Seattle Police Punches Girl

 I love the fact that they just had two women of Asian descent for  anchors on the news
, race or gender shouldn't keep qualified people from positions
That girl was really dumb to try to help her friend like that, didn't listen to the audio though. This will not likely end well for the officer though and I could see the girl's family or someone else trying to file a suit.
when are people gonna realize you cant interfere with police trying to cuff someone.

SMH at these 2 dumb broads trying to fight off a cop and expect there to be no consequence. What is the cop supposed to do?

"OK, you and your friend dont want me to arrest you, so if you guys lay hands on me and fight with me i will just let yall walk away"
I'm no fan of Seattle Police, but that girl was asking for it trying to pull some *%#! like that...
Not sure how i feel about this. the punch was a little excessive i can see him taking her to the ground and cuffing her but an outright punch not sure if Im for that
"Are you serious?!?!"
YES idiot!
I am NOT a cheerleader for cops,but she better be glad that a fist to the face was all she received!You just don't do %%** like that!
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