Saw SHUTTER ISLAND tonight- vol. yes, it's better than The Departed **Spoilers within**

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Anyone read the book and see the film yet? Wondering which I should do first. Book or movie?
Read the book first then see the movie.
Chuck was

He kept it real through the whole movie, he was a actor inside a actor.

The only thing that is stopping me from believing that he was crazy is in the beginning him being on the ferry with chuck, How the heck did he get there without remembering.

I dont think he was crazy, he was too smart to be crazy, then again?

Answer me this, was Andrew Liaddes really a US Marshall?

No more mind boggling movies for me for awhile or imma end up in a sanitorium tryna figure it out.

On another note Clash Of The Titans looks
A few days ago I was talking about this movie with a couple friends and one of them said, "Why are you so amped for this movie? You know its just gonna end up that he's one of the patients and the whole thing's in his head."

I was like "Nahhh that's way too easy to guess..."

Best movie I have seen in a while. What's up with a few of you clowns ruining the movie for people who haven't watched it yet?
Originally Posted by JediMaster23

The only thing that is stopping me from believing that he was crazy is in the beginning him being on the ferry with chuck, How the heck did he get there without remembering.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I think dude was crazy, and overcame it, but choose a life of numbness (lobotomy) than actually having to life with the everyday pain of what happened...

Think about the scene when he interrogated the nurses and how they were all laughing at him and how the cop laughed at him when he walked up pententiary C...They were all laughing with him cause they knew dude was an "patient."  Plus the scene with the woman was way too bizarre, how was she surviving on that small island, by eating rats?
I think the same thing.

That had to be a delusion. If she was living in a cave, how would she possibly know that Teddy was a US Marshall?

I wasn't crazy about the movie, but Ben Kingsley was fantastic. The scenes in Dachau were brilliant. And I loved how they showed Laeddis' cruelty toward the other patients.
Originally Posted by JediMaster23

 The only thing that is stopping me from believing that he was crazy is in the beginning him being on the ferry with chuck, How the heck did he get there without remembering.

Answer me this, was Andrew Liaddes really a US Marshall?
I think when he restted his mind 9 month before, they probably just took him on a ferry ride and circled around and when he went outside and saw Chuck he immediately regarded him as a guy he didn't know and that was CHucks queu that it was the beginning. You got remember, Chuck was his primary psychiatrist so he knew was going on and what was going to happen, he's heard it all before. 
And Laeddies was a US Marshall, he had the badge and the gun when the flashbacked to his family dying.

I think deep down inside, he knew it was all a trick because the woman in the cave is obviously an illusion and she told him (his subconscious?) that he has no friends and that everyone knows about it. 

I liked the movie but loved the music and cinematography, OP was correct in it being highly influenced by Hitchcock and Kubrick.
Plot was not original, it was very entertaining, the 2 hours went by fast. I highly recommend it.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by JediMaster23

 The only thing that is stopping me from believing that he was crazy is in the beginning him being on the ferry with chuck, How the heck did he get there without remembering.

Answer me this, was Andrew Liaddes really a US Marshall?
I think when he restted his mind 9 month before, they probably just took him on a ferry ride and circled around and when he went outside and saw Chuck he immediately regarded him as a guy he didn't know and that was CHucks queu that it was the beginning. You got remember, Chuck was his primary psychiatrist so he knew was going on and what was going to happen, he's heard it all before. 
And Laeddies was a US Marshall, he had the badge and the gun when the flashbacked to his family dying.

I think deep down inside, he knew it was all a trick because the woman in the cave is obviously an illusion and she told him (his subconscious?) that he has no friends and that everyone knows about it. 

I liked the movie but loved the music and cinematography, OP was correct in it being highly influenced by Hitchcock and Kubrick.
Plot was not original, it was very entertaining, the 2 hours went by fast. I highly recommend it.

That is right because when he woke up and accepted that he killed his wife and his name was Andrew they told him that in the past he accepted reality but relapsed into a delusional state right after. Like Kingsley's character said ,Andrew was like a recorded tape replaying itself over and over. So the ferry scene was probably another go around of Andrew's delusional fantasy.
One little thing....did anyone else think they played the music for too long when they got off the ferry walking towards the gate? I swear it felt like the music was playing for 3 hours during those 2 minutes
Originally Posted by jrp44

One little thing....did anyone else think they played the music for too long when they got off the ferry walking towards the gate? I swear it felt like the music was playing for 3 hours during those 2 minutes

yeah i felt the same way a little over doing it on that scene
I think that is one of the Kubrick/Hitchcock influence that I loved in the film.
It built up the emotions and really made you think that something is going to happen.
I think it is definitely one of those things that are missing in the movies these days.

I mean come on, I want to see Clash of the Titans but does it have to have some rock/heavy metal music in the background?
I know it's just the preview but I really hope the movies music isn't the same.
Originally Posted by illfrozn

Excellent, excellent movie. Those spoiling it for others should burn in Hell though ...

I think people that comes in the thread should expect spoilers though.
Maybe the OP can add "Spoiler Alert" in the title?
Yeah, that music was a bit too suspenseful for what was going on at the moment..

I'm still convinced the movie was meant to have an inconclusive ending..
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by illfrozn

Excellent, excellent movie. Those spoiling it for others should burn in Hell though ...

I think people that comes in the thread should expect spoilers though.
Maybe the OP can add "Spoiler Alert" in the title?
Right what are people that haven't watched it expecting by coming in this thread? Pure review and no spoiler ANYWHERE? That's delusional...
Originally Posted by dunnyy

 I'm still convinced the movie was meant to have an inconclusive ending..

I think they tried to be but failed with the last line he said. 
Now if Leo have been saying that line the whole movie or at least once before in a significant manner (which I don't think he did or I just forget) then the ending could go either way.

Originally Posted by Retro23J

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by illfrozn

Excellent, excellent movie. Those spoiling it for others should burn in Hell though ...

I think people that comes in the thread should expect spoilers though.
Maybe the OP can add "Spoiler Alert" in the title?
Right what are people that haven't watched it expecting by coming in this thread? Pure review and no spoiler ANYWHERE? That's delusional...
What you did there, I see it...
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