Seattle SuperSonics Thread

I really hope the Kings stay. i doubt Sacramento will ever get another team if the Kings leave.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

The design wasn't quite right, so it will be unveiled soon.
This is how the funding thing is turning out. The arena is designed, the studies have been done, the land is ready. The only question is funding. The biggest chunk of the financing is going to come from privatizing city parking. Twenty companies nationwide have already expressed interest. That will contribute about 200 millions up front, which is about half of the financing. Other funding is going to come from NBA/Maloofs. The NBA in the offseason said they would be open to it, and that they do expect the Maloofs to put up money. The city is asking a total of 80 millions from both. AEG has also expressed interest into being an equity investor and managing an arena. There is also going to be a hotel tax that is going to be placed on downtown hotels. Also, include naming rights.

The best part about all of this is that nothing is going to be put on a ballot so no public vote is needed. 

Same guy that was reporting from Sac was saying they're essentially getting 200 million up front from those companies, but that the Kings would end up paying back 500 million back to those companies in the long long run. Of course, this is the jist of what I heard because they got a lot more technical, but all I heard was 200 mil upfront to keep the Kings, but 500 owed after the fact, which makes it worthwhile for the businesses.
My head is spinning. 
He's pulling facts out his @+% because NOTHING even close to that has been reported in Sacramento, and trust me when I say there are MANY journalists who REFUSE to see ANY money being used on the Kings. If that were true, it would be all over the place. And why would we have to pay those companies any money back? They're paying to privately run out city parking and keep all the profits. There is no paying back of anything because it's not a loan. 
Well, like I said, it's a shoddy explanation on my part so maybe I'm wrong with my interpretation, but I swear it was something like that.
As an aside, you better pray that privatized parking deal works better than the mess in Chicago.
Hey hey..It's not a major fail yet.

Besides, I plan on changing it to the real thread I want this to be (NBA/NHL movement in Seattle thread), but I was trying to be clever and also spark debate.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Same guy that was reporting from Sac was saying they're essentially getting 200 million up front from those companies, but that the Kings would end up paying back 500 million back to those companies in the long long run. Of course, this is the jist of what I heard because they got a lot more technical, but all I heard was 200 mil upfront to keep the Kings, but 500 owed after the fact, which makes it worthwhile for the businesses.
My head is spinning. 
He's pulling facts out his @+% because NOTHING even close to that has been reported in Sacramento, and trust me when I say there are MANY journalists who REFUSE to see ANY money being used on the Kings. If that were true, it would be all over the place. And why would we have to pay those companies any money back? They're paying to privately run out city parking and keep all the profits. There is no paying back of anything because it's not a loan. 
Well, like I said, it's a shoddy explanation on my part so maybe I'm wrong with my interpretation, but I swear it was something like that.
Well maybe next time you should be more informed about the topic you decide to make a thread about. 
I think what's more important is that if an arena plan is in place in Seattle and starts being built, the NBA will come back. Just a matter of what team Stern feels like moving this time around.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

I think what's more important is that if an arena plan is in place in Seattle and starts being built, the NBA will come back. Just a matter of what team Stern feels like moving this time around.

Yeah mos def. A NHL team can hold Seattle down for a couple of years. 
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

So these are the numbers.
Arena is estimated to cost 387 million.

200 million - (Privatizing city parking)

97 million - (Hotel/Taxi/Digital Advertising)

80-150 million - (NBA/Maloofs/AEG)

90-120 million - (Ticket surcharge/Naming Rights)

As you can see, the funding is there. Now they're just working out the details and getting everybody on the same page.

Thanks for the numbers break down, ive been following this story for the past month and although it'd be unfortunate for sac to lose their squad I'd be one extremely happy fan, I miss having basketball up here! Guess will just have to wait till the 1st...
Originally Posted by dakid23

Looks like its between Anaheim, Seattle, and Sacramento.

No team will move to Anaheim. I don't think any owner wants to pay a relocation fee and then a territorial infringement fee on top of that.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Here's a link to the video I was referring to and an article written by that same reporter. Still don't know how to embed so forgive me.

Please provide in detail anything new that was presented in either the article or the videos because I watched the videos and read the article and found nothing.
Like I said, inform yourself.

I feel bad for Seattle's residents because they are being fed false hope. 
I posted the video because I referred to it earlier (unveiling of arena picture shelved), not because it was breaking ground on new information.

Quit being a little %@%@ head. You are taking this way to serious and sound like an embattled teenager in the process. You're mistaking the tone of this thread, obviously.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

I posted the video because I referred to it earlier (unveiling of arena picture shelved), not because it was breaking ground on new information.

Quit being a little %@%@ head. You are taking this way to serious and sound like an embattled teenager in the process. You're mistaking the tone of this thread, obviously.

Relax champ, nobody is getting cereal but you. 
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Here's a link to the video I was referring to and an article written by that same reporter. Still don't know how to embed so forgive me.

Please provide in detail anything new that was presented in either the article or the videos because I watched the videos and read the article and found nothing.
Like I said, inform yourself.

I feel bad for Seattle's residents because they are being fed false hope. 
To be perfectly honest, there's way more talk about an NBA arena being built than the possibility of the Kings coming. The radio interviews I've heard (with the mayor), and a lot of the other discussion is about an arena. The Kings only come up because they're in a precarious position right now. If you're in Seattle, there's very little talk of the Kings moving here compared to plain old arena talk. Hell, most of my friends haven't even brought up the Kings. We just want an arena because that means a team WILL come. Which one that is remains to be seen. Long way to go though.
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