets personally attacked by Olbermann, Maddow, Cooper, Brown, Stewart, Colbert, Maher, etc, so that must mean Palin doesn't either, right?  I mean, she gets no different treatment than anyone else.  Come on, man.  Political beliefs are one thing but denial another matter.

Why is the far left obsessed with exploiting the mentally handicapped to try to destroy people?  The left is supposed to be so compassionate, so sensitive and understanding.  Funny how virtually all of the verbal bomb-throwing is coming from that side. Hmm.  No, Palin isn't "stupid"; people like her, whose political resumes are chock full of elected public service from the local level all the way up to state level, can't exactly be called stupid.  But somehow along the way, all of that executive experience was dismissed when compared to Obama's 150 working days as a senator before running for president.  Clearly, Obama was far more seasoned in the ways of governing and decision-making.  And absurd comments?  Mr. "57 states/asthma breathalizer/Navy corpseman" Obama never makes those.  I am sure that the media would demean him, though, if he did.  No? D'ah well.

And the reason she is still mentioned is because she still wants to be in the spotlight. If you want to be in the spot light (which she does) you open yourself to whatever words someone wants to say to you.

As I mentioned before, being a public figure does not give anyone a license to savage them in the media.  What are the majority of criticisms about Palin?  Her policies?  Nope - it's attacks on her intelligence, her accent, her family, her Down Syndrome kid, her pregnant daughter, her hick husband, her backwoods would-be son-in-law, her non-Ivy-League degree... ad nauseum.  After over a year straight of that stuff, people are sick of it.  Also, in anything, it's important to keep in mind that you can't trust the media.  None.  And the opinion guys (Olbermann, Colbert, Stewart, Maddow, Beckel, O'Reilly, Hannity among others) have a point of view to sell so their take can't be taken seriously.  I take a look at the people's backgrounds, associations, accomplishments, experiences to decide my opinion on them.  Calling them names does nothing for anyone.

Also when it comes to politics if you let someone talk and talk and talk without rebuttal people will start to believe it. For example Obama death panels..

You're right about that.  No one knows this better than Obama and the sycophantic shill media.  "You'll get to keep your health care plan."  "I've got a laser-like focus on jobs."  "Global warming."  "The Stimulus created or saved 2 million jobs." "Your taxes won't be raised one dime."

The death panel idea was true.  There was, and still is in Obama's recent h.c. plan outline, to have not only "End of Life" counselors but a government-appointed board that would serve as a decision-making apparatus.  If Grandpa needs a liver transplant but has a history of high blood pressure, he could be denied the transplant for someone with a higher likelihood of sustained good health.  Try digging into the facts.

Obama's lack of action against his detractors is a major reason why he slipped to where he is at.

 Wrong.  His policies are the reason he's slipped to where he's at.  Americans don't want his policies.  Period.  His current job approval rating is at 46%.  He has 44% strongly disapproving of his performance.  It's not a coincidence.  His "detractors" (Republicans, I assume you mean) can't do a thing to stop him and the Democrat Congress from passing whatever they want.  The Dems couldn't pass anything with the 60 vote majority.  Even with the reconciliation process that they're going to reboot shortly, they're still not going to get anything passed.  Why?  The constituents - everyday voters like you and me and every other American - are pissed off at what the administration is trying to do and they're going to throw incumbents out of Congress right and left come November.  In politics, power is king and these Representatives and Senators don't want to give that up so they're dragging their feet to do anything Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Majority Leader Reid want. 
I don't think Obama is doing that great of a job.. He is moving too far right.. And that is backed up by the Mass. Special Election exit polls.

Too far right?  What about his first year in office has been conservative?  Pardon me but wake up, friend.  He ran as a centrist to get elected and he's governed as a solidly left ideologue who is not backing off one bit from pursuing his increasingly unpopular agenda.  4 million Americans lost their jobs last year and he's hell bent on passing health care that no one wants?  Nothing remotely far right, or even moderate, about that.  And you might want to check your facts on the Mass. exit polls.  There were none conducted.  Coakley was expected to win handily so no official exit polls were taken.  Did you not follow the Mass. election?  Liberal Massachusetts voted a Republican to take over the seat Teddy held for over 4 decades to be the 41st vote to push back against Obama's health care bill.  Mass voters were voting to STOP Obama.  I guess the best way to stop a "right-leaning" Obama is to elect... a Republican.

She is getting similar if not better treatment more unfair criticism and personal attacks than anyone in politics.

Edited for accuracy.

Go ahead call me a blind follower..

I won't.  Instead, ask questions.  Ask youself if it's constitutional to require American citizens to purchase something (under the Dem healthcare bill, you'll be fined if you're not covered).  Ask yourself if government should be spending more money, instead of less, in this economic climate.  Ask if pushing this country to the brink of bankruptcy is in all of our best interests.  And keep asking questions.  Politics aside, what's happening to this country right now via this administration and congress just isn't right.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by Essential1

come on everyone gets the criticism past their policy viewpoint.. She gets no different treatment than anyone else..

Are you trying to tell me this woman is not on the short bus going to school? The media didn't have to tear her down, she did it herself.  She made herself look dumb on that Coric interview... She was the one who opens her mouth every couple weeks and either says something ridiculously wrong or ridiculously absurd.

You know, you're right.  Obama never gets personally attacked by Olbermann, Maddow, Cooper, Brown, Stewart, Colbert, Maher, etc, so that must mean Palin doesn't either, right?  I mean, she gets no different treatment than anyone else.  Come on, man.  Political beliefs are one thing but denial another matter.

Why is the far left obsessed with exploiting the mentally handicapped to try to destroy people?  The left is supposed to be so compassionate, so sensitive and understanding.  Funny how virtually all of the verbal bomb-throwing is coming from that side. Hmm.  No, Palin isn't "stupid"; people like her, whose political resumes are chock full of elected public service from the local level all the way up to state level, can't exactly be called stupid.  But somehow along the way, all of that executive experience was dismissed when compared to Obama's 150 working days as a senator before running for president.  Clearly, Obama was far more seasoned in the ways of governing and decision-making.  And absurd comments?  Mr. "57 states/asthma breathalizer/Navy corpseman" Obama never makes those.  I am sure that the media would demean him, though, if he did.  No? D'ah well.

