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Marshawn must've been hurting when he realized he wasn't able to rock the Super Bowl beats...Monster owns them but his deal is with Monster.

Oh and that drenched Louis bag..I see you East Oakland.
Funny thing, had Sherman not pick-sixed Schaub, it's possible that the Seahawks would not have gotten home-field advantage, and the Texans would probably still be moving forward with both Schaub and Kubiak. The Seahawks are basically responsible for setting C-4 on this previous regime. Things just work themselves out perfectly :pimp:
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Still can't believe the team kept Brandon Coutou over him some years back. 

I think this regime is a bit brighter in a sense. I don't think they'll let Bennett walk but of course that'll probably mean guys like Clem, Big Red, and some other fan favorites' days are numbered.

Cliff is signed for 2 years so I think it'll be best to cross that bridge when they get there. I still have hope for Jesse Williams moving forward, too.

Edit: whats Checks said.

He's got to be a top prioriry to re-sign, probably spells the end for Clem though unfortunately
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Was looking to see if I could have that shipped online for the SB party I'm having at home (compromise, since superstitions mean I got to watch it here).  Had no luck though.
If you want a pack, I could grab one if you dont have anyone else up here and ship it...I've been successful using Fedex
Just looked up their rates, to get it there by Friday it'll be around 30 shipping it express

I would cover the cost for the beers
Home delivery option was like 14 bucks to Cali (I used a SD zip code)...2 business days from Seattle

Didnt have a specific day like the other quotes but it would/should get there by Thurs/Fri
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Oh man...if there was some way to guarantee delivery by thursday (i'm leaving for lake tahoe early friday morning) i will most definitely cop!
Thurs. morning is close to 40 :x

Thursday evening is 31 and change

I would have to ship by tomorrow afternoon for that price, so let me know early as possible
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I think i'll pass on that price! Haha, but I will let you know sometime next week to cop some at the regular ground shipping price!

Thanks again, fam! Appreciate it for sure!
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