Saw SHUTTER ISLAND tonight- vol. yes, it's better than The Departed **Spoilers within**

I'm still on the fence and I still believe that he wasn't crazy...

- too many clues on both sides that can be dissected in different ways to prove whether or not he was crazy or wasn't
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

I'm still on the fence and I still believe that he wasn't crazy...

- too many clues on both sides that can be dissected in different ways to prove whether or not he was crazy or wasn't
That's why I think the book/movie was so good, because when you look at it one way you're like, "Yeah, he was definitely a mental patient all along", but then when you look at it the other way you're like, "Hold up, maybe they really did trick him..."
Maybe it's just me, but some of you guys are dissecting this movie way too much. I think that's what the creators want, but in the end, I think what you saw was correct; it's not deeper than the explanation given ...
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Spoiler [+]
I think Leo was NOT crazy. I think in the beginning, Chuck stole his cigarettes and gave him the other ones that were laced. Then the black staff worker gave him some cigarettes too when his had gotten "wet". Why would that one lady who killed her husband with an axe tell him to "RUN"? I think it's because she knew as well as everyone else that it was some BS they were about to do. That's why she didn't write it until Chuck got her some water. And that quote at the end "Live a monster or die a good man." I think he would rather die knowing he was right whether than living this lie that he is a murderer. That's why they show the lighthouse again at the end. And remember, he told Chuck EVERYTHING eventually. They probably cleared out the light house because Chuck told them that Leo thought it was like a "lab". All in all, I have come to the decision that he was not crazy. 

Spoiler [+]
He was definitely delusional the whole time. He didn't really had the cigaretters to begin with. The other patient wrote "RUN" because she was trying to help him because he is one of them. To be honest, her writing that could be planted as well, maybe that was part of the delusion he already told the doctor so they had to have someone play the role and do it.

His qoute in the end is that he felt like he was a monster because he was the cause of his childrens death because he didn't give his wife the help she needed after he noticed that she started to go crazy.

Also, through the whole movie when he was imagining/dreaming the lady killing her children, I kept thinking, "how the hell does he have the image of the kids he has never seen?" It was because it was actually his children, he just replaced the his wife with a different lady, which apparently played by one of the nurses. 
Spoiler [+]
but how couldhe be delusional if his conspiracy theories about the experimentationon patients on shutter island is true?  correct me if im wrong, butwere they not performing lobotomies?
Originally Posted by moe200069

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Spoiler [+]
I think Leo was NOT crazy. I think in the beginning, Chuck stole his cigarettes and gave him the other ones that were laced. Then the black staff worker gave him some cigarettes too when his had gotten "wet". Why would that one lady who killed her husband with an axe tell him to "RUN"? I think it's because she knew as well as everyone else that it was some BS they were about to do. That's why she didn't write it until Chuck got her some water. And that quote at the end "Live a monster or die a good man." I think he would rather die knowing he was right whether than living this lie that he is a murderer. That's why they show the lighthouse again at the end. And remember, he told Chuck EVERYTHING eventually. They probably cleared out the light house because Chuck told them that Leo thought it was like a "lab". All in all, I have come to the decision that he was not crazy. 

Spoiler [+]
He was definitely delusional the whole time. He didn't really had the cigaretters to begin with. The other patient wrote "RUN" because she was trying to help him because he is one of them. To be honest, her writing that could be planted as well, maybe that was part of the delusion he already told the doctor so they had to have someone play the role and do it.

His qoute in the end is that he felt like he was a monster because he was the cause of his childrens death because he didn't give his wife the help she needed after he noticed that she started to go crazy.

Also, through the whole movie when he was imagining/dreaming the lady killing her children, I kept thinking, "how the hell does he have the image of the kids he has never seen?" It was because it was actually his children, he just replaced the his wife with a different lady, which apparently played by one of the nurses. 
Spoiler [+]
but how could he be delusional if his conspiracy theories about the experimentation on patients on shutter island is true?  correct me if im wrong, but were they not performing lobotomies?

Spoiler [+]
They do lobotomies but that one is government issued because he kept hurting both the patients and orderlies/guards.
It is pretty much to keep him alive but prevent him from being violent and the doctors didn't want to do it because it means that they have failed in him.
If the whole conspiracy theory were true, then why give him the chance to live in reality than just instantly lobotomize him?
I really see no reason to just let him live or to give him that option if they could have just kept him quiet by either killing him or lobotomizing him when they caught him.
The doctors even said he created the conspiracy in his head so that he would forget what happened.
Please, what are yall crying about? If you haven't seen the movie yet and don't want to have it spoiled, then you probably shouldn't be on page 7 of the movie thread
Originally Posted by JJ1223

Please, what are yall crying about? If you haven't seen the movie yet and don't want to have it spoiled, then you probably shouldn't be on page 7 of the movie thread
You gotta expect that, if it's in discussion that's cool.  But what's with douches that just purposely come in to ruin it?
I don't know how to do the spoiler thing... and yes if you haven't seen them movie why are you on page ten... sooo SPOILER!!