And the reason she is still mentioned is because she still wants to be in the spotlight. If you want to be in the spot light (which she does) you open yourself to whatever words someone wants to say to you.

As I mentioned before, being a public figure does not give anyone a license to savage them in the media.  What are the majority of criticisms about Palin?  Her policies?  Nope - it's attacks on her intelligence, her accent, her family, her Down Syndrome kid, her pregnant daughter, her hick husband, her backwoods would-be son-in-law, her non-Ivy-League degree... ad nauseum.  After over a year straight of that stuff, people are sick of it.  Also, in anything, it's important to keep in mind that you can't trust the media.  None.  And the opinion guys (Olbermann, Colbert, Stewart, Maddow, Beckel, O'Reilly, Hannity among others) have a point of view to sell so their take can't be taken seriously.  I take a look at the people's backgrounds, associations, accomplishments, experiences to decide my opinion on them.  Calling them names does nothing for anyone.

Also when it comes to politics if you let someone talk and talk and talk without rebuttal people will start to believe it. For example Obama death panels..

You're right about that.  No one knows this better than Obama and the sycophantic shill media.  "You'll get to keep your health care plan."  "I've got a laser-like focus on jobs."  "Global warming."  "The Stimulus created or saved 2 million jobs." "Your taxes won't be raised one dime."

The death panel idea was true.  There was, and still is in Obama's recent h.c. plan outline, to have not only "End of Life" counselors but a government-appointed board that would serve as a decision-making apparatus.  If Grandpa needs a liver transplant but has a history of high blood pressure, he could be denied the transplant for someone with a higher likelihood of sustained good health.  Try digging into the facts.

Obama's lack of action against his detractors is a major reason why he slipped to where he is at.

 Wrong.  His policies are the reason he's slipped to where he's at.  Americans don't want his policies.  Period.  His current job approval rating is at 46%.  He has 44% strongly disapproving of his performance.  It's not a coincidence.  His "detractors" (Republicans, I assume you mean) can't do a thing to stop him and the Democrat Congress from passing whatever they want.  The Dems couldn't pass anything with the 60 vote majority.  Even with the reconciliation process that they're going to reboot shortly, they're still not going to get anything passed.  Why?  The constituents - everyday voters like you and me and every other American - are pissed off at what the administration is trying to do and they're going to throw incumbents out of Congress right and left come November.  In politics, power is king and these Representatives and Senators don't want to give that up so they're dragging their feet to do anything Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Majority Leader Reid want. 
I don't think Obama is doing that great of a job.. He is moving too far right.. And that is backed up by the Mass. Special Election exit polls.

Too far right?  What about his first year in office has been conservative?  Pardon me but wake up, friend.  He ran as a centrist to get elected and he's governed as a solidly left ideologue who is not backing off one bit from pursuing his increasingly unpopular agenda.  4 million Americans lost their jobs last year and he's hell bent on passing health care that no one wants?  Nothing remotely far right, or even moderate, about that.  And you might want to check your facts on the Mass. exit polls.  There were none conducted.  Coakley was expected to win handily so no official exit polls were taken.  Did you not follow the Mass. election?  Liberal Massachusetts voted a Republican to take over the seat Teddy held for over 4 decades to be the 41st vote to push back against Obama's health care bill.  Mass voters were voting to STOP Obama.  I guess the best way to stop a "right-leaning" Obama is to elect... a Republican.

She is getting similar if not better treatment more unfair criticism and personal attacks than anyone in politics.

Edited for accuracy.

Go ahead call me a blind follower..

I won't.  Instead, ask questions.  Ask youself if it's constitutional to require American citizens to purchase something (under the Dem healthcare bill, you'll be fined if you're not covered).  Ask yourself if government should be spending more money, instead of less, in this economic climate.  Ask if pushing this country to the brink of bankruptcy is in all of our best interests.  And keep asking questions.  Politics aside, what's happening to this country right now via this administration and congress just isn't right.
Just curious, what should they do? You seem like you know what you're talking about. 
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Just curious, what should they do? You seem like you know what you're talking about. 
I appreciate that.

First, whenever looking at the legislative process, it's always important to remember that the United States is a representative Republic.  We elect Representatives and Senators to represent OUR will as residents of the states we live in as well as our country.  Those elected officials' allegiance is to us - not to themselves or any group (special interests, unions, etc.).  Having been reminded of this, we should then remember that our Constitution is the blueprint of our existence as a nation.  It contains specific guidelines for the role of government.  Among the things the government does not have the right to do is force out CEO's of banks, car companies, and private business.  The government does not have the right to put a limit on how much money you can make.  The government does not have the right to force you to drive a certain type and style of vehicle.  The government does not have the right to force American citizens to purchase anything (yet Obama's healthcare bill specifically mandates that every American must have health care coverage or they face a fine).  Don't pay the fine, you face jail time.  The U.S. Government would have you go to jail for not buying something they have no constitutional right to enforce.  The government doesn't have the right to tell health insurance companies how to set their premiums.  Notice a theme?  The Constitution was constructed to give the power of governance to the people, to the states, while the federal government itself is to be no more than a centralized structure.

