Scientists appalled at the LACK of Global Warming.

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Break out the aerosol cans and plastic bottles....its PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTY time!

F a Prius!
Originally Posted by Essential1

And I can find just as many scientists who say otherwise.. I'll take that side.

You mean the ones that just had their email accounts hacked that show how they tried to manipulate data to fit their side...uh yeah, global warming is a hoax.WITHOUT A DOUBT.
Like "global warming" means it can never be cold again.

Don't be crass.
[h1]Record high temps far outpacing record low temps nationwide, new study shows[/h1] [h4]By Michael Scott[/h4] [h5]November 15, 2009, 10:15AM[/h5]
Catherine Dilulio, awash in a golden sunset, poses Saturday for a wedding photo at Voinovich Park along Lake Erie in downtown Cleveland. Dilulio picked a perfect day, with sun and temperatures reaching near 70 degrees - about 13 degrees warmer than average. Some may think the bride hit it lucky. But a new scientific study may disagree. Recorded high temperatures are climbing as the world's atmosphere continues to warm, scientists say. New numbers say unequivocally that global warming is happening here -- and now -- and it's only going to get worse.

So no matter what you think the weather has been like this year (yes, we've had a nice fall and there's no doubt that July was crazy cold across the country), numbers from 18,000 U.S. weather stations since 1950 reveal a compelling overall warming trend.

That's the conclusion of a new statistical study, partially funded by the Department of Energy and National Science Foundation, according to a news release.

The report (hightemps-lowtemps.doc), released late last week by National Center for Atmospheric Research, shows that we've experienced twice as many daily record high temperatures as record low temperatures in the last decade across the continental United States.

In other words: Hot is getting hotter, but lows aren't getting lower.

Further, climate modeling predicts that ratio could increase to 20-to-1 by mid-century.

"Climate change is making itself felt in terms of day-to-day weather in the United States," said NCAR scientist Gerald Meehl, lead author on the study, which is expected to be published soon in Geophysical Research Letters, a peer-reviewed science magazine. "The ways these records are being broken show how our climate is already shifting."

The study was written by Meehl and co-authors at the non-profit Climate Central, The Weather Channel and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It was paid for by the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy and Climate Central.

According to the study, if overall temperatures were not warming in the U.S., the number of record daily highs and lows being set each year would be approximately even -- as it was in the 1950s, when the study began.

The records show, however, a general cooling in the 1960s and '70s, when record lows outpaced record highs.

A study by the National Center for Atmospheric Research shows that daily record high temperatures are now outpacing daily record low temperatures by a 2:1 ratio. Record high temperatures eclipsed the record lows in the 1980s, however and haven't slowed down since.

This decade, we set 291,237 record highs, but only 142,420 record lows from Jan. 1, 2000 to Sept. 30, 2009 at the 18,000 reporting stations, the study shows.

The ratio of record warm days to record cold days was also more dramatic in the western United States, the study showed.

Specific numbers from 1950 through October this year were not immediately available for Northeast Ohio, according to a meteorologist at the National Weather Service station at Cleveland Hopkins Airport.

But the national temperature study concurs with a previous report about increasing nighttime temperatures by The Plain Dealer this year.

The newspaper's analysis, published in February, was closely linked to a long-term Ohio temperature study by Jeffrey Rogers, professor and researcher at Ohio State University.

Rogers, who has served in the unpaid position of state climatologist since 1986, published a report showing a clear trend over at the last 60 years of Columbus weather records: Nighttime lows have been slowly, but certainly, gaining on daytime high temperature averages.

Similarly, the new study found that "much of the nation's warming is occurring at night, when temperatures are dipping less often to record lows."

Both studies were consistent with previous climate model research showing that higher overnight lows should be expected with climate change.

"The two would definitely seem to be in agreement," said Rogers, who said he had not yet read the NCAR report. "This is exactly what we'd expect in a warming climate."

