Sasha Grey reads to an L.A. elementary class

Honestly I'd rather have no one come than a porn star coming to read to kids. The teacher can't read? I'm sure Sasha Grey herself can barely read. What are the kids getting out of this? Imagine when they get older and really think about the situation. Our school prolly thinks so low of us that they got some one who is even farther behind in life than the kids shes reading to.
Unacceptable. If you sell your soul you don't deserve to partake in normal human activity.
yea, i wouldnt mind her reading to my kids as long as she was introduced as a normal volunteer not some kind of celebrity, i cant judge her for what she did but no need to start the kids off early on that stuff
i back whoever said that the parents complaining about this are the same parents who kiss their kids with the same mouth that was full offspring from poppadukes.

why they chose her is weird i agree, her fame is mainly from getting her back blown out...

idk i kinda feel the parents are acting as if they never had sex for the fun of it. that @%@# feels good for a reason
I'm not opposed to being read to by her. Last I heard, she's not doing p0rn anymore. If anything, the cause that she stands for is beneficial. Granted, who she was isn't something you want the kids to know but you swear like people can't turn leaves. Children now-a-days can't read for %%@+, it's about time that people like her take a stand for it.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Honestly I'd rather have no one come than a porn star coming to read to kids. The teacher can't read? I'm sure Sasha Grey herself can barely read. What are the kids getting out of this? Imagine when they get older and really think about the situation. Our school prolly thinks so low of us that they got some one who is even farther behind in life than the kids shes reading to.
Unacceptable. If you sell your soul you don't deserve to partake in normal human activity.
Straight comedy.

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Again, why couldn't the school grab someone who is making a difference in the community to read to these kids? 
Agreed. Why risk introducing students to pornography at that age? What if one of those kids has an older brother that has seen Entourage? It's just irresponsible.

How are the kids being introduced to porn?
Originally Posted by RyanNYC

who is she?

Stuff like this kills me...
Like...ya'll see the articles and videos and context clues being dropped yet ya'll waste posts asking this. 

Hmmmm...Tricky situation.

Honestly if she went by gov't name and wasn't billed as a celebrity and just some random person who wanted to read the kids a book, I wouldn't mind it.

Now if they made a big to do like celebrity guest Sasha Grey...It'd be all bad.

edit: She's also dressed very very conservatively....

The fathers must just feel uncomfortable knowing what they did the night before to her vids and her reading them the story the day after.....

And the mothers are just being mothers. lol....j/k
Originally Posted by RyanNYC

who is she?



like are you serious your a perfect example of a troll like seriously their was even a wssh video a couple pages back+you didn't even bother the first page+you never heard of google smh....
Originally Posted by FourReal

Originally Posted by RyanNYC

who is she?


like are you serious your a perfect example of a troll like seriously their was even a wssh video a couple pages back+you didn't even bother the first page+you never heard of google smh....

@ the gif ...

she is getting away from that stuff ... at first i was like ehhh not the end of the world ... then i saw the toilet bowl and was like

lil kids ... no use of stage name ... maybe ... i can see be upset though ...
Kim Kardashian became famous mostly for having a sex tape and being the friend of another girl who rose to fame from a sex tape. She gets her own show and all kinds of mainstream media coverage, but Sasha isn't even allowed to read to some kids like a normal human being?
If she used her government name and TMZ hadn't made a big stink about it the kids would never have known the difference. I understand why parents would be concerned if the kids found out who she was, but it's only a concern because adults made a big deal out of it.

And while a lot of people may not agree with her past, some of you look like idiots in here assuming she can't read or isn't intelligent just because she did porn. I'd be willing to bet she's more well-read and intelligent than half of NT (though that's not saying much).
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Kim Kardashian became famous mostly for having a sex tape and being the friend of another girl who rose to fame from a sex tape. She gets her own show and all kinds of mainstream media coverage, but Sasha isn't even allowed to read to some kids like a normal human being?
If she used her government name and TMZ hadn't made a big stink about it the kids would never have known the difference. I understand why parents would be concerned if the kids found out who she was, but it's only a concern because adults made a big deal out of it.

And while a lot of people may not agree with her past, some of you look like idiots in here assuming she can't read or isn't intelligent just because she did porn. I'd be willing to bet she's more well-read and intelligent than half of NT (though that's not saying much).
I'm sorry and i'm all for sexual rights and equality and all that liberal XYZ stuff...
But theres a difference between what Sasha Grey did on camera and Kim K did on camera...and intelligence/appearance/etc isn't what i'm talking about.

