Scared of commitment?Stay a #%@? what.. is going on

i dont have the facebook message anymore, that was two years ago.  we have also had a couple confrontations on the phone but heres a picture i just took with my phone of him tweeting her on twitter  a couple weeks ago trying to get back with her when he found out we was having problems
u can see at the bottom of the picture, she tweeted i was with some other girl because i wasnt answering her phone calls, so of course they always assume u with another chick
Originally Posted by Memphis2atl

shes a good woman though, shes receiving her master's degree in June, she was featured in Ebony Magazine in 2003 as "Ms. Lane University" lol and get this..she is the ex-gf of Memphis Grizzliespllayer Rudy Gay..this dude even sent me a message on facebook saying how good of a women she is and how he hates he let her go...and even after he signed for over $80 mill, she still chose me over dude. so i dk shes a keeper most def, just dont believe that its whats right cause i know im not ready for something serious like she is
you done goofed my dude, with just that info I've found her name, her picture and her twitter account. Edit and delete this part if you want her to stay annonymous


NVM .. you do know there are some ruthless dudes on NT right
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You're hanging yourself OP. [/color]
Originally Posted by TomDiginson

After these posts on here, your relationship with this chick is might just be over...

My mans doesn't NT at all

yo op, I hope no one tries to get at her for the lulz bruh, you dun goof'd
lol man i really dont be on NT like that, good learning day though. i wont be posting +#% like that anymore lol
lol i aint got !!*% to do with his twitter,dude prolly got 100 hunnies that he not tryna let see lol
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