Scarface Says Rap Is "Sounding Stupider And Stupider"

What Scarface said is too true... I was just tweeting about R&B not so long ago.. that **** really doesn't exist anymore. I'm not gonna bash rap as a whole cause I thought 2013 was a pretty good year in comparison to some more recent years. But if you don't already have artists that you mess with... then the only sound out there is "turn up" music.
U like young thug tho

Danny Glover a banger but that's where it stops...That **** not gone speak to me and get me through no hard times or teach me anything, just something to fire up on the other hand listen to these guys like they are lyrical wordsmiths
Danny Glover a banger but that's where it stops...That **** not gone speak to me and get me through no hard times or teach me anything, just something to fire up on the other hand listen to these guys like they are lyrical wordsmiths
The same ***** that rode around listening to j money can never sit here and tell me I listen to trash rappers. Stop it wit the "well i only listen when I party" ***** u hearing the same **** I'm hearing.
I see nothing wrong with listening to some ignorant ****. I like to have some balance. One day I can listen to Nas or Common the next day I'll listen to Gucci or 2Chainz. The problem is some dudes don't know the difference between a great rapper and somebody that can just make good songs that bump. The super lyrical Hip Hop fans kill me too, they act their ears are too good to enjoy some **** that's not a lyrical masterpiece. Balance.

Brad should have stayed at Def Jam South and put on some dudes who repped it right... Dudes have positions of influence, leave the position and then look back critical at the direction the music has taken. When the OG's could play a bigger role in making sure the music reflects the culture the way most of us grew up on it.

I forgot all about Def Jam South. Seems like it came and went so fast.
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And I have to emphasize this...

I really don't believe the main problem is that, this garbage music is what people WANT.  It's what we, the people, have been intentionally given, and are completely accecpting.  We don't stand up and speak out against anything else in today's why would we show any effort to take a stand against the music?  If the mainstream radio only played the hottest tracks and the dopest artists, everyone would bandwagon and hop on that trend as well.  Point being...this is a generation of followers.  There are very few leaders.  And no one cares enough to do anything about it, so we keep bumpin that garbage and keep buying those singles on iTunes.  If we simply stopped buying that fast food, easy bake oven music...then only the hot ish would stand.  Everyone can't do this ish.  Technology has made music far too accessible to everyone, and as a result, all these average joes, who would have been laughed out of the building in the 90's and past eras, are making tons of low quality material that flood the market.

I can agree with most of this. It's kind of hard to speak out against it. Most people are followers and like the BS that's out. It makes a good hashtag or looks cool on instagram. When I speak out on these poor albums and terrible music, I get called a hater on here or I'm told I don't like anything. I make damn sure to buy every album that comes out that is quality music or a creative and talented artist. That's the only voice I have.
As somebody stated previously. The issue now is there is no balance. The Iganant stuff has overtaken the good stuff to the point where it has people thinking the ignant stuff is better than the good stuff.

Could you have image if Master P got more play than Pac,Biggie, Jay, Nas, Fuguees?
“I grew up listening to great music that molded my character and my artistry, that helped me.”

A lot of people dont understand this and its sad

This is very true and rap music has been getting worse each year for a while now. The rappers that I hear today talk about Carter 3 inspired them I just :wow: :lol:

As for Def Jam South, I never understood what happened with that. That was around the time the South was going mainstream and Def Jam was the biggest rap label. I thought that **** was gonna be huge and around for a while but then after two years it was gone and released only a couple albums.
It's becoming problematic because most of these dudes do not know the history of hip-hop. The same is happening in the fashion industry. It's 100% fact that when you know the history of your craft and the small nuances that it takes to be successful at it. You appreciate it more. Ask one of these young rappers if the know the principles of HipHop, who Mele Mel or what the movie Krush Groove is about, and they wouldn't know. These new age guys don't know who the pioneers are.
I see nothing wrong with listening to some ignorant ****. I like to have some balance. One day I can listen to Nas or Common the next day I'll listen to Gucci or 2Chainz. The problem is some dudes don't know the difference between a great rapper and somebody that can just make good songs that bump. The super lyrical Hip Hop fans kill me too, they act their ears are too good to enjoy some **** that's not a lyrical masterpiece. Balance.
I forgot all about Def Jam South. Seems like it came and went so fast.

Thing is the stuff coming out these days makes Gucci sound like a damn intellectual.

There's cats on NT saying some homosexual type bamma named Young Thug got next :x Slim is horrible, but ppl actually think he's "good".

I don't understand
Theres a whole bunch of **** to listen to that resembles that old ***** ****.

