Serious Thread: When did NT become Stormfront?

why you getting so offended?

i just pointed out that you back up your opinions, hence why im not calling you ignorant and you get mad

im saying OTHER MEMBERS come out of their closets and spit out that ignorant +*@+

only thing thats funny on this board and is real life is latinos thinking their better then blacks....
both minorities are in no position to hate on each other
And what's all this nonsense about facts and supported arguments?
laugh.gif religious debate has anything to do with fact or supported arguments. That's the whole damn point. You guys really suck at picking up on people's point of view. I'm agnostic, that's my whole argument.....none of this is fact or supported.
what sucks is, i don't think you got my original point.

but im not about to argue with you >_>

all im saying is, if someone came to you like "your boy is a %**!#" without having a real reason for saying it, how would you feel?

but if they pointed out things that made your boy a %**!#, then you wouldn't take it as disrespectful.

get what im saying now?
Originally Posted by hella handsome

why you getting so offended?

i just pointed out that you back up your opinions, hence why im not calling you ignorant and you get mad

im saying OTHER MEMBERS come out of their closets and spit out that ignorant +*@+

I'm not getting mad I'm sitting here laughing at you.
You're the one who brought the topic up so clearly you're butt hurt about something. It's ok buddy, I have a lot of respect for religious/ spiritual folks and those who find comfort in a higher being. I have even more respect for those who don't care what the next man thinks or practices.
And I'm being genuine.
Originally Posted by hella handsome

what sucks is, i don't think you got my original point.

but im not about to argue with you >_>

all im saying is, if someone came to you like "your boy is a %**!#" without having a real reason for saying it, how would you feel?

but if they pointed out things that made your boy a %**!#, then you wouldn't take it as disrespectful.

get what im saying now?
WTH are you talking about?

Lemme put an example of a religious thread I created in CAVEMEN terms

-Man post picture of Muhammed
-Man get killed
-I get offended cause I not think man deserve be killed cause of picture
--I make thread in defiance of such behavior

Reason enough for you?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by hella handsome

NT is filled with racism, people who dont respect other religions, and people who will call you out on anything, even if its family.

people just have no respect. and its sad because they are the same people who will turn around and call YOU ignorant in a thread when they exercise ignorance all around the board.

but its not just NT, its the entire internet. people hide their faces and say what they want. we can't stop it.

i think NT should have a more strict registration policy, but honestly when i think about it, how much more strict can it get? it already takes a month to get accepted, and dudes who get banned just register under a new username. so they just continue on with the same stupidity month after month. NT cant weed out all of the bad members on registration, its not like we can interview each person who registers.

i personally think NT should be more respectful. sure its funny to roast each other, but theres a line that shouldn't be crossed. you can share opinions without being disrespectful.
be careful, because there's a difference between disrespecting religion and pointing out harmful, divisive, hypocritical etc. thought processes within the greater religious community.

If anything us "religious bashers" are perpetuating religious freedom.
cmon son
 , we both know and see those members who come in and say some slick ignorant *$$# in religious thread... 
no supported arguments, no facts pointed out, no real opinion. just a "but religion is stupid" type of response. 

i've seen you throw out opinions and back them up, but just like you said, theres a difference between disrespecting and having a respectful opinion on something. and a lot of dudes cross that line
Saying don't kill people for drawing Muhammed is ignorant? Ridiculing Catholic Priests for trying to cover up pedophilia is ignorant? Word son? Religious NTers just don't wanna hear any of it.

My agenda isn't mainly concerned with what you is concerned with atrocities, and injustices committed in the name of "organized religion". I really don't care what anyone believes, I'm agnostic. With that being said, I have the right to ridicule anyone's religion without consequence.

I will however never discriminate against anyone, harm anyone or kill anyone based on their religion. Hope that clear's things up.  I won't deny anyone a job because they're Muslim.
This is why in the end I judge the INDIVIDUAL, not by race, religion, or career. I don't hate catholics because of the pedo incidences, but I do hate those that were involved in the incidences. I dislike a lot of atheists, but get along with a ton of them. My best friend is atheist and I'm religious.

Similar to Anton I have equal hate for a lot of peoples right off the bat, but I never push others down (I only raise myself up). Once any individual proves to me that they are respectable no matter what my original biased views of them were, then I'm cool.

Same goes for individuals that I think might be respectable, but prove to me that they are not. I disregard them and hate them.

You can call me a hater, but I do have bias against a lot of "groups".

And, I never give props to anyone who doesn't prove to me they are respectable in the first place. I don't care whether you're a teacher, military, scientist, doctor, fire fighter, etc... No respect shall be given (I'm not disrespectful. I just don't think they are great or respectable because of what they do) until they prove they are respectable. Therefore I am not SHOCKED to see priests being pedos or teachers being serial killers, etc...