If I could be in a decision-making capacity for this country, I'd adhere strictly to the Constitution and Bill of Rights when formulating any legislation.  I'd slash government jobs by at least half to start.  Permanent tax cuts.  Cut capital gains tax - give every business, big or small, complete freedom from government involvement to keep more of their money to reinvest in growing their own businesses.  Health care reform would consist only of cutting costs and enacting tort reform but most importantly allowing every person to choose the health care they want while working to make it more affordable for everyone.  I would've let GM and Chrysler go into bankruptcy - they needed to restructure not a government bailout to continue building the same awful cars while unions make out like bandits.  If you were lifting weights but had someone helping you lift, would you ever get strong?  Nope.  In life, you have to struggle, and sometimes even fail, to grow and succeed.  Same thing for the car companies.
I'd also restore people's right to pray in schools.  No one should be forced to pray but it's unconstitutional to prevent them from doing so.  Bottom line, respect people's freedom and get government out of people's lives.  When has the government ever run anything well?  Post Office? Losing millions every year and inefficient beyond belief.  Medicare/Medicaid? Disaster.  Social Security?  Nearly empty. 

"We The People" is the guiding principle. 


Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Just curious, what should they do? You seem like you know what you're talking about. 
I appreciate that.

First, whenever looking at the legislative process, it's always important to remember that the United States is a representative Republic.  We elect Representatives and Senators to represent OUR will as residents of the states we live in as well as our country.  Those elected officials' allegiance is to us - not to themselves or any group (special interests, unions, etc.).  Having been reminded of this, we should then remember that our Constitution is the blueprint of our existence as a nation.  It contains specific guidelines for the role of government.  Among the things the government does not have the right to do is force out CEO's of banks, car companies, and private business.  The government does not have the right to put a limit on how much money you can make.  The government does not have the right to force you to drive a certain type and style of vehicle.  The government does not have the right to force American citizens to purchase anything (yet Obama's healthcare bill specifically mandates that every American must have health care coverage or they face a fine).  Don't pay the fine, you face jail time.  The U.S. Government would have you go to jail for not buying something they have no constitutional right to enforce.  The government doesn't have the right to tell health insurance companies how to set their premiums.  Notice a theme?  The Constitution was constructed to give the power of governance to the people, to the states, while the federal government itself is to be no more than a centralized structure.

If I could be in a decision-making capacity for this country, I'd adhere strictly to the Constitution and Bill of Rights when formulating any legislation.  I'd slash government jobs by at least half to start.  Permanent tax cuts.  Cut capital gains tax - give every business, big or small, complete freedom from government involvement to keep more of their money to reinvest in growing their own businesses.  Health care reform would consist only of cutting costs and enacting tort reform but most importantly allowing every person to choose the health care they want while working to make it more affordable for everyone.  I would've let GM and Chrysler go into bankruptcy - they needed to restructure not a government bailout to continue building the same awful cars while unions make out like bandits.  If you were lifting weights but had someone helping you lift, would you ever get strong?  Nope.  In life, you have to struggle, and sometimes even fail, to grow and succeed.  Same thing for the car companies.
I'd also restore people's right to pray in schools.  No one should be forced to pray but it's unconstitutional to prevent them from doing so.  Bottom line, respect people's freedom and get government out of people's lives.  When has the government ever run anything well?  Post Office? Losing millions every year and inefficient beyond belief.  Medicare/Medicaid? Disaster.  Social Security?  Nearly empty. 

"We The People" is the guiding principle. 


How easily people's minds are polluted by Fox News and the far right talking points machine.

Tax cuts for everyone! Bush Tax cuts all over again. 1.3 trillion dollars later with the money only invested back into CEO pockets, you're still spewing this tired old propaganda? Tort reform tort reform tort reform, blah blah blah. The only thing Fox News tells me about health-care is that tort reform will fix everything...even when the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office comprised of repubs and dems assessed that at best it'd only account for 1-3% of total health costs.

Oh and let GM fail. Never-mind any of the economic implications of that happening, it just makes sense in a world of karma and right and wrong.

When all fails, try to paint government, the same force that provides water,electricity, roads, infrastructure, and currently the cheapest and most efficient health-care service by reimbursement in America (Medicare).

Have you ever asked yourself this? If Medicare, Medicaid, the post office, all so evil and terrible, why don't your republican congressmen ever vote to abolish whenever dems calls them out on their BS by drafting bills calling to abolish them soley to call Repubs on their bluff.

You're simplified Reaganomics way of thinking is what allowed our country to give 1.3 trillion dollars to the top 1% richest people. As bad as Bush tax cuts failed, you still cling tenaciously to the same old Talking Points the congressional repubs used to pass the bush cuts.

Yet, spending 1.3 trillion dollars on something as basic as health care is outrageous?

You're such a Fox News Zombie its not even funny.
Originally Posted by LiveFree

How easily people's minds are polluted by Fox News and the far right talking points machine.
How easily people's minds are polluted by MSNBC, CNN, Stewart/Colbert/Maher, and the far left talking points machine.

Tax cuts for everyone! Bush Tax cuts all over again. 1.3 trillion dollars later with the money only invested back into CEO pockets, you're still spewing this tired old propaganda? Tort reform tort reform tort reform, blah blah blah. The only thing Fox News tells me about health-care is that tort reform will fix everything...even when the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office comprised of repubs and dems assessed that at best it'd only account for 1-3% of total health costs.
Yep, tax cuts for everyone.  Government has shown such a stellar track record for managing tax revenue wisely, I forgot.  Government knows best, right?  Yeah, those greedy, evil CEO's have ruined this country.  Hope you never become a CEO of anything - you shouldn't be allowed to earn anything because the liberal d-bag argument is that rich people are bad and the less fortunate deserve someone else's hard-earned success.  "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." - Barack Obama.  No, tort reform doesn't solve everything - but it's a basic, sensible reform that needs to be done and, most importantly, doesn't socialize health care by putting the government in charge, prevent patients from choosing or keeping the right plan or strongarm insurance into setting premiums at a certain level.

Oh and let GM fail. Never-mind any of the economic implications of that happening, it just makes sense in a world of karma and right and wrong.
Yep, let GM and Chrysler go into bankruptcy.  Know what would've happened?  They would've had to restructure top to bottom and restart.  Obama sold the American public a lie when he hyped up the whole economic disaster-car company crisis.  It was all a play to hand GM and Chrysler over to the UAW.  Union payback for all that Democrat support.  Nothing more.  Open your eyes.  And karma?  I see you believe in fairy tales.