On top of that, Kim K has money and runs with celebs. Sasha...doesn't. 

This might be interesting to some of you all...
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Kim Kardashian became famous mostly for having a sex tape and being the friend of another girl who rose to fame from a sex tape. She gets her own show and all kinds of mainstream media coverage, but Sasha isn't even allowed to read to some kids like a normal human being?
If she used her government name and TMZ hadn't made a big stink about it the kids would never have known the difference. I understand why parents would be concerned if the kids found out who she was, but it's only a concern because adults made a big deal out of it.

And while a lot of people may not agree with her past, some of you look like idiots in here assuming she can't read or isn't intelligent just because she did porn. I'd be willing to bet she's more well-read and intelligent than half of NT (though that's not saying much).
I'm sorry and i'm all for sexual rights and equality and all that liberal XYZ stuff...
But theres a difference between what Sasha Grey did on camera and Kim K did on camera...and intelligence/appearance/etc isn't what i'm talking about.

On top of that, Kim K has money and runs with celebs. Sasha...doesn't.�

This might be interesting to some of you all...
I remember reading somewhere that that interview edited out a whole lot of stuff that presented her in a more positive light.
Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case either.

I do agree with your post though, these are two very different scenarios between her and Kim.

I will say one thing though, Sasha in the bedroom w/o the @^# eating and toilet licking >>>>>>> Kim laying there like a corpse. 

^ Yeah it very possible and probable and edited the hell out of that vid. It is TV after all. Plus the vid posted is from an anti-porn org., so they're gonna spin it anyway
whats the big deal its not like she talking about porn to the kids and sasha
Sasha did an interview where she said Oprah's people made her dress to look younger than she was at the time to get her point across. And she also said they edited a ton of stuff to make her look like she was troubled and that was the reason she was doing porn.

or maybe it was Tyra w/e
I'm also disgusted with the losers on the Internet getting a sick sense of pleasure at the idea of the players getting crushed
She's just reading to kids (though i completely understand the whole "just google her name" idea. no running from that)
so my main question is Do you have a better idea? 

What should she be doing? What would you rather have her do? stuck doing a 9-5? Flipping burgers? We talk about how women are queens and and they can do better than that and they are strong but when they do try to make something out of their themselves, they get bashed for it. And even if you have an idea for her, stuff it because we still have no place to say what she does to better her life and the lives of others. Hell she could run for president (she wouldnt win but danm she could sure as hell try) And i agree with

So whats everyone else better idea?

Honorable Mentions:
Originally Posted by CWrite78

because does people don't want to go and read.

she's part of a program, which im sure anybody can join. but did they?

again, something tells me the school didn't purposely pick her. they called the program, and the program saw her as available and in the area.

people complain that we don't give enough to kids.. but when somebody steps up to help, all of a sudden what they did is a problem. i hope the same people complaining here throw a fit whenever a rapper donates something or goes to read to kids.

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

I don't see the issue. Not like it was career day
None of those kids even know who she is.... And it's not like she's having sex in the class in front of them... And in 3 weeks none of them will remember her name, let alone what she looked like...

Vast overreaction
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Kim Kardashian became famous mostly for having a sex tape and being the friend of another girl who rose to fame from a sex tape. She gets her own show and all kinds of mainstream media coverage, but Sasha isn't even allowed to read to some kids like a normal human being?
If she used her government name and TMZ hadn't made a big stink about it the kids would never have known the difference. I understand why parents would be concerned if the kids found out who she was, but it's only a concern because adults made a big deal out of it.

And while a lot of people may not agree with her past, some of you look like idiots in here assuming she can't read or isn't intelligent just because she did porn. I'd be willing to bet she's more well-read and intelligent than half of NT (though that's not saying much).
I'm sorry and i'm all for sexual rights and equality and all that liberal XYZ stuff...
But theres a difference between what Sasha Grey did on camera and Kim K did on camera...and intelligence/appearance/etc isn't what i'm talking about.

On top of that, Kim K has money and runs with celebs. Sasha...doesn't.�

This might be interesting to some of you all...
I watched those two vids a couple days ago.  Sasha (we're on a first-name basis) comes off as way smarter than Ms. Banks.
 " I'm going to have to send us to commercials, I can't even comprehend what's going on right now" 
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