Music evolves. deal with it and frankly I have no problem with the new stuff that is coming out
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Even R&B, yall are really not even looking and digging for new **** so you stay complaining about whats on the radio. This entire thread is garbage.
It's becoming problematic because most of these dudes do not know the history of hip-hop. The same is happening in the fashion industry. It's 100% fact that when you know the history of your craft and the small nuances that it takes to be successful at it. You appreciate it more. Ask one of these young rappers if the know the principles of HipHop, who Mele Mel or what the movie Krush Groove is about, and they wouldn't know. These new age guys don't know who the pioneers are.
Word these kids today probably don't who THE NATIVE TONGUES were...When you don't know your history you have no direction on where you are going...So now you have rappers that have no knowledge of the history of this culture so they just making whatever because they don't know what Real HIPHOP is suppose to sound like...Its a reflection of the BLACK CULTURE as a whole thats why things so ****** up in our community because these kids today don't know their history & they don't care to learn it...
Been saying this for years.... These young dudes ain't got no passion in what they do... They do it for the b***** and the fame
Been saying this for years.... These young dudes ain't got no passion in what they do... They do it for the b***** and the fame

I was listening to an interview Young Thug did on I believe it was V103 or Hot 1079 (Atl radio stations). They asked him what he thought about the Outkast reunion after 20 years and he went on this long *** rant about how Andre 3k was a unique dresser and how that influenced him. He then went on to say how he never really listened to outkast so he didn't have take on their music. I almost crashed the whip :smh: :x

That let me know buddy doesn't want to be a good rapper. How are you from Atl and never listend to Kast?! He's only like 23 but if you want to hone your craft you study the greats that came before you. Case and point, Joey Badass. Dude is like 19 or so but has that old school vibe in his music. And you know what I can t even be mad. That kid is getting a nice lil check and thats all that matters. Right?
:x :smh: that's like being from Houston and glossing over the Geto Boys and UGK catalogs, and using Drake as your hometown influence
I was listening to an interview Young Thug did on I believe it was V103 or Hot 1079 (Atl radio stations). They asked him what he thought about the Outkast reunion after 20 years and he went on this long *** rant about how Andre 3k was a unique dresser and how that influenced him. He then went on to say how he never really listened to outkast so he didn't have take on their music. I almost crashed the whip :smh: :x

That let me know buddy doesn't want to be a good rapper. How are you from Atl and never listend to Kast?! He's only like 23 but if you want to hone your craft you study the greats that came before you. Case and point, Joey Badass. Dude is like 19 or so but has that old school vibe in his music. And you know what I can t even be mad. That kid is getting a nice lil check and thats all that matters. Right?

Not even an excuse tho.

I'm 23, my parents didn't even let me listen to rap that much growing up and I know 'Kast fairly well and I'm not even from Atlanta.

Some of these young cats is just stupid, that's really the only way to put it. How you grow up in the A not listenting to Kast is mind blowing. Next thing you know he's gonna he never really listened to T.I. :lol:
I was listening to an interview Young Thug did on I believe it was V103 or Hot 1079 (Atl radio stations). They asked him what he thought about the Outkast reunion after 20 years and he went on this long *** rant about how Andre 3k was a unique dresser and how that influenced him. He then went on to say how he never really listened to outkast so he didn't have take on their music. I almost crashed the whip :smh: :x

That let me know buddy doesn't want to be a good rapper. How are you from Atl and never listend to Kast?! He's only like 23 but if you want to hone your craft you study the greats that came before you. Case and point, Joey Badass. Dude is like 19 or so but has that old school vibe in his music. And you know what I can t even be mad. That kid is getting a nice lil check and thats all that matters. Right?
That's crazy..... One of the reason these new dudes are here today and gone Tommorow ...
All these new artist sound the same because they have the same amount of passion for the craft ..
I miss the days of hearing real music ... Im done listening to how much money a ***** got :smh:
I even seen threads on here about album sales of certain I'm 37 years old and been listening to music since the mid 80's and
never gave a **** about a artist album sales... I just want good music from a good artist no matter the age..
everything in music today except for a few is a gimmick
^which is why cats like Kendrick and KRIT stand out. They love hip-hop and it shows :pimp:
And I have to emphasize this...

I really don't believe the main problem is that, this garbage music is what people WANT.  It's what we, the people, have been intentionally given, and are completely accecpting.  We don't stand up and speak out against anything else in today's why would we show any effort to take a stand against the music?  If the mainstream radio only played the hottest tracks and the dopest artists, everyone would bandwagon and hop on that trend as well.  Point being...this is a generation of followers.  There are very few leaders.  And no one cares enough to do anything about it, so we keep bumpin that garbage and keep buying those singles on iTunes.  If we simply stopped buying that fast food, easy bake oven music...then only the hot ish would stand.  Everyone can't do this ish.  Technology has made music far too accessible to everyone, and as a result, all these average joes, who would have been laughed out of the building in the 90's and past eras, are making tons of low quality material that flood the market.

Remember when it was EMBARRASSING if you didn't have no bars?  If you had no lyrics?  If you had no vocals and couldn't go kill it live onstage?  When's the last time you heard a singer go to the radio, and the DJ asked them to sing right there, a capella on the spot?  Why bother?  Without all that autotune and melodyne, it ain't no point in even asking.  And these rappers too...most these dudes ain't even the least bit ashamed by their elementary raps.  They drop the beat, everyone "turns up" and then it's all good.

I'm done...too early in the morning to get irritated again :lol:  

+1 and repped
these old rappers keep bringing this up but don't do anything about it. Hip Hop is a joke these days and is now a novelty genre. it ain't as big as Country & Rock Music and by the looks of it it never will be. too much trash in the rap gam these days to be taken seriously.
These older rappers can't do anything about it because their time has come and gone, that doesn't mean we should write their opinions off though. This current generation is stuck on stupid and while there are artist such as Kendrick & Joey, a handful of good artist in the mainstream aren't doing the culture any justice on a whole. For every halfway decent artist nowadays you have a dozen horrible ones. What amazes me more is how whack artist get so much support.
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