Rogers said climatologists remain interested in what role an increasing cloudiness and humidity are playing in the decreasing gap between daytime highs and nighttime lows.

Clouds during the day may act as a shield against extremely high temperatures, but also as a "blanket" at night to keep air temperatures milder, he said.

The authors of the new report also used computer modeling to project a warmer future for the U.S., saying that "the ratio of record highs to lows is likely to increase dramatically in coming decades if emissions of greenhouse gases continue to climb."

But one thing the study does not predict is that cold days will disappear entirely.

"One of the messages of this study is that you still get cold days," Meehl said in a pre-recorded video interview, citing a model that projects an increasingly wide margin between record warm and record cold days. "But superimposed on that, of course, is this longer term trend which is being driven by the increase in greenhouse gases.

"So people always get very alarmed if there's a cold snap in the winter and they say 'What happened to global warming? It's freezing out here.'

"And we say 'Well, that's just the weather.'"
Taking a 50 year sample does nothing to prove a long term warming trend. This planet is millions of years old. 50 years doesn't prove anything.
Originally Posted by Essential1

And I can find just as many scientists who say otherwise.. I'll take that side.
So when the most cited scientist in the world says that Global Warming isn't as serious as the world's leaders have made it out to be,he's wrong?
So when the same scientist has said that Carbon Cap and Trade, the same system that failed miserably in Western Europe, would only decrease our carbonfootprint by .05% over the 20 yr span its going to be implemented, he's wrong?
I didnt read none of that, but I DO know that last fall/winter and this fall thus far have been the coldest that I can remember. i dont know what that means,but things are definitely changing.

maybe all the going green has help slow the purported warming?
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

I didnt read none of that, but I DO know that last fall/winter and this fall thus far have been the coldest that I can remember. i dont know what that means, but things are definitely changing.

maybe all the going green has help slow the purported warming?
Same here in Oklahoma. The last few winters have been brutal compared to what we're used to
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by Essential1

And I can find just as many scientists who say otherwise.. I'll take that side.
So when the most cited scientist in the world says that Global Warming isn't as serious as the world's leaders have made it out to be, he's wrong?
So when the same scientist has said that Carbon Cap and Trade, the same system that failed miserably in Western Europe, would only decrease our carbon footprint by .05% over the 20 yr span its going to be implemented, he's wrong?

I doubt anyone in this thread is qualified to speak on whether this man you speak of is wrong or right - it's all just hearsay based on what we'veheard other people say/write.

I agree with the sentiments of the guy who originally posted - 10 years ago, MANY scientists were speaking out about the dangers they viewed global warming topose. Now many are backing down on just how serious the issue is. That doesn't mean that the entire thing was a HOAX like some are proclaiming - theygave out information to the best of their abilities, and some people ran with it and profited off the fear of it all. That doesn't make the scientistswho stood behind it evil, it just means that's what they believed at the time based on their research. But when you're talking about millions ofyears being studied by people who are alive for just a blink of that time, we certainly aren't going to have perfect samples to base this all on. We get alittle better at figuring this stuff out everyday, let's not burn down science because they might've overestimated some data.

In another 10 years, we could be looking back at this type of article and saying, "wow, it was way off, they were right 20 years ago about globalwarming". None of us really know unless you work in the field of studying such things, which I doubt 99 percent of the people so outspoken about itreally do.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by Essential1

And I can find just as many scientists who say otherwise.. I'll take that side.
So when the most cited scientist in the world says that Global Warming isn't as serious as the world's leaders have made it out to be, he's wrong?
So when the same scientist has said that Carbon Cap and Trade, the same system that failed miserably in Western Europe, would only decrease our carbon footprint by .05% over the 20 yr span its going to be implemented, he's wrong?

I doubt anyone in this thread is qualified to speak on whether this man you speak of is wrong or right - it's all just hearsay based on what we've heard other people say/write.

