Sarah Palin stay takin Ls Haha

How easily people's minds are polluted by MSNBC, CNN, Stewart/Colbert/Maher, and the far left talking points machine.
Far left media wouldn't have made Tea Parties the biggest stories of the summer.

Yep, tax cuts for everyone.  Government has shown such a stellar track record for managing tax revenue wisely, I forgot.  Government knows best, right?  Yeah, those greedy, evil CEO's have ruined this country.  Hope you never become a CEO of anything - you shouldn't be allowed to earn anything because the liberal d-bag argument is that rich people are bad and the less fortunate deserve someone else's hard-earned success. 

 Yeah, how dare they believe everyone in the workforce receive a barely livable minimum wage. Those commie bastards.
Yep, let GM and Chrysler go into bankruptcy.  Know what would'vehappened?  They would've had to restructure top to bottom and restart. Obama sold the American public a lie when he hyped up the wholeeconomic disaster-car company crisis.  It was all a play to hand GM andChrysler over to the UAW.  Union payback for all that Democratsupport.  Nothing more.  Open your eyes.  And karma?  I see you believein fairy tales.

Actually agreed. 

You're simplified Reaganomics way of thinking

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]I don;t think he's into Reagonomics, That  administration spent alot.[/color]

Bush Tax cuts failed

Most economist disagree.
And we have the best health care system in the world.  There's nobody dying in the streets from lack of health care, pal.
[color= rgb(0, 204, 0)]Yeah, going into debt and losing a home isn't a big deal.[/color]
Also, just so you know, reform is passing with or without republicans.Get used to it, America isn't run by idiots no more, they're justobstructed by them now.
[color= rgb(0, 255, 51)]In most polls, Democratic incumbents look as good as gone.[/color]
Oh, I don't doubt it.  But just so you know, theAmerican people are going to kick the Democrats out on their !$$@+ thisNovember and Obama's finished in 2012.  Book it.
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]Dems in 04: [/color] But just so you know, theAmerican people are going to kick the Republicans out on their !$$@+ thisNovember and Bush's finished in 2004  Book it. Not often has an incumbent President lost,
Originally Posted by Dank Roofus

too much politicking going on here
We take disagreement with our opinions personally.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Once again keep establishing your own facts... Your own perception because your ideology is RARELY right... That is the problem with conservatism... It is so often incorrect they have to make up their own altered reality. And when presented with the facts they deem it as liberal overlords at work..

Americans like strength.. If you are not going to be strong whether they agree or disagree with you they will vote against you.. Same way Kerry lost and Gore (allegedly) lost..
Liberals and Democrats in government are by nature weak... The strong Liberals rarely lose.

The Iraq war was the right thing to do? You believe that in 2010
. I could see if it was 2005. But in 2010.. I'm glad you care about the debt.. When you agree with 2/3 of what causes our deficits.. War & Tax Cuts... Good job...Deficit Hawk..............

And G.W. is not Conservative come on.... There is opinion and fact.. You keep throwing out other arguments as opinion. What you have said here is definitely opinion.

You're living in pure ideological denial.  Period.

If this discussion is any indication, you approach every political topic with the prerequisite that liberals are right and conservatives are wrong.  So focused on partisanship that you can't even remotely be objective.  That's precisely why Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are in the toilet and well on their way to defeat.  The numbers you posted (source?) prove nothing.  Again, why has the DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED Congress not passed Health Care since August and not passed Cap and Trade?  Remember, Republicans don't have the votes so it's not Republicans' fault.  Who's fault is it then? 

Come on - Politics 101: Look at what a politician DOES not what he/she calls themselves or runs on.

Bush was far from economic conservatism.  Far.  Obama ran as a centrist and he's pursuing a left agenda.

It's reality, it's what's going on right now in front of our eyes.  No "opinion" about it.

I believe the war was the right thing to do.  You believe it was wrong.  We're not changing each other's minds on that one.

You think Republicans are idiots.  I think Democrats are idiots.  We're not changing each other's minds on that one.

I'm quite content to let November 2010 and November 2012 speak.  Elections don't lie.  You'll see soon enough. 
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by Essential1

Once again keep establishing your own facts... Your own perception because your ideology is RARELY right... That is the problem with conservatism... It is so often incorrect they have to make up their own altered reality. And when presented with the facts they deem it as liberal overlords at work..

