Secret Powers Of Time (A very interesting video)

Jul 16, 2004
Man...i dunno if im late but.....this is some crazy %$!+

great vid and amazing illustration. i've been reading about how different our minds are these days in light of new technology advances and our dependence on them for everyday tasks and work. for those interested in more info, i recommend reading nicholas carr's new book titled "the shallows: what the internet is doing to our brains." interesting read indeed.

thanks for sharing OP
Thank You OP.

I ask this to myself all the time. All I do is expend exuberant time working towards future goals. I am in sense future-orientated not because I don't enjoy sleeping, resting, eating or "chilling" but because the consequences of what I may risk to lose. You can say, yeah you're an American, you just don't do things slowly or have too high expectations. I don't know if all this work (hardwork) will pay off. But, I'm taking this risk that someday (hopefully) that my tribulations, adversity, hardships will, (as the cliche goes) pay off one day.

Time is definitely against my side. "You see a minute goes by so fearfully quick."-- Alice "Alice in Wonderland"
is there a better song on thank me later than Unforgettable  that aliyah  sample does it fo me, lmaoo. The reisistance is my 2nd fav, "i be actin like i don't know how to work a phone" :stoneface
thanks for the vid, but more importantly thanks for putting me on to the RSA series of checking em all out, mad interesting
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Thank You OP.

I ask this to myself all the time. All I do is expend exuberant time working towards future goals. I am in sense future-orientated not because I don't enjoy sleeping, resting, eating or "chilling" but because the consequences of what I may risk to lose. You can say, yeah you're an American, you just don't do things slowly or have too high expectations. I don't know if all this work (hardwork) will pay off. But, I'm taking this risk that someday (hopefully) that my tribulations, adversity, hardships will, (as the cliche goes) pay off one day.

Time is definitely against my side. "You see a minute goes by so fearfully quick."-- Alice "Alice in Wonderland"

if you take some time to settle down and think about things, you really don't have that much to lose at all. as a matter of fact, you're doing pretty well without those things right now aren't you? of course, it's important to have goals otherwise everyone would just be overly complacent blobs but don't do it at the expense of what's really important (friends, family, and time for yourself).

i'm just assuming you spend too much time with your work though. if you don't, ignore what i said
this was real eye opening. thanks op for posting. not that i look at it i do have conflict with people just because of our "different time perspectives"
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