Like I said I have bias, but in the end I define the person by their individual actions and thoughts not what "group" they fall into.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by hella handsome

why you getting so offended?

i just pointed out that you back up your opinions, hence why im not calling you ignorant and you get mad

im saying OTHER MEMBERS come out of their closets and spit out that ignorant +*@+

I'm not getting mad I'm sitting here laughing at you.
You're the one who brought the topic up so clearly you're butt hurt about something. It's ok buddy, I have a lot of respect for religious/ spiritual folks and those who find comfort in a higher being. I have even more respect for those who don't care what the next man thinks or practices.
And I'm being genuine.
and i respect other people's beliefs of being non religious, etc etc. 
i brought up the fact that people disrespect others who are religious on the board by saying slick !!!@. do they not? you're the one who responded on some "be careful there a difference between doing this, that, and that" tip. when in my initial response i basically said theres a difference between voicing your opinion of not being religious and bashing religion... i can dislike someone without bashing them. but apparently its difficult for other people to have different views on things without bashing them. 

and nobody is butt hurt, you came back at me like a stole something from you or some !!!@. 

and i see you didn't get my analogy. so whatever. i see you speak caveman pretty well. you must be experienced.  and it doesn't even fit what i was trying to explain from the beginning.

- someone makes a post asking about Christianity

- a NTer replies "Christianity is stupid"

-  im like 

do you finally get what my point is? 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by hella handsome

why you getting so offended?

i just pointed out that you back up your opinions, hence why im not calling you ignorant and you get mad

im saying OTHER MEMBERS come out of their closets and spit out that ignorant +*@+

I'm not getting mad I'm sitting here laughing at you.
You're the one who brought the topic up so clearly you're butt hurt about something. It's ok buddy, I have a lot of respect for religious/ spiritual folks and those who find comfort in a higher being. I have even more respect for those who don't care what the next man thinks or practices.
And I'm being genuine.
What the hell are you talking about? Did you even read what he wrote?
If you don't do anything to hurt me or the people I care about, I have no problem with you. Racism is just a way for people to think they are better than someone.
Lots of people on this site cross lines. People from every race, and it's all pretty equal.
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

NT hates Mexicans..

Hating Mexicans and hating people that are coming into the country illegally aren't the same, don't try and mesh them together as one.  
but them same people see any mexican in america as an illegal immigrant...dont even try and front. they are the ones meshing illegal immigrants and mexican americans together...

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

NT hates Mexicans..

Hating Mexicans and hating people that are coming into the country illegally aren't the same, don't try and mesh them together as one.  Wanting to uphold the law and get rid of illegal immigration isn't racist, as I stated it is a LAW.  I think the problem is to many people are trying to group racists and people that agree with the laws of the country being upheld as one. 

First of all LOTS of NTer's hate mexicans AND illegal immigrants so it is often meshed together.

Secondly "HATING" people just cause they are in a country illegally is ridiculous. Not wanting them here, hoping they get caught and deported, wishing they weren't here, even turning them in is all VERY different then straight up "hating" them.

Thirdly since when does the fact something is LAW make it impossible for it to be racist???  
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

NT hates Mexicans..
illegal Mexicans 

Why do you have to go there though?

Let's just say NT hates Latinos.

Stop it. Not true. At all.

Some people on NT hate illegals.

Some Latinos on NT take exception to attacks on illegal aliens as if they were the ones being attacked.
i been on NT long enough to know that a lot of you are ******ed. I don't even take this forum seriously anymore like i used to
i dont hate anyone but i have seen the effects of illegal immigration in areas where my family lives so i dont exactly stand up for them.
@ this thread, worse than most gay/race/religion/sexist threads. Talking about talking about it.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

I dont like asians.
Well damn might as well throw out everything that's in your house because I'm 100% sure they've been felt up by Asians.
Say you walk into a building, there's a big scary gang harassing people, pushing them over, spitting at them, grabbing the ladies and +!#+, they are not discriminating, every single person is getting it, even people that look just like them or even people that they may know from the neighborhood, just being vile and disgusting. Every innocent bystander is appalled, maybe a little scared. You figure let's not associate with these people, but one guy, unrelated to the group, for some reason decided to poke fun at one of the bystanders being harassed, when in all likelyhood he's gonna get tagged too. Who knows why, most likely to appease to that group and seem apart of so they will not look his way and harass him. Lavey is that guy.

*cue smilies and all, i don't do serious NT stuff at all anymore.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

i hate black people. i hate Asians. i hate women. i hate latin people. i hate poor people, but most of all, i hate white people.

i'm white if it matters
Why do you hate white people? You guys are the nicest people I have ever encountered unless your niceness is because I'm black.
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