When all fails, try to paint government, the same force that provides water,electricity, roads, infrastructure, and currently the cheapest and most efficient health-care service by reimbursement in America (Medicare).

Most everything on that list is administered on a local level, as it always has been.  Medicare?  Yikes... I don't have the time.

Didn't say they were evil and terrible.  They're government-controlled albatrosses that are inefficient money-pits.  Look just a liiiittle deeper:  Democrats are never going to abolish a government-run program or agency.  How do you think the Democrat Party has helped build up its voter base since the 1960s?  Entitlement programs!  Besides, any bluff vote proposed by Democrats would be strictly so they could have someone to blame to take attention off of their own unpopular agenda.  Never forget that many in Congress, both parties, are all about political points and power, not results.

You're simplified Reaganomics way of thinking is what allowed our country to give 1.3 trillion dollars to the top 1% richest people. As bad as Bush tax cuts failed, you still cling tenaciously to the same old Talking Points the congressional repubs used to pass the bush cuts.

Yet, spending 1.3 trillion dollars on something as basic as health care is outrageous?

It's not Reaganomics, it's common sense.  It's what works.  Stop with the rich-people-are-causing-the-problems schtick.  It's b.s. and you know it.  Bush tax cuts DIDN'T fail.  Who took control of Congress in the elections of 2006?  Who then had the legislative power for all of 2007 and 2008 when the economic downturn was taking place?  D-e-m-o-c-r-a-t-s.

You see, health care is a good, a service.  It is not free.  Furthermore, the United States DOES NOT HAVE THE MONEY.  We don't have it.  Period.  Again, the United States does not have the money to fund nationalized health care.  We as a nation are aleady headed towards bankruptcy anyway.  And the American people don't want this health care bill.  They want reform, i.e. lowered costs, but that's it! 

You're such a Fox News Zombie its not even funny.

Really? That's your parting shot? 

The stuff you typed is no different that Olbermann and Stewart have said - anger-filled, slanderous garbage.

The reality is that you have no idea what you're talking about.  You appear undereducated, ignorant, and ill-prepared to have any remotely serious discussion on what is currently happening in this country.  Go back and start with basic history - how the U.S. was founded, what it was founded upon, what government's role is, basic economic principles, all that sort of thing.
Obama sold the American public a lie when he hyped up the whole economic disaster-car company crisis.  It was all a play to hand GM and Chrysler over to the UAW.
Almost as bad as your buddy George W. Bush selling the American people a lie about Iraq having weapons on mass destruction, to this day we haven't even beed able to find a sling-shot in Iraq let alone any "so called" weapons on mass destruction, but I didn't see you crying about wanting American troops out of Iraq during the invasion.  Given these two points it's quite clear to see what's more important to conservatives such as yourself and others, you value the American dollar more than you do American life.  See it doesn't matter to you how many American lives are lost in Iraq, Afghanistan, or even here in America due to the lack of proper health care.  At the end of the day for you it's all about the all mighty dollar, and the hell with everbody and everything else, quite sad really.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Obama sold the American public a lie when he hyped up the whole economic disaster-car company crisis.  It was all a play to hand GM and Chrysler over to the UAW.
Almost as bad as your buddy George W. Bush selling the American people a lie about Iraq having weapons on mass destruction, to this day we haven't even beed able to find a sling-shot in Iraq let alone any "so called" weapons on mass destruction, but I didn't see you crying about wanting American troops out of Iraq during the invasion.  Given these two points it's quite clear to see what's more important to conservatives such as yourself and others, you value the American dollar more than you do American life.  See it doesn't matter to you how many American lives are lost in Iraq, Afghanistan, or even here in America due to the lack of proper health care.  At the end of the day for you it's all about the all mighty dollar, and the hell with everbody and everything else, quite sad really.

   My buddy? Hardly.  GWB was no more conservative than McCain is today.  Check your facts - Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Poland had the exact same terror intelligence info we did.  The war was the right thing to do but it was prosecuted incorrectly and we shouldn't have had to be there nearly this long. 

Stop with the ideology.  Know this - this world is imperfect, with people in it who want to kill us just because we're Americans.  Nobody WANTS a war.  I always hear from the left how there's never any reason to fight and it's just not realistic.  If we don't actively defeat them, they actively defeat us.  You can't reason with these people, you can't change foreign policy enough to satisfy them.  Next time you see someone in uniform, thank them for allowing you the safe freedom to do something as simple as type on a sneaker message board.  You make a lot of assumptions because you're not interested in truth, reality, or fairness. 

Your viewpoints are nothing more than misinformation at best.  Let me ask you this:  do you care about the lives lost on 9/11?  The U.S.S. Cole attack in 2000?  I do.  And I care about every American and civilian life lost abroad.  I think you need to step into reality for once.  If we never went over there, do you think terrorists were going to kick back and leave us alone?  I guess 9/11 really has faded in people's minds.  And we have the best health care system in the world.  There's nobody dying in the streets from lack of health care, pal.  Sure, everyone should have access to the best health care in the world.  But I'm paying for my own.  You want to fund someone else's life, go ahead.  You find in the Constitution or Bill of Rights where Americans are supposed to pay for each other's choices.  Not in there, anywhere. 

You know, for me, "at the end of the day", it's all about freedom.  I make my own way in life, and government and other people need to stay the $$+$ out of it.  It's not my job to take care of you and it's not your job to take care of me.  If everyone would start thinking for themselves and stop being so dependent and whiny, we could get some things done.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by LiveFree

How easily people's minds are polluted by Fox News and the far right talking points machine.
How easily people's minds are polluted by MSNBC, CNN, Stewart/Colbert/Maher, and the far left talking points machine.

