Serena Williams - Mass Attack

i think the biggest shock im taking away from this thread is ohanian is worth 4-6 mil...thats a rookie contract in the tech world no? reddit itself commands a huge percentage of internet traffic....

i don't expect him to be zuckerberg rich, or bill gates or w.e. reddit isn't an engineering comapny. but reddit is like the NT of the internet in a way. a traffic heavy site like that has to leave my man with arab money i would think.

...i mean if snapchat can be worth what in the billions? 20 billion? i mean cmon..

i gotta look this up.
Yea I was shocked as well, but he's the co-owner...maybe the other dude owns most of the company?

still wouldn't make sense. If you a co OWNER meaning you had something to do with the startup of the company would you be alright with only having 6 mil in the bank and the owner sitting on a half of mil or whatever reddit is worth?

He should be a CTO or maybe a vice president not co owner with only being worth 6 mil

idk I guess I'm shocked too
Seeing black women celebrate this but recently got up in arms about Lance Gross's holiday photo (which was an inside joke) :lol:

I'm happy for her, not that I know her but if they're happy together, great. She's one of the greatests athletes of this generation and that mass [Rick Flair] WOOOO!!! [/Rick Flair] still wanna just lay on it and watch a movie.
To me it's the type of relationship that's comes outta left field like how did they even meet? When she's dating drake or common everyone knows but when it's this guy, it's private...
The only explanation is that homie must have the meanest stroke game
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Hate in here is crazy

Son saw a pic of his face and already called him a pipsqueak :lol:

I'm not gonna speak for everyone else, but I'm jelly as ****.

On to the next celebrity crush

Alisha Laventure ..

I feel I have a chance

Black dudes jus salty they lost they queen haha im not eem mad. She went for security and dated someone richer than her. Smart moves by all [/quote] All my boys are jealous. Ain't like she didn't give brothas a chance. Them dudes weren't trying to wife her. Good she found someone that appreciates.
I have this new affinity for women's waist. When you grip it during backshots :smh: straight caveman action afterwards. Unibrow, single bottom tooth, grunts.
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Black dudes jus salty they lost they queen haha im not eem mad. She went for security and dated someone richer than her. Smart moves by all
All my boys are jealous. Ain't like she didn't give brothas a chance. Them dudes weren't trying to wife her. Good she found someone that appreciates.[/quote]
Why you gotta bring race into this equation? 
We live in a racial divided society and people wonder why race is an issue?

You can't get mad at the man, he know black don't crack.
I have this new affinity for women's waist. When you grip it during backshots :smh: straight caveman action afterwards. Unibrow, single bottom tooth, grunts.

True story

I was having relations with a lady and got so much into it, I could feel primitive sounding grunts coming out.

Afterwards, shorty said it was one of the most attractive things she's ever heard during sex and it made her feel like a piece of meat... In a good way

Been throwing out the subtle cavemen-esque vocals ever since, and it always gets positive reception.

:lol: :pimp:
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