Selling advice?

Jul 25, 2012
I have a few kicks that have pretty much been collecting dust these past few months, so I wanted to make a move and see if I could sell them online.

So of course, I tried eBay 

First time I listed my J's, some guy bought them...but never paid...and never responded to any messages, so i re-listed the same day. THEN some other guy bought them, and paid right away. I tried to get a hold of him and set everything up and make sure the transaction was cool(barely responded -_-), but this guy wasn't serious AT ALL. He ended up changing his mind and backing out. 
 Pretty much, my entrance into the internet selling market was TERRIBLE.

So basically, do any of you vets have advice on selling? I mean i'm not dumb, I know what to do, but I need tips on how to always a have a smooth transaction with a serious buyer. That's the main thing.

Thanks in advance!

not trying to hijack the thread...but...I got tired of the standard selling routes, too, so I decided to start my own site. those sites tend to treat us sellers like we're the bad guys yet we're doing all we can do on our end.

my site is free (unless you're a legitimate brick and mortar business trying to advertise) and there's a bunch of features there that aren't on the other sites...i can go into greater depth if you're interested but it may just benefit you to check it out

It's still in Beta testing mode, but feel free to snoop around and list your stuff...feel free to use it as your simple, free online 'store'
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well when the buyer pays why bother him asking him questions? this is all you need to know so you protect yourself and dont get scammed..

when they pay through paypal make sure its confirmed address

always always ALWAYS get delivery confirmation

DO NOT SHIP to any address other than whats listed in paypal

if its $250 or over get signature confirmation.
I get so many damn flakers on the other site. They make you an offer, you agree, and you don't hear from them for a week. I really get a kick out of seeing that they read my messages and didn't respond back.
Something you simply got to get used to it happens every where from buying and selling kicks on facebook,ebay,************* and even here as well im betting
Selling shoes on the internet isn't what it once was. Back in the day flakers weren't the norm. Man, I remember having a network of people on AIM who wore my size. All I had to do was send a few IM's and I would find buyers.

Only advice I could give you is to list your item as 30 day BIN w/ the payment required upon purchase option.
Thanks for the advice guys, I guess there's no sure-fire way to guarantee an easy sale. Just gotta keep going at it 
Nothing you can do about non paying bidders. Relist and move on.
Paying bidders, you take care of. Get their stuff out quick, provide them tracking, and issues tend to be nil.
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I've never used eBay to sell kicks, I've been sellin on here for about 9 years and never had an issue. Slowly making my way back up to 300. Lost almost 1200 post when NT changed over.
for selling kicks I usually deal with Craigslist, most people trash on it cause its dangerous especially if the area you live in isn't the best...

Me personally, I live in a pretty safe suburban area but just to be safe I meet at the entrance of target where they have cameras of people walking in and out.

I've been only flaked ONCE on craigslist out of about 30-50 transactions I have done. That was bad on my part cause I forgot to provide him with the address about 10 minutes prior to meeting.

In the case that someone flakes you on craigslist, all you lose is gas money. But on ebay when someone flakes you gotta deal with the final value fees and such which can be like 20-40 dollars for kicks, especially ones that run for more $$$.

Especially with resellers dominating the market and the prices going higher and higher, its almost hard to blame flakers. These days, I always have a backup buyer in case the OG buyer flakes on me. Its just how the game is, and if we as a community can't do nothing bout it then we might as well work our way around it and not let it affect us in a negative way.

Craigslist - Straightforward, lesser chance of flakers
Ebay - Lots of "Steps", Final Value Fees, Shipping Fees, ETC.
*Have a backup buyer.

EDIT: especially when you sell a lot and if you cop shoes around the area, you'll start seeing the people you sell to and create bonds that will help you later down the road. I have about 10-15 numbers on my phone contact who are all my size (10-10.5) which I always sell too.
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