Tax cuts for everyone! Bush Tax cuts all over again. 1.3 trillion dollars later with the money only invested back into CEO pockets, you're still spewing this tired old propaganda? Tort reform tort reform tort reform, blah blah blah. The only thing Fox News tells me about health-care is that tort reform will fix everything...even when the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office comprised of repubs and dems assessed that at best it'd only account for 1-3% of total health costs.

Yep, tax cuts for everyone.  Government has shown such a stellar track record for managing tax revenue wisely, I forgot.  Government knows best, right?  Yeah, those greedy, evil CEO's have ruined this country.  Hope you never become a CEO of anything - you shouldn't be allowed to earn anything because the liberal d-bag argument is that rich people are bad and the less fortunate deserve someone else's hard-earned success.  "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." - Barack Obama.  No, tort reform doesn't solve everything - but it's a basic, sensible reform that needs to be done and, most importantly, doesn't socialize health care by putting the government in charge, prevent patients from choosing or keeping the right plan or strongarm insurance into setting premiums at a certain level.

Oh and let GM fail. Never-mind any of the economic implications of that happening, it just makes sense in a world of karma and right and wrong.
Yep, let GM and Chrysler go into bankruptcy.  Know what would've happened?  They would've had to restructure top to bottom and restart.  Obama sold the American public a lie when he hyped up the whole economic disaster-car company crisis.  It was all a play to hand GM and Chrysler over to the UAW.  Union payback for all that Democrat support.  Nothing more.  Open your eyes.  And karma?  I see you believe in fairy tales.

When all fails, try to paint government, the same force that provides water,electricity, roads, infrastructure, and currently the cheapest and most efficient health-care service by reimbursement in America (Medicare).

Most everything on that list is administered on a local level, as it always has been.  Medicare?  Yikes... I don't have the time.

Didn't say they were evil and terrible.  They're government-controlled albatrosses that are inefficient money-pits.  Look just a liiiittle deeper:  Democrats are never going to abolish a government-run program or agency.  How do you think the Democrat Party has helped build up its voter base since the 1960s?  Entitlement programs!  Besides, any bluff vote proposed by Democrats would be strictly so they could have someone to blame to take attention off of their own unpopular agenda.  Never forget that many in Congress, both parties, are all about political points and power, not results.

You're simplified Reaganomics way of thinking is what allowed our country to give 1.3 trillion dollars to the top 1% richest people. As bad as Bush tax cuts failed, you still cling tenaciously to the same old Talking Points the congressional repubs used to pass the bush cuts.

Yet, spending 1.3 trillion dollars on something as basic as health care is outrageous?

It's not Reaganomics, it's common sense.  It's what works.  Stop with the rich-people-are-causing-the-problems schtick.  It's b.s. and you know it.  Bush tax cuts DIDN'T fail.  Who took control of Congress in the elections of 2006?  Who then had the legislative power for all of 2007 and 2008 when the economic downturn was taking place?  D-e-m-o-c-r-a-t-s.

You see, health care is a good, a service.  It is not free.  Furthermore, the United States DOES NOT HAVE THE MONEY.  We don't have it.  Period.  Again, the United States does not have the money to fund nationalized health care.  We as a nation are aleady headed towards bankruptcy anyway.  And the American people don't want this health care bill.  They want reform, i.e. lowered costs, but that's it! 

You're such a Fox News Zombie its not even funny.

Really? That's your parting shot? 

The stuff you typed is no different that Olbermann and Stewart have said - anger-filled, slanderous garbage.

The reality is that you have no idea what you're talking about.  You appear undereducated, ignorant, and ill-prepared to have any remotely serious discussion on what is currently happening in this country.  Go back and start with basic history - how the U.S. was founded, what it was founded upon, what government's role is, basic economic principles, all that sort of thing.
How easily people's minds are polluted by MSNBC, CNN, Stewart/Colbert/Maher, and the far left talking points machine.
So anything not Fox News is a far left talking point or even in anyway  comparable to the atrocities Fox News passes off as news? Isn't that  convenient

Burns, I really don't' have to time to argue with Fox News watchers. You have been too trained to believe that anything from Fox News is anyway close to the truth and every other station is equally as emotional in delivering their news.

You're so disillusioned that you think the Bush Tax cuts worked. You honestly believe the GOP when they talk down about these programs. They know better than to even try to touch Medicare, or Social Security.
Besides, any bluff vote proposed by Democrats would bestrictly so they could have someone to blame to take attention off oftheir own unpopular agenda.  Never forget that many in Congress, bothparties, are all about political points and power, not results.
You just called Medicare and Social Security unpopular? Has the GOP really polarized you that much to say that Medicare and Social Security are unpopular? You have no credibility in anything you say when you make statements like that.
And no, a democrat would never be irresponsible enough to abolish these programs. The whole point of it is for GOP to put their vote where their mouth is...which according to you they won't do because it would take attention off their unpopular agenda. So they won't do something that to them is good, because it'll take attention off democrats? The saddest thing is you actually believe this BS you're saying.

For the record I get my news from Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize winner in economists of 2008. Just one of his many honors in the field of Economics.

You can call me ignorant, you can call me uneducated. Unless I ever decided to reveal my personal life on NT to prove that my post undergrad education is more selective than 95% of schools, I have no rebuttal but my ideas.

However, like I stated, I cite Paul Krugman, one of the most established names in Economics.

These are economic principles that are widely believed even by Krugman's economic rivals.

Bush Tax cuts failed, health care reform is better and cheaper than the status quo. Money needs to be spent in a recession to stimulate the economy. Not doing anything is wasting trillions of potential GDP output. It's a pretty basic theory in the field of economics, but goes against the laymans common sense, something that happens ALOT in economics, allowing Fox News and GOP to exploits the foolish for their political agenda.

You think this reform is socialized medicine. Please tell me, what about it is Socialized? Do you know ANYTHING about the house and senate bills? Please eloquently spell out how it is socialized. Honestly, I can't believe I'm having a conversation with someone who insists, telling insurance companies not to deny coverage, having an insurance exchange, and forcing millions of new customers for the insurance company is socialist.

