Scariest Game You Ever Played

silent hill 1

being emersed in fog while your radio goes off cuz monsters are near and not bein able to see them
silent hill 1

being emersed in fog while your radio goes off cuz monsters are near and not bein able to see them
Only game that really freaked me out was a PC game based on Nickelodeons "ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK: ORPHEO's CURSE" I played back in the late 90's.
It just freaked me out sometimes, and I never finished it because I couldn't figure out what to do.
Only game that really freaked me out was a PC game based on Nickelodeons "ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK: ORPHEO's CURSE" I played back in the late 90's.
It just freaked me out sometimes, and I never finished it because I couldn't figure out what to do.
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