September Wrestling Thread 2021

Kind of expected more from that show after how good All Out was. Thought IT was one of their weaker episodes of late. No good matches although IT was nice to see Ruby get a solo match right away.

The CM is my guy, but this shtick is gonna get a bit old if this is what he does every time he comes out. Need him to turn heel or something. Adam Cole's micwork was really bad and awkward. Not exactly how I'd want to showcase him coming off Sunday. The crowd was kinda weak for Bryanson when he came out until the Yes chant got going. That was weird. Think IT has to do with that awful theme they gave him.

Cutting Kazi Ni Nare short :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:

How come Andrade vs Neville got pushed again? IT was supposed to be on Dynamite right? Good to hear that the Rampage taping was :pimp: though. Looking forward to Friday. Been waiting for this.
It’s gonna be interesting to see what Punk’s character will be without the anti-authority aspect. Him acknowledging people are gonna get tired of his happy to be here thing will probably play a role when he turns heel eventually. I think heel Punk is when he’s really gonna get going in AEW.

Adam Cole better not end every other sentence with bay bay every week.

The chants in Bryan’s theme are terrible. He needs an intro that has a more dramatic punch to it. He has his beginning theme part from when he was a lower card guy without much of a character in WWE
It’s gonna be interesting to see what Punk’s character will be without the anti-authority aspect. Him acknowledging people are gonna get tired of his happy to be here thing will probably play a role when he turns heel eventually. I think heel Punk is when he’s really gonna get going in AEW.

Adam Cole better not end every other sentence with bay bay every week.

The chants in Bryan’s theme are terrible. He needs an intro that has a more dramatic punch to it. He has his beginning theme part from when he was a lower card guy without much of a character in WWE
“your gonna get your ******* head kicked in” chants are from his roh american dragon days

the f bomb is censored
Surprised they didn't scoop up Jim Johnston

But maybe Jim ain't interested in working in wrestling anymore

Not exactly young either
That was him rapping during Lucha Bros entrance at All Out :smh:

Yeah he gotta go man :lol:
AEW needs a new composer bad!

Rukus is so hit and miss.

He did good with Cole's song but BD's theme is :emoji_wastebasket:


Meltz said that theme is just something that one of Danielson's friends threw together and Rukus has seemingly hinted that there is something different coming

Really hoping it's true because I hate the current one and don't think it fits Bryan
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