Scientists grow meat for test-tube burger

Sep 16, 2003
A strip of muscle tissue produced in a test tube in a Maastricht University lab. (Maastricht University)
[/h5][h5]Jessica Phelan[/h5] February 21, 2012


Dutch scientists have succeeded in growing meat in a laboratory, which they hope to turn into the world's first "test-tube hamburger" later this year.

A team from Maastricht University extracted stem cells from cows and grew them in containers to produce strips of muscle tissue, the Guardian reported.

Currently around 2cm long, 1cm wide and about 1mm thick, the samples are "off-white and resemble strips of calamari in appearance", according to the BBC.

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Ultimately they will be mixed with blood and artificially grown fat, minced together and turned into a burger that the scientists plan to ask a top chef to cook.

Lab-grown meat could present major ecological advantages over "real" food, according to the professor of physiology leading the project, Mark Post.

Speaking at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Post said rearing livestock to be eaten was a highly inefficient process that produced methane, a greenhouse gas, and required vast tracts of land. And yet, with the global population growing, the world is set to require more and more food.

"Meat demand is going to double in the next 40 years and right now we are using 70 per cent of all our agricultural capacity to grow meat through livestock," Post said.

"You can easily calculate that we need alternatives. If you don't do anything, meat will become a luxury food and be very, very expensive."

According to him, growing meat would drastically reduce the quantity of animal feed, land and livestock needed - and even provide a healthier alternative to traditional meat, since it could be grown to contain more polyunsaturated fats, for example.

There are disadvantages, however - not least the taste, which researchers are unsure how to produce.

Artificially-grown meat might also require chemicals and antibiotics to stop it rotting, environmental activist David Steele of Earthsave Canada told the BBC.

The project is expected to cost more than $US317,000 ($A295,000) in total and has been funded by a wealthy, anonymous individual, according to the Guardian. The process of growing meat is expected to get less expensive as scientists hone the technique.

I gave uP beef and pork last week just cuz. Long as they don't touch my chicken I'm good.
This is great. With this we can feed the people FASTER AND CHEAPER. This anonymous person is gonna make ALOT OF MONEY. 
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

This is great. With this we can feed the people FASTER AND CHEAPER. This anonymous person is gonna make ALOT OF MONEY. 

this but still we will have countless countries of ppl of starvation.. if anything if this goes well other meats will follow and i can see this being a big blow to the agriculture community aka the small town farmer who makes his living off livestock etc...
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

This is great. With this we can feed the people FASTER AND CHEAPER. This anonymous person is gonna make ALOT OF MONEY. 

this but still we will have countless countries of ppl of starvation.. if anything if this goes well other meats will follow and i can see this being a big blow to the agriculture community aka the small town farmer who makes his living off livestock etc...
There will ALWAYS BE a market for the farmer. The agriculture industry adapts because then they become the premium or just grow crops. This meat makes it easier to feed the countries of starving people because you have to wait months for the meat to grow. This allows for food to be made extremely fast feeding the mass's.
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