You're ignorance is the same type that elected Bush twice, got us into 2 wars with 0 evidence of its need or success, 1.3 trillion dollars in tax cuts, and now blame his failed policies and recession on democrats. You're so out of touch with reality its not even funny. Your GOP is a joke to America and the rest of the world.

Also, just so you know, reform is passing with or without republicans. Get used to it, America isn't run by idiots no more, they're just obstructed by them now.
The war was the right thing to do

LOL.  Even to this very day you and the rest of your conservative cohorts won't admit that the war was wrong, simply scared to admit the truth.  To this day no weapons of mass destruction have been found and a country has been ruined by our takeover, but yet instill the war was the right thing to do huh, just sad.

 this world is imperfect, with people in it who want to kill us just because we're Americans
How bout they want to kill us because we occupy their country, did you ever think about that??

You can't reason with these people, you can't change foreign policy enough to satisfy them. 
  How do you know, have you ever been apart of any interrogation process for these terrorists??

Next time you see someone in uniform, thank them for allowing you the safe freedom to do something as simple as type on a sneaker message board. 
Our troops do alot for us but them "allowing me the freedom" to communicate on a sneaker message board aint one of them. 

You make a lot of assumptions because you're not interested in truth, reality, or fairness. 
Pot meet kettle.

Your viewpoints are nothing more than misinformation at best.
Again, pot meet kettle.

do you care about the lives lost on 9/11?  The U.S.S. Cole attack in 2000?  I do.  And I care about every American and civilian life lost abroad.  I think you need to step into reality for once.  If we never went over there, do you think terrorists were going to kick back and leave us alone?  I guess 9/11 really has faded in people's minds.

   Instead of just only thinking about revenge and attack, attack, attack, how bout we actually think about why THEY attacked us to begin with.  

And we have the best health care system in the world.  There's nobody dying in the streets from lack of health care, pal.  Sure, everyone should have access to the best health care in the world. 
  I meant to say we need to make health care more AFFORDABLE.  Yes we do have a good health care system but it can be improved. 
Originally Posted by LiveFree

So anything not Fox News is a far left talking point or even in anyway  comparable to the atrocities Fox News passes off as news? Isn't that  convenient
Why do you keep bringing up Fox News? I never did.  All you're proving is that you buy into an "us vs. them" "The left is right and the right is wrong" mentality.

You want to talk about news atrocities?  Really?  All you could come up with is Fox?

Burns, I really don't' have to time to argue with Fox News watchers. You have been too trained to believe that anything from Fox News is anyway close to the truth and every other station is equally as emotional in delivering their news.

I don't have the time to do that, either.  Look, I'm in my 30s and have a degree and career in journalism.  Don't try to condescend to me about information.  The only thing I'm trained in is reporting the truth, not a political agenda.  If your idea of news is Chris "It's my job to make sure this president succeeds" Matthews, well...
You're so disillusioned that you think the Bush Tax cuts worked. You honestly believe the GOP when they talk down about these programs. They know better than to even try to touch Medicare, or Social Security.

Nah, I just have a different viewpoint than you and you have a cult-like allegiance to your own ideology, so no one else could possibly be right in your eyes.  The GOP doesn't need to touch Medicare or S.S.  Those were the Dems failures so I think they should take the credit for them.
You just called Medicare and Social Security unpopular? Has the GOP really polarized you that much to say that Medicare and Social Security are unpopular? You have no credibility in anything you say when you make statements like that.
And no, a democrat would never be irresponsible enough to abolish these programs. The whole point of it is for GOP to put their vote where their mouth is...which according to you they won't do because it would take attention off their unpopular agenda. So they won't do something that to them is good, because it'll take attention off democrats? The saddest thing is you actually believe this BS you're saying.

No, I didn't say Medicare and S.S. were unpopular.  If you'd read instead of focusing on attacking you'd see that I wrote that the current Democrat agenda is unpopular. (See President Obama's current 46% approval rating, 44% strong disapproval rating, recent VA, NJ, MA elections, 74% do not want this health care bill, etc).  You've gotten off track here.  No one said anything about abolishing anything.  I only mentioned that they're run poorly, as government often does.  Reconfigure the gibberish you wrote above and get back to me.
For the record I get my news from Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize winner in economists of 2008. Just one of his many honors in the field of Economics.
I don't think the Nobel Prize is a credible accolade any longer so... yeah, I wouldn't suggest that as a plus.  Krugman, whose theory that the state with the highest income tax rate in the country (California) has a budget problem because taxes there aren't high enough?  Not to mention him being a shill for the Democrat Party.  Yeah, he's got no agenda... a purely neutral economist.  Sell that someplace else.
You can call me ignorant, you can call me uneducated. Unless I ever decided to reveal my personal life on NT to prove that my post undergrad education is more selective than 95% of schools, I have no rebuttal but my ideas.

I frankly don't care where you go to school.  I mean, I wish you well but Obama went to Harvard and Bush went to Yale - a case can be made that both are idiots.  Credentials don't mean a thing when you're wrong.
However, like I stated, I cite Paul Krugman, one of the most established names in Economics.

These are economic principles that are widely believed even by Krugman's economic rivals.

He may be a name but that's about it.  Perhaps if he could stop sitting on the lap of the Democrat Party and stop whining about Bush and conservatives for a while, maybe he'd have some constructive ideas.  Wake me when he does this.
Bush Tax cuts failed, health care reform is better and cheaper than the status quo. Money needs to be spent in a recession to stimulate the economy. Not doing anything is wasting trillions of potential GDP output. It's a pretty basic theory in the field of economics, but goes against the laymans common sense, something that happens ALOT in economics, allowing Fox News and GOP to exploits the foolish for their political agenda.