I think he was not crazy. But in the end it could be interpreted either way. First of all the fact that this hurricane just happened to occur, allowing him to get into ward C? They could not have planned that out.. they can't control this mini hurricane. I think I'd have to witness the conversation between Leo and the inmate at Ward C again and that would be the best way to figure it out. But the inmate says something like "Got out once, but don't get out twice." In Leo's story he had gotten out after being there for a year... but then again maybe it was something Leo got outta his containment once, beat the crap outta him, and then got out again ?? Ruffalo's character was working with them all along either way, so by that point he had ALL the information on Leo, and was able to use it against him. I like this thought process better.

In the end we will never really know.

remember when they asked for there guns his partner had trouble taking out his holster like he had never used one before.
Originally Posted by JediMaster23

Chuck was

He kept it real through the whole movie, he was a actor inside a actor.

The only thing that is stopping me from believing that he was crazy is in the beginning him being on the ferry with chuck, How the heck did he get there without remembering.

I dont think he was crazy, he was too smart to be crazy, then again?

Answer me this, was Andrew Liaddes really a US Marshall?

No more mind boggling movies for me for awhile or imma end up in a sanitorium tryna figure it out.

On another note Clash Of The Titans looks

yes he WAS a marshall, but that particular Saturday he came home to his wife, that all changed.
the doctor told or rather showed him that when he was in the lighthouse.
and if he had managed to create an alter ego and life for himself in order to forget his old one, it's not a stretch that he forgot how he got to the island in the first place.
his mind was like a taperecorder he re-started over and over.

oh sorry for the "spoiler"
Originally Posted by sinser13


remember when they asked for there guns his partner had trouble taking out his holster like he had never used one before.
Yeah.... what about it though?
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by sinser13

remember when they asked for there guns his partner had trouble taking out his holster like he had never used one before.
Yeah.... what about it though?
He's saying that since he had trouble it probably means he never used a gun before. Therefore, he was actually a psychiatrist and not an agent. Which means Leo was psychotic and the whole thing was a set-up.

the reason why i believe he was actually a patient and that everything was acted out to fulfill his treatment plan was because during the interrogation with the axe-lady, when chuck brought back the water glass and she drank from it, there is a second or two where it shows her holding NOTHING but still making the drinking motion. but the scene right after that (leo's point of view) it shows a glass of water on the table.

it was a great movie, but i would've done something more interesting with the ending. maybe show a bunch of US marshall ships coming to the island when they showed the lighthouse at the very end.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by sinser13

remember when they asked for there guns his partner had trouble taking out his holster like he had never used one before.
Yeah.... what about it though?
He's saying that since he had trouble it probably means he never used a gun before. Therefore, he was actually a psychiatrist and not an agent. Which means Leo was psychotic and the whole thing was a set-up.
Ah I see...

Another interesting thought.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper


the reason why i believe he was actually a patient and that everything was acted out to fulfill his treatment plan was because during the interrogation with the axe-lady, when chuck brought back the water glass and she drank from it, there is a second or two where it shows her holding NOTHING but still making the drinking motion. but the scene right after that (leo's point of view) it shows a glass of water on the table.
I peeped that too I was like......what? Imaginary cup?? Wait but there's the cup....
Originally Posted by recycledpaper


the reason why i believe he was actually a patient and that everything was acted out to fulfill his treatment plan was because during the interrogation with the axe-lady, when chuck brought back the water glass and she drank from it, there is a second or two where it shows her holding NOTHING but still making the drinking motion. but the scene right after that (leo's point of view) it shows a glass of water on the table.

it was a great movie, but i would've done something more interesting with the ending. maybe show a bunch of US marshall ships coming to the island when they showed the lighthouse at the very end.
I REMEMBER THAT! I thought I was trippin', guess not though.
also, what's up with the note? was that planted there to add some fuel to leo's imaginary case? oh and for the record, solando's scene where she was splattered in blood had me creeped out 

something about old-fashioned clothing splattered in blood is haunting.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

also, what's up with the note? was that planted there to add some fuel to leo's imaginary case? oh and for the record, solando's scene where she was splattered in blood had me creeped out 

something about old-fashioned clothing splattered in blood is haunting.

The entire movie was haunting
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by sinser13

remember when they asked for there guns his partner had trouble taking out his holster like he had never used one before.
Yeah.... what about it though?
He's saying that since he had trouble it probably means he never used a gun before. Therefore, he was actually a psychiatrist and not an agent. Which means Leo was psychotic and the whole thing was a set-up.
Ah I see...

Another interesting thought.
That same scene when they hand over guns Chuck say "you act like insanity is catching" meaning he was the doctor. Leo was crazy.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by sinser13

remember when they asked for there guns his partner had trouble taking out his holster like he had never used one before.
Yeah.... what about it though?
He's saying that since he had trouble it probably means he never used a gun before. Therefore, he was actually a psychiatrist and not an agent. Which means Leo was psychotic and the whole thing was a set-up.
or maybe he was a nervous agent newcomer?

btw when leo laid his dead daughter on the grass anyone see her legs move, like ALOT
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

btw when leo laid his dead daughter on the grass anyone see her legs move, like ALOT
Haha yeah. I was like wth? Did everyone involved with the movie miss this?
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