I agree with the sentiments of the guy who originally posted - 10 years ago, MANY scientists were speaking out about the dangers they viewed global warming to pose. Now many are backing down on just how serious the issue is. That doesn't mean that the entire thing was a HOAX like some are proclaiming - they gave out information to the best of their abilities, and some people ran with it and profited off the fear of it all. That doesn't make the scientists who stood behind it evil, it just means that's what they believed at the time based on their research. But when you're talking about millions of years being studied by people who are alive for just a blink of that time, we certainly aren't going to have perfect samples to base this all on. We get a little better at figuring this stuff out everyday, let's not burn down science because they might've overestimated some data.

In another 10 years, we could be looking back at this type of article and saying, "wow, it was way off, they were right 20 years ago about global warming". None of us really know unless you work in the field of studying such things, which I doubt 99 percent of the people so outspoken about it really do.

The biggest argument is that whether Global Warming is "man made", anyone who has taken a basic chemistry or biology class knows that CO2 isn't apoisonous gas. If Al Gore had actually payed attention in his science classes he would know that CO2 is one of the most important organic compounds insustaining life. CO2 is needed for photosynthesis.

It is easy to blame CO2 because it is a esult of fossil fuel combustion. It is also a product respiration (when we exhale) and fermentation, so I guess weshould stop making beer, alcohol, and just stop breathing altogether I guess.
i've said this and i'll say it again.

"global warming" has already happened on this planet, we are just speeding it up. but there is no measurement tool to specify
Global warming is the new Save the Rainforest. Every decade or two, there's an environmental awareness fad that eventually becomes long forgotten. Globalwarming already morphed into global climate change because temperatures weren't rising, so scientists had to change the name on the fly. In fact, summertemps in the last five or six years have been some of the coolest in the last 100 years.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Al Gore pulled off the biggest scam in recent history.

The top climatologist in the world said that there's nothing wrong and even called Carbon Cap and Trade was moronic as it will do nothing.
yet these sheep followin obamas agenda with blindfolds on ... same as healthcare ... smh
Climate change has been around since day one for earth. Does anybody ever stop to think that for once humans are now around to track,judge and record thesethings. There's nothing to be worried about. Earth is changing thats all it is. Just like people think Myans say the world is going to end in 2012 becausethats when it stops. Did you think the calender was going to keep going when they all died off.

That's good, I hope we still stay on this path towards more green technology and taking care of our planet.
the problem is some of you take the stalling of a negative trend as a sign to do more bad.

we've proven cfc's take a negative toll on the ozone. there's undoubtedly too much pollution getting pumped out everywhere, global warming or not.
Originally Posted by TheNTGuy

Climate change has been around since day one for earth. Does anybody ever stop to think that for once humans are now around to track,judge and record these things. There's nothing to be worried about. Earth is changing thats all it is. Just like people think Myans say the world is going to end in 2012 because thats when it stops. Did you think the calender was going to keep going when they all died off.


Yes - but I think the worry is that while the Earth will find a way to go on, we as human beings may not. Plenty of species have gone exist, and we'retrying to make sure that we aren't next on the chopping block.

I mean - it probably doesn't matter because what could we do to stop it? But if there were something we could do to prolong that, which is what the globalwarming movement was about, wouldn't it be our responsibility for humanity to try to assure that happens? I think that was the main thing with globalwarming, but instead it got put into this whole political thing because Gore got behind it, so everyone had to either become for or against it.

In reality, there's nothing wrong with the principle of conserving energy and being less wasteful in terms of trash and such. But because it's beenmade into politics like everything else, you'll get people who just start saying %$+% recycling and all that because it's what THOSE guys believe in,and I'm not them.

But as far as global warming being real or not? I really have no clue, and never did - not a scientist, and don't believe reading a book or two makes mean expert on the topic. I just happened to support people living less wasteful lives if they could reasonably help it.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

the problem is some of you take the stalling of a negative trend as a sign to do more bad.

we've proven cfc's take a negative toll on the ozone. there's undoubtedly too much pollution getting pumped out everywhere, global warming or not.
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