No, the tax cuts didn't fail.  Having more cash flow in the economy via spending dollars is always good.  Not a cure-all but always good.  Health care reform is not cheaper in any sense of the word.  It's a $1 trillion bill!  Check the CBO numbers and see what they say the bill will save.  I don't even want to get into the foolish being exploited for a political agenda (2008 election).  We all agree health care needs reformed but not scrapped, handed over to Washington, and running the deficit up.  You're talking about economic sense but completely fail to look long term.  We pass this health care bill and the other big-money items the Dems want, we crash and burn.  It's that simple.  We don't have the money.  Obama: "I'll go line by line to eliminate earmarks."  Stimulus - 9,000 earmarks. Budget - who knows?
You think this reform is socialized medicine. Please tell me, what about it is Socialized? Do you know ANYTHING about the house and senate bills? Please eloquently spell out how it is socialized. Honestly, I can't believe I'm having a conversation with someone who insists, telling insurance companies not to deny coverage, having an insurance exchange, and forcing millions of new customers for the insurance company is socialist.

A public option is socialized medicine.  Obama wants it.  Pelosi wants it.  That alone qualifies. Do you not pay attention to what they say?  You want more? Let me lay it out:

1.   Employer Mandate - Research shows an employer mandate could cost 1.6 million jobs with more than 1 million of those jobs lost in the small business sector.


2.   Payroll Tax Penalty - No matter how profitable or unprofitable a business might be in a given year, businesses are forced to pay this tax.  The legislation requires that all employers with a payroll of $250,000 or more pay a payroll tax of up to 8 percent if they do not provide “qualified
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Here's a quick fix for Palin: quit having ******ed babies and kids that bring children into this world with a deadbeat as their dad. fixed. voila.

Was this meant to be funny?
Originally Posted by Deuce King

LOL.  Even to this very day you and the rest of your conservative cohorts won't admit that the war was wrong, simply scared to admit the truth.  To this day no weapons of mass destruction have been found and a country has been ruined by our takeover, but yet instill the war was the right thing to do huh, just sad.
Admit?  This is simple - you don't think the war was the right thing to do.  And you're entitled to think so.  There are people who think it was the right thing to do.  Case closed.  This constant hate from one side to another is just un-American at this point.  I can't imagine waking up every day with that.

Do you even stay current with news?  Iraq is in a better state now than it ever has been. So good, in fact, that Obama will begin drawing troops home this summer. 

How bout they want to kill us because we occupy their country, did you ever think about that??

Um... we didn't occupy Iraq, Afghanistan, or anywhere in the middle east before 9/11 and still got attacked.  Try again.
How do you know, have you ever been apart of any interrogation process for these terrorists??
I don't know what about "convert infidels or kill them" you don't understand.  These people don't negotiate.  They don't reason or value humanity.  They kill. 

Try again.

Our troops do alot for us but them "allowing me the freedom" to communicate on a sneaker message board aint one of them.

How is freedom maintained?  Military force.  You take freedom for granted because you've never had it taken away.  You've never served.  You've never had your entire existence threatened.  Our troops prevent that for you.  Be grateful.
Instead of just only thinking about revenge and attack, attack, attack, how bout we actually think about why THEY attacked us to begin with.

Right.  Our reaction to Pearl Harbor was revenge.  Had nothing to do with protecting our country from imperial Japan.  We have to sympathize with people who have killing on their itinerary?  These people are bat $*%@ crazy.  Wake up, man.  In their own words they have repeated over and over that the United States is their enemy just because we exist.  Study up before you spout nonsense.

I meant to say we need to make health care more AFFORDABLE. Yes we do have a good health care system but it can be improved.

I agree with that.  My biggest complaint about health care is how ridiculously expensive it is.  We already have a good system in place but we don't need treatment denied or approved by a beaucracy and we don't need to be taxed more so other people can be covered for free.
I had a whole response typed out for you Burns but you think your opinion is "fact" and the real fact is a matter of looney left opinion..

But here's your poll of Obama voters in Massachusetts who sat out of the election, or voted for Brown.

  • by 3 to 2 among Obama voters who voted for Brown
  • by 6 to 1 among Obama voters who stayed home
(18% of Obama supporters who voted supported Brown.)

