School me on Korea

Damn Korea is on my list for places I want to go after I graduate... OB's is good with some Korean BBQ. Cant go wrong with that but I prefer Sapporo.
How is the schooling over there in the University's? Any good korean comedy shows?
Can't go wrong with some Kimchee Fried Rice w/ spam!
Damn, I had to see someone typed 'Kimchee Fried Rice w/ Spam' at almost 1am!

Anyone else drink Chum-Churum Soju? Bought it originally because Hyo Ri's on the bottle but kept buying it because it's good and almost always on saleat the Korean market.

2NE1 is my current favorite group but be warned that one of them is only 15.
Originally Posted by fugualarmclock

Damn, I had to see someone typed 'Kimchee Fried Rice w/ Spam' at almost 1am!

Anyone else drink Chum-Churum Soju? Bought it originally because Hyo Ri's on the bottle but kept buying it because it's good and almost always on sale at the Korean market.

2NE1 is my current favorite group but be warned that one of them is only 15.
Man, Soju to me tastes like rubbing alcohol, no matter what brand. But with some Cho dul bae kee or San Gyup Sal, it's

KPop is god awful. Unoriginal, not to mention the fact that 95% of the industry can't sing and never write their own songs. Most things that are said aboutKorea have already been mentioned, but even though I'm Korean and fluent, I identify myself with my American side more than my Korean. Although Korean foodin Korea is extremely cheap and great, I really don't see myself going back any time soon. I won't say anything else, but the pros definitely outweightthe cons in Korea. Go visit.
What do Koreans think of foreign tourists of other (non white) races? I'm black if that matters I love the culture, the food, the movies etc but I justhope its not one of those rubbish narrow minded countries...
Originally Posted by SpicyTooNaRoLL

Originally Posted by stunner157

seoul =

if you gotta get out, go to busan. outside the two major cities, there's not much to do. i'm typing in the boonies about an hour out of busan as we speak. fml.

Are you teaching English there? Talk? Epic?

nah visiting family and friends. i have a couple friends teaching English in bundang, a little outside of seoul. the pay is mediocre if you aren't acollege grad, but it's definitely something. i might look into it if i can't find a job when i graduate. job market is brutal in the states rightnow...
but yeah great place to visit...i don't know if i could live here though...i'm fiendin hard for some legit american food. i need steak and a good halfpound burger in my life RIGHT NOW.
the asian food here is
though. pretty fun.

and yeah. the girls are hot in the big cities. and it's true about the surgery. but hey, whatever gets the job done.
Well in the bigger cities the influence of foreigners is quite common and I find that the pop culture embraces anything American if you catch my drift! Onething to keep in mind though is the attention Koreans and most Asian people bring to Tradition and Respect amongst one another. Have a good time but don'tdo anything ridiculous because Korean Cops are crazy and so are old people...they'll discipline you at any age for doing anything close to stupid.

And if you are in Korea during the season you should definitely check out some K-League matches! I would say our soccer league is the best in Asia alongsideTurkey!
Originally Posted by Kezziny

Well in the bigger cities the influence of foreigners is quite common and I find that the pop culture embraces anything American if you catch my drift! One thing to keep in mind though is the attention Koreans and most Asian people bring to Tradition and Respect amongst one another. Have a good time but don't do anything ridiculous because Korean Cops are crazy and so are old people...they'll discipline you at any age for doing anything close to stupid.

And if you are in Korea during the season you should definitely check out some K-League matches! I would say our soccer league is the best in Asia alongside Turkey!
I thought J League > K League or has that changed recently? Anywho, go check out a Korean baseball game because the house is always rocking andit's such a different experience compared to going to an American ballpark. I wonder how nuts it would be checking out a Japanese baseball game
The J-League has its moments and I agree that in the past it was much better than any of the other Asian Soccer Leagues, but I think with the talent pumpingthrough the K-League circuit right now from Europe and South America that our games are much more exciting and the atmosphere at a K-League match is muchbetter (remember 02)! The bittersweet thing is that the greatest of our talents are playing out at major clubs in Europe now. Baseball is like a drug in Koreaand I hope to see a game whenever I get the chance to visit again!
WTH? Are these questions even real...Op, Seoul is one of the largest cities in the world, how the hell are you going to ask if they have internet??? Man, Seoulis the $#!% I was born there and lived there off and on through out my life. When I was in highschool, we use to go to the clubs and get tore up! No age limitsFTW. Its fun if you know where to go. Very beautiful too. S. Korea has rural areas as do all countries (including the US). But to describe them as third worldis far from the truth. I have found that Seoul is more advanced, technology wise, than any city here in the United States. S. Korea has many cities withmulti-million people populations...

Seoul, metro pop. 23 million



Busan, pop. 3.5 million

Teagu, pop. 2.5 million

Edit: everything is written in English also under everything written in Korean. I love the country but I might be biased.
I know they have internet I've seen them playing starcraft for a decade, it was more of a litmus test question to see how advanced (tech wise) the countryis beyond the city.

also how prominent is the english language? or spanish for that matter...
Well, there really isn't much "outside of the city." S. Korea is a very small country with 60 - 70% of the population living in one city. Youcan't get too far without running into another major city. As for the language, English is the country's second language which is taught fromelementary school. You will be surprised at how much English Korean nationals understand. As I stated above, English is written under every sign includingsubway stops and street names.
I'm not inherently Korean, (but other mixed Asian).