Americans like strength.. If you are not going to be strong whether they agree or disagree with you they will vote against you.. Same way Kerry lost and Gore (allegedly) lost..
Liberals and Democrats in government are by nature weak... The strong Liberals rarely lose.

The Iraq war was the right thing to do? You believe that in 2010
. I could see if it was 2005. But in 2010.. I'm glad you care about the debt.. When you agree with 2/3 of what causes our deficits.. War & Tax Cuts... Good job...Deficit Hawk..............

And G.W. is not Conservative come on.... There is opinion and fact.. You keep throwing out other arguments as opinion. What you have said here is definitely opinion.

You're living in pure ideological denial.  Period.

If this discussion is any indication, you approach every political topic with the prerequisite that liberals are right and conservatives are wrong.  So focused on partisanship that you can't even remotely be objective.  That's precisely why Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are in the toilet and well on their way to defeat.  The numbers you posted (source?) prove nothing.  Again, why has the DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED Congress not passed Health Care since August and not passed Cap and Trade?  Remember, Republicans don't have the votes so it's not Republicans' fault.  Who's fault is it then? 

Come on - Politics 101: Look at what a politician DOES not what he/she calls themselves or runs on.

Bush was far from economic conservatism.  Far.  Obama ran as a centrist and he's pursuing a left agenda.

It's reality, it's what's going on right now in front of our eyes.  No "opinion" about it.

I believe the war was the right thing to do.  You believe it was wrong.  We're not changing each other's minds on that one.

You think Republicans are idiots.  I think Democrats are idiots.  We're not changing each other's minds on that one.

I'm quite content to let November 2010 and November 2012 speak.  Elections don't lie.  You'll see soon enough. 
Got damn this page look like a lcd screen in bloomberg offices. Should one read?
Originally Posted by Homer

Got damn this page look like a lcd screen in bloomberg offices. Should one read?

Yes,but Democrats should type in blue, Republicans in Red and Libertarians in Yellow.
Color-coded talking points FTW
Burns, I read through your entire response and it seems our entire argument is about Health Care.

I can assure you, I don't get base any opinions unless it's information that is from a credible economist. The only "liberal" news I watch is John Stewart, who's sole job is to make fun of poor journalism. I don't see how you find them myopically biased towards liberal agenda. Especially his recent shows making fun of Obama and Dems.

  • You dismissed Krugman as a Bush Basher ideologist and his Nobel Prize in Economics because Obama recently won a Nobel Peace prize.Even though, his list of accomplishments and honors are numerous.
  • You dismiss health reform as socialist because Obama wants to give voters a public OPTION gov. run insurance company that is currently not in any bill.
  • You assume tides are turning because Obama only has a 3 edge point in approval rating and recent republican elections like Scott Brown.
  • Yet paid no attention to his mantra of Independence and proving it in voting against his republican colleagues to support the Democratic jobs bills last week.
  • You paid no attention to the overwhelming majority of Brown voters who want a Public option.
  • You dismiss the idea of reform because the bills are unpopular
  • You paid no attention to the overwhelming majority of those who dislike the bills because it doesn't go far enough.
  • You refuse to believe Bush Tax to top 2% of incomes to the tune of over 1.3 trillion was irresponsible spending. I would link you to a very detailed analysis of the tax cuts by Krugman, but you've already denounced his credibility as being partisan.
  • You say we can't afford health-care but pay no attention to out of control medical costs and insurance premiums. Do I need to show you the rate at which they're growing and how much it'd be if we don't control costs now?
  • I ask you for evidence of public option being Socialism and you simply restate the "fact" that it is.
  • Only a small % of GOP brainwashed Americans actually still buy the Socialism argument. 
  • Most displeasure with the health bills is it not going far enough, do I need to repost Essentials post?
Face the facts, Americans want reform, reform IS happening. The idea that any future Congress will take away something as popular as health care is unprecedented. Keep dreaming and prophesying, I bet you so strongly believed a Marxist like Obama would never be elected either.
No sense arguing with him present him with the facts he will dismiss them.. That's why I didn't bother to post the article about the top economic research firms backing the progress of the stimulus.. They concluded 1.5-1.8 million jobs have been created by it, and 2.5million by the time all the stimulus money has been spent. And the stimulus which has unemployment at 9.7%  and starting to see improvement would have been 12% with no decrease until 2012 or later.
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