  • 82% of Obama voters who voted for Brown
  • 86% of Obama voters who stayed home
  • 57% of Brown voters say Obama "not delivering enough" on change he promised
  • 49% to 37% among voters who stayed home
PLUS: Obama voters overwhelming want bold economic populism from Democrats in 2010.
[th=""]QUESTION: Would you favor or oppose the national government offering everyone the choice of a government administered health insurance plan -- something like the Medicare coverage that people 65 and older get -- that would compete with private health insurance plans?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]FAVOR[/th][th=""]OPPOSE[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Do you favor or oppose the health care reform proposal recently passed by the U.S. Senate?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]FAVOR[/th][th=""]OPPOSE[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: If oppose, do you think it goes too far or doesn't go far enough? [/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]NOT ENOUGH[/th][th=""]TOO FAR[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Generally speaking do you think Barack Obama and Democrats in Washington, DC are delivering enough on the change Obama promised to bring to America during the campaign? [/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]YES[/th][th=""]NO[/th][th=""]NOT SURE [/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Generally speaking, do you think Democrats in Washington, DC are fighting hard enough to challenge the Republican policies of the Bush years, aren't fighting hard enough to change those policies, or are fighting about right?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]NOT ENOUGH[/th][th=""]TOO HARD[/th][th=""]ABOUT RIGHT[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Is the issue of national health care reform very important, somewhat important, or not important when deciding how or if to vote?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]VERY[/th][th=""]SOME[/th][th=""]NOT[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""] [/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Would you favor or oppose requiring all Americans to buy health insurance from private companies -- the so-called mandate -- even if they find insurance too expensive or do not want it?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]FAVOR[/th][th=""]OPPOSE[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Is the issue of the economy very important, somewhat important, or not important when deciding how or if to vote?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]VERY[/th][th=""]SOME[/th][th=""]NOT VERY[/th][th=""]NOT SURE [/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Which candidate in Tuesday's special election for Senate did a better job of representing you and your family on economic issues: Republican Scott Brown or Democrat Martha Coakley ?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]COAKLEY[/th][th=""]BROWN[/th][th=""]NEITHER [/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: If the Democratic Congress passed a bill that laid down stronger rules of the road for Wall Street and cut bonuses for the executives of companies that received government bailouts, would that make you more likely or less likely to vote Democratic in the 2010 general election?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]MORE[/th][th=""]LESS[/th][th=""]NO AFFECT [/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: What would do more to improve our nation's economic conditions: Decreasing government spending OR tightening government regulation of Wall Street and corporate executives?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]TIGHTEN[/th][th=""]DECREASE[/th][th=""]NOT SURE [/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
I'm going to read you several pairs of statements and would like for you to tell us which comes closest to your point of view.
[th=""]QUESTION: Democrats in Washington are more on my side than on the side of the lobbyists and special interests, OR
Democrats in Washington are more on the side of the lobbyists and special interests than on the side of people like me.[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]LOBBYISTS[/th][th=""]MY SIDE[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: When Democrats took power, they really changed things in Washington, OR
When Democrats took power, they didn't change much about how Washington works.[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]NO CHANGE[/th][th=""]CHANGE[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Democrats economic policy is more focused on helping Wall Street than helping main street, OR
Democrats' economic policy is more focused on helping Main Street than helping wall street.[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]MAIN[/th][th=""]WALL[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Generally speaking do you think Barack Obama and Democrats in Washington, DC are delivering enough on the change Obama promised to bring to America during the campaign? [/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]YES[/th][th=""]NO[/th][th=""]NOT SURE [/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Generally speaking, do you think Democrats in Washington, DC are fighting hard enough to challenge the Republican policies of the Bush years, aren't fighting hard enough to change those policies, or are fighting about right?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]NOT ENOUGH[/th][th=""]TOO HARD[/th][th=""]ABOUT RIGHT[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Is the issue of national health care reform very important, somewhat important, or not important when deciding how or if to vote?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]VERY[/th][th=""]SOME[/th][th=""]NOT[/th][th=""]NOT SURE [/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Do you favor or oppose the health care reform proposal recently passed by the U.S. Senate?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]FAVOR[/th][th=""]OPPOSE[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
57%3% 40%
[th=""]QUESTION: If oppose, do you think it goes too far or doesn't go far enough?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""] [/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]NOT ENOUGH[/th][th=""]TOO FAR[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Would you favor or oppose the national government offering everyone the choice of a government administered health insurance plan -- something like the Medicare coverage that people 65 and older get -- that would compete with private health insurance plans?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]FAVOR[/th][th=""]OPPOSE[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Would you favor or oppose requiring all Americans to buy health insurance from private companies -- the so-called mandate -- even if they find insurance too expensive or do not want it?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]FAVOR[/th][th=""]OPPOSE[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Is the issue of the economy very important, somewhat important, or not important when deciding how or if to vote?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]VERY[/th][th=""]SOME[/th][th=""]NOT VERY[/th][th=""]NOT SURE [/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Which candidate in Tuesday's special election for Senate did a better job of representing you and your family on economic issues: Republican Scott Brown or Democrat Martha Coakley ?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]COAKLEY[/th][th=""]BROWN[/th][th=""]NEITHER [/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: If the Democratic Congress passed a bill that laid down stronger rules of the road for Wall Street and cut bonuses for the executives of companies that received government bailouts, would that make you more likely or less likely to vote Democratic in the 2010 general election?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]MORE[/th][th=""]LESS[/th][th=""]NO AFFECT [/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: What would do more to improve our nation's economic conditions: Decreasing government spending OR tightening government regulation of Wall Street and corporate executives?[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]TIGHTEN[/th][th=""]DECREASE[/th][th=""]NOT SURE [/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Democrats in Washington are more on my side than on the side of the lobbyists and special interests, OR
Democrats in Washington are more on the side of the lobbyists and special interests than on the side of people like me.[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]LOBBYISTS[/th][th=""]MY SIDE[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: When Democrats took power, they really changed things in Washington, OR
When Democrats took power, they didn't change much about how Washington works.[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]NO CHANGE[/th][th=""]CHANGE[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
[th=""]QUESTION: Democrats economic policy is more focused on helping Wall Street than helping Main Street, OR
Democrats' economic policy is more focused on helping Main Street than helping Wall Street.[/th] [th=""] [/th][th=""]MAIN[/th][th=""]WALL[/th][th=""]NOT SURE[/th] [th=""]ALL[/th] [th=""]MEN[/th] [th=""]WOMEN[/th] [th=""]DEMOCRATS[/th] [th=""]REPUBLICANS[/th] [th=""]INDEPENDENTS[/th]
Essential, let me understand this.

Massachusetts voters want so much more from Obama, health care, and his agenda that they elected a Republican? A Republican who represents the 41st vote that would stop the filibuster-proof majority and derail health care. You're saying voters want more of the things they just voted to prevent. Hmm...

Obama: "The same sentiment that swept Scott Brown into office swept me into office."

Yep, voters were SO incensed at Republicans in MA that they elected... a Republican.

*kanye shrug*
Once again keep establishing your own facts... Your own perception because your ideology is RARELY right... That is the problem with conservatism... It is so often incorrect they have to make up their own altered reality. And when presented with the facts they deem it as liberal overlords at work..

Americans like strength.. If you are not going to be strong whether they agree or disagree with you they will vote against you.. Same way Kerry lost and Gore (allegedly) lost..
Liberals and Democrats in government are by nature weak... The strong Liberals rarely lose.

The Iraq war was the right thing to do? You believe that in 2010
. I could see if it was 2005. But in 2010.. I'm glad you care about the debt.. When you agree with 2/3 of what causes our deficits.. War & Tax Cuts... Good job...Deficit Hawk..............

And G.W. is not Conservative come on.... There is opinion and fact.. You keep throwing out other arguments as opinion. What you have said here is definitely opinion.
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