Scientists appalled at the LACK of Global Warming.

So wait, now NT thinks Global Warming is a scam? I could've swore y'all thought it was the real deal.
Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

95% of you guys really have zero clue what you are talking about

No doubt there are people are making money off the back of this but to say it's all a sham is crazy imo.

People really think pumping all these emissions int the atmosphere has no effect on the climate?? If this stuff is so harmless then lets put you in a room filled with co2 and carbon monoxide and we'll see whats up??

Throughout history the climate has proved to be unpredictable. Some things are out of our hands but putting all this !*$$ in the air cant be helping. It's like we're provoking nature to come and bite us in the !*@.

CO2 is organic coumpound for sustaining life its vital for energy and sugars, CO is not. If you were put into a room with just pure Oxygen would be detrimental to your life also.
yeah i know that (my example was a stupid one smh)

but like you said, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Since the birth of industry we been pumpin #%!$ laods of emissions into the environment and i don't think we've been doing it in order to sustain life. I don't whether its warming up the planet or not but it must be effecting the climate.

Prolonged direct exposure of CO2 is bad for a human, the thing is that CO2 makes up such a small portion of the atmosphere and since so many organisms on earth use it, it is recylced back into organisms.

CO2 asphyxiates, but so does H2O and sand. I'm looking in my old chemistry book as I type this and it says that H2O stores and emits heat 4 times as much as CO2. So if that is the case, how can CO2 contribute to this "Global Warming"?
There's a long complex answer to that which i dont have at this moment in time

Basically though, the co2 is supposed to be holding the suns energy (heat) within the atmosphere (hence why its called the greenhouse effect) thus increasingthe temperatures.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

So wait, now NT thinks Global Warming is a scam? I could've swore y'all thought it was the real deal.

nah, people are gettin da message...and they realllly tight about it
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

95% of you guys really have zero clue what you are talking about

No doubt there are people are making money off the back of this but to say it's all a sham is crazy imo.

People really think pumping all these emissions int the atmosphere has no effect on the climate?? If this stuff is so harmless then lets put you in a room filled with co2 and carbon monoxide and we'll see whats up??

Throughout history the climate has proved to be unpredictable. Some things are out of our hands but putting all this !*$$ in the air cant be helping. It's like we're provoking nature to come and bite us in the !*@.

CO2 is organic coumpound for sustaining life its vital for energy and sugars, CO is not. If you were put into a room with just pure Oxygen would be detrimental to your life also.
yeah i know that (my example was a stupid one smh)

but like you said, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Since the birth of industry we been pumpin #%!$ laods of emissions into the environment and i don't think we've been doing it in order to sustain life. I don't whether its warming up the planet or not but it must be effecting the climate.

Prolonged direct exposure of CO2 is bad for a human, the thing is that CO2 makes up such a small portion of the atmosphere and since so many organisms on earth use it, it is recylced back into organisms.

CO2 asphyxiates, but so does H2O and sand. I'm looking in my old chemistry book as I type this and it says that H2O stores and emits heat 4 times as much as CO2. So if that is the case, how can CO2 contribute to this "Global Warming"?
There's a long complex answer to that which i dont have at this moment in time

Basically though, the co2 is supposed to be holding the suns energy (heat) within the atmosphere (hence why its called the greenhouse effect) thus increasing the temperatures.

What is the MOST abundant Greenhouse gas?
Composition of the Air

Over 200 years ago, the French scientist Antoine Lavoisier measured the chemical composition of air. Since the gases which make up theatmosphere are invisible, the best way to visualize them is by expressing them as percentages and by using a pie chart. It is important to note that oxygengas, whose chemical symbol is 0[sub]2[/sub], is not the main component of air and that carbon dioxide, C0[sub]2[/sub], represents much less than onepercent.

[table][tr][td]Gas[/td] [td]Percentage of Atmosphere[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Nitrogen[/td] [td]78%[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Oxygen[/td] [td]21%[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Carbon dioxide[/td] [td]0,03%[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Other gases[/td] [td]less than 1%[/td] [/tr][/table]​
[table][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]

[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Composition of the Earth's Atmosphere
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
You can see the apparatus Lavoisier used to measure the atmosphere at the Musée des arts et Métiers in Paris
[/td] [/tr][/table]

da only thing that effects climate is da SUN, its arrogant of humans can control da fluctuation of something thats been around long before da industrialrevolution's carbon dioxide

I don't believe in global warming, but I think it would be nice for us to be more resourceful and reuse things.

We are such a wasteful society these days, as a whole I'm speaking, that we just go and buy new things all the time. Chances are we don't really needthem either.

And that can lead some people into debt, biting off more than they could chew. Which led us to the worldwide recession...

Originally Posted by nnarum

I don't believe in global warming, but I think it would be nice for us to be more resourceful and reuse things.

We are such a wasteful society these days, as a whole I'm speaking, that we just go and buy new things all the time. Chances are we don't really need them either.

And that can lead some people into debt, biting off more than they could chew. Which led us to the worldwide recession...

thats what it comes down to regardless if u believe in it or not.
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