Some weird calls in the 1st half

Russ looks rusty
Defense looks good?

Setting up for some f'ery in the 2nd half
This has been one of the worst NFL games I’ve ever watched, on par with the Josh Freeman vs Eli Manning game
Strange game and Russ made some terrible throws. Pending a miracle this one is over and so likely any chance of postseason this year.
Russ really sold with some of his decision making today. Defense gave it all they got, but broke down eventually. Tempo offense hasn't worked all year outside of the Colts game and is killing the defense.
Might depend on how the rest of the NFC shakes out Sunday with them still being in the wildcard hunt as bad as they (and the rest of the NFC has been) so far
Gonna be one of those long days for the defense and short one for the offense with these kind of drives
Turned this off at the half and then back on right before the AZ TD was called back only for Adams to get flagged for the PI smh.

Been a rough season and hate to be a downer but could this be end of an era coming for the Hawks after the season??
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