Within the past 2 years of living in SoCal, they're everywhere so I've pretty much accustomed to a lot of the food and traditions.

Highlight remarks:
-Soju will be a staple, whether you like it or not and they could drink pretty well
-Kimchi is also a staple, made me appreciate it a whole lot after being introduced to it.
-You'll be able to be someone decent in ordering in Korean Food: "Samgyeopsal, Galbi, Bulgogi, Changmisul" etc.
-There's great opportunities to teach English, my uncle is teaching out there right now in Pocheon (near the DMZ area sadly) but he's really living itup
-Girls are definitely fine, too bad their preferences to "lighter skin" folks makes me salty. No matter dating non-ignorant Korean girls, FTW justgotta find them.

Speaking of which, that Wondergirls song is stuck in my head.
A friend of mine (who often blunt with the truth) says that Korea is lick a hick version of Japan and not very clean....but to me it looks impressive in pics

And what does dog taste like? I'm serious
Man icey mike you really make me want to visit! Its unfortunate to hear INS though. How much should one save if they wanted to be there for a full week?
I dont think anyone doubt there are beautiful Korean women, but what about the "average" in the street women?
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

What do Koreans think of foreign tourists of other (non white) races? I'm black if that matters I love the culture, the food, the movies etc but I just hope its not one of those rubbish narrow minded countries...
koreans are mad racist.
Originally Posted by NINE to FIVE

I lived in Seoul (Yongsan) for 2 years.

Amazing country

I went to highschool on Yongsan, Seoul American High School. I lived in Itaewon right outside of Yongsan. The geographical center of the city FTW
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

What do Koreans think of foreign tourists of other (non white) races? I'm black if that matters I love the culture, the food, the movies etc but I just hope its not one of those rubbish narrow minded countries...
koreans are mad racist.
It use to be that Koreans hated everyone that wasn't Korean especialy White and Japanese people. But the Japanese enslaved Korea for a hundredyears and renamed alot of the cities in Japanese. So there are alot of hard feelings there. Now Koreans, like the rest of the world, want to be like Americans.I was even hated on and spit at for being half Korean by some old mofo once
But I think that to say that Koreans are mad racist like no other race are, is just an ignorant generalization. They are just as racist as anyoneelse. Just maybe more upfront about it.
Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

What do Koreans think of foreign tourists of other (non white) races? I'm black if that matters I love the culture, the food, the movies etc but I just hope its not one of those rubbish narrow minded countries...
koreans are mad racist.
It use to be that Koreans hated everyone that wasn't Korean especialy White and Japanese people. But the Japanese enslaved Korea for a hundred years and renamed alot of the cities in Japanese. So there are alot of hard feelings there. Now Koreans, like the rest of the world, want to be like Americans. I was even hated on and spit at for being half Korean by some old mofo once
But I think that to say that Koreans are mad racist like no other race are, is just an ignorant generalization. They are just as racist as anyone else. Just maybe more upfront about it.
i'd say that qualifies as mad racist.

ps, i know its an ignorant generaliztion, but i just wanted to get my point across without having to delve too far into it.
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

What do Koreans think of foreign tourists of other (non white) races? I'm black if that matters I love the culture, the food, the movies etc but I just hope its not one of those rubbish narrow minded countries...
koreans are mad racist.
It use to be that Koreans hated everyone that wasn't Korean especialy White and Japanese people. But the Japanese enslaved Korea for a hundred years and renamed alot of the cities in Japanese. So there are alot of hard feelings there. Now Koreans, like the rest of the world, want to be like Americans. I was even hated on and spit at for being half Korean by some old mofo once
But I think that to say that Koreans are mad racist like no other race are, is just an ignorant generalization. They are just as racist as anyone else. Just maybe more upfront about it.
i'd say that qualifies as mad racist.

ps, i know its an ignorant generaliztion, but i just wanted to get my point across without having to delve too far into it.

I guess you're right but in my opinion, everyones mad racist.
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

What do Koreans think of foreign tourists of other (non white) races? I'm black if that matters I love the culture, the food, the movies etc but I just hope its not one of those rubbish narrow minded countries...
koreans are mad racist.

I see, imma forget about this place for a visit then, who cares who the girls look like or how good the food is, if theyre mad racist (as I kind of heardbefore) then its a wrap

I know that Japan is better, got treated like king, love the politeness and got poon too
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

What do Koreans think of foreign tourists of other (non white) races? I'm black if that matters I love the culture, the food, the movies etc but I just hope its not one of those rubbish narrow minded countries...
koreans are mad racist.

I see, imma forget about this place for a visit then, who cares who the girls look like or how good the food is, if theyre mad racist (as I kind of heard before) then its a wrap

I know that Japan is better, got treated like king, love the politeness and got poon too

Like I said before, thats a generalization. If a Korean heard that Americans were racist because of the KKK, would that make them right to recognize the wholecountry as being racist. I mean come on, for all they know, KKK stands for KOREAN and more KOREAN KILLING.
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