Selling Shoe Collection Question and Answers

Sep 7, 2012
I'm posting this in general because it seems this is the forum where a lot of people end up when they no longer have that crazy  interest in sneakers.  I'm looking for a little advice and hopefully this thread will help people in the future if they are looking at doing the same.  I'm in the process of moving so I thought it was a good time to get rid of a portion of shoes.  Last night I pulled about 1/4 of my shoes that I would like to get rid of.  I've sold to Flight Club in the past and sell on ebay whenever I want to get rid of something but nothing like this.  

So, I have 31 pairs of shoes, almost all Jordans, all size 12.

Here are the options I'm looking at:

1.  Ebay - I would clear around $7225

Pros - Make about $1,000 more than other options, set your own price

Cons - Will take a while to sell everything, dealing with ebay, paypal and buyers is NOT always easy or fun.  Takes time to pack and ship everything. If you don't already sell on ebay, you won't get fair prices until you establish some feedback.

2.  SoleSupremecy - They quoted $6225 

Pros - Quick cash within a week, all 31 pairs gone

Cons - Potentially lose up to $1,000, cost of shipping and insuring 31 pairs (I have no clue what the best way to ship a large amount is, going to be doing some legwork today)

Other options (I'm not looking at these options but might be right for others)

Craigslist - Not a viable option in my area

Flight Club - I didn't really like selling through them.  They get the best prices but they take a large percent, you still have to wait for the shoes to sell and you have to ship to them.  

Selling groups (local or via FB or Instagram) 

Other stores similar to SoleSupremecy or Flight Club

I'm personally leaning toward just selling the whole lot to SoleSupremecy and being done.  Once I figure out the best way and cost to ship the, it'll help me decide for sure. 

Thoughts and advice from anyone who has sole some of or all of a collection?  Anything I am overlooking?  I'll update this thread with info as it comes in.  

This is not a selling thread
What conidition are the shoes, are they mostly DS?

Maybe do some research on if any sneaker conventions are coming to your area. I've never been but it seems that you rent a table for $100 and can sell whatever with the 31 pairs of kicks.
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