Serious Topic: My Fam has a Stalker.......I think (edited)

Mister Meaner

formerly super producer j
Mar 24, 2007
It may very well be a family acquaintance, or a once thought to be friend, but this stuff is really messed up.

This dude, via Myspace, messages my sister one day, asking how she's doing, and how the family is doing. Wierd fact number 1, hes/he notes the exactnumber of members in our immediate family. Okay, this might have been just a shot in the dark, but he/she gets more specific. My sister and he trademessages, the point of hers being "who the hell are you?" Here are most of them:

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Verito
Date: Jan 3, 2008 12:34 PM


While, I may have never met you, I am familiar with some pretty intimate details about your life and particular circumstances within your home...things thathave no particular interest to me, yet, the details are beknownst to me. More importantly, please accept my apologies for the statements I made earlier; theywere indeed rude and out of character for me. I only did it to get your attention. My intentions are to get to know you better and have a civil dialogue withyou. So, let me start by asking: How did you enjoy the summer vacations you spent Fishkill @ Camp would've been about 14-15 years old?" Ialso have a child around that age and guess it can be somewhat challenging for teenagers during these times, especially with peer pressure being what it is andall. So _______, I will place a picture (not the only one) of someone you know once I know you are online. Again, I will refrain from usingvile language and expect you will continue being your lovely self, deal?

Here's some traded messages:

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Verito
Date: Jan 12, 2008 2:22 PM

My dialogue w/ u has not bin progressin as I'd hoped...I can simply confer with someone else about this if you'd prefer. It is apparent that urinterests r peeked; especially since, u have kept our communication line open. Remember what I said before, give a little - receive a little. Make an attemptto transcend that shallow overcoating U call a personality for once in ur life. Otherwise, I will continue my dialogue w/ several other sources well known to uwho r always eager for juicy gossip...and u already know those I am referring to!!!!!

So, invite me to ur homepage or cease communications with me!

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: _______________
Date: Jan 12, 2008 11:08 AM

ok so u have these b/c y?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Verito
Date: Jan 12, 2008 2:02 PM


All you have to do is click on my "pics" to see the pics I posted for you...or can't you navigate myspace? I did send you an invite, no?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: _____________
Date: Jan 9, 2008 10:22 AM

no i didnt, what is ur deal?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Verito
Date: Jan 8, 2008 1:51 PM

Did You See My PIC POST 4 U?

Okay, thats most of them that my sister forwarded to me.

So he/she says they would post up pics of some peole she knew, and sure enough he/she did. This cat has a pic of me and my aunt on his page! Its obvious hecropped the pics, but damn, where the hell did he even get them from in the first place? And even more, he knows our names as well

Here's this weirdos page:

NT, is this cause for concern? I'm not concerned for myself, but rather the rest of my fam if this actually poses some sort of threat.

edit: btw, those pics he/she has are OD old. I don't know if that has any significance. I want to take dude serious, but not as of yet. Maybe I shouldjust go ahead and report it, although I don't like dealing with cops.

edit: so I started messaging this freak, making subtle threats, then I threatened to call the cops and have his #!%%investigated. Dude stops messaging me, takes down the pictures, but doesn't shut down the profile. I took screenshots so I have some evidence, and ofcourse there are the messages. SMH at this clown.
prolly her friends playing a joke or can either ignore him or kill him.
call the FBI

I had a great week, but this was an awjward spin~

Real talk: Stalker

I am about to trade a guy some shoes/clothes for a Ps3, 3 games, and a wirless controller....

So i am about to go outside to load up my truck. I get off the phone with my friend who i am doing the trade with.

I get another phone call, from my ex.. who got home from vacation recently... i saw her number on caller ID, i ginored it... she left a message about pleasecall her.... W/e right...

I put 80% of the stuff in my truck, run upstairs to get the rest in the truck....

Load it in, making my way around my truck to jump in

a silver car comes flying into my parking lot
and i see her

I gave her the
for 2 min str8 then went to

I couldnt believe she was out their, an was quite disgusted bc she was smiling like i was supposed to be happy about her being their.....


I was like!@%+, i told my sister and she's like thats str8 stalker status....

IDK i am gonna lay her the truth one of these days b4 things get any weird
Your avy is way to distracting...after every sentence I kept peekin over at the pic.

But I would call the never know what their intentions are.
Originally Posted by apwrxmd

Your avy is way to distracting...after every sentence I kept peekin over at the pic.

But I would call the never know what their intentions are.

that is pretty crazy but I don't think its one of her friends playing a joke because of their choice of words. Hope you guys don't have any troublewith this weird guy.
if that's your sister in your avy then who wouldn't stalk her lol

but serious talk though, i believe it's one of her friends playin tricks on her yanoe i mean dude does type like an effin girl
What shirt is the girl wearing in your av?...Seriously, is it a University of "school" Connecticut shirt?...
I remeber seeing a post a while back about something similar, or was it about some gay dude?
you should just report it, if it turns out to be someone just playing a joke then you can handle it however you want. but if it turns out to be a psycho andyou did nothing about it, youll regret it forever

edit: person is a stalker until proven otherwise... i hate myspace
Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

Damn...hope this doesn't turn out like the other "stalker" thread though...

how did the other "stalker" thread turn out?

84jordan03, I tihnk I'm going to do that tomorrow morning.
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