Seriously, though. What is the point of the existence of HBCU's today?

Why do HBCUs still exist today? Why do people still go to them?

Because they aren't that bad of an education. Do you think they're just going to say "ok black people are welcomed in other schools, lets blow this place up and build a walmart"?

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think more HBCUs are trying to get more diversity (as in non-black people). They do not want to forget their history of why and how they came to be but they want to have everyone attend.

Just cause black and white can use both water fountains now doesn't mean you just rip out the water fountain that used to be black-only. We need more water fountains and more people drinking.
I swear J Dilla Himself needs to hang himself. Why do you generalize all black people? NO we aren't YOUR people, we are our people.

He thinks he's an educated black man.
You are FAR from educated looking at the dumb stuff you post. Son you're just a troll on a message board. Don't get full of yourself.

Dude says we don't have history as a race. If someone calls you the N-word you probably would cry about it and make a post. How ironic.
Originally Posted by King Beef

I swear J Dilla Himself needs to hang himself. Why do you generalize all black people? NO we aren't YOUR people, we are our people.

He thinks he's an educated black man.
You are FAR from educated looking at the dumb stuff you post. Son you're just a troll on a message board. Don't get full of yourself.

Dude says we don't have history as a race. If someone calls you the N-word you probably would cry about it and make a post. How ironic.
damn, this kid's an idiot. i came in here expecting someone with some intelligence to speak. i hope you never have this conversation with an educated adult.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by ccookielover49

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by ccookielover49

I never understood why people try to downplay HBCUS and claim that they are exclusive for black people. Now if OP took a history class or maybe an African World Studies course, he would understand why HBCUS were established and why the still remain in todays day and age. on top of that, OP you really need to work on this " Black people will never be successful steez." In reality your part of the problem, in a sense your just as bad as a old racist southern bigot. And since you claim that your educated, instead of downplaying your race and your people you should try to uplift them to a higher standard. I really dislike when some talks down on their race but does nothing to uplift them. its straight foolishness.
HBCU's no longer serve the purpose they once had, back in the day. (can you really deny this?)
bro are you serious?

HBCUS were established to educated blacks when they were not able to go to other universities and were not allowed to seek higher education. Now that blacks are able to go to other universities and other institutions. why is it that 80% black female medical students graduate from Spelman? now to say that graduating from a HBCU or going to one is irrelevant is just straight stupidity.on top of a large influx of top blacks still going to HBCUS over other universities should indicate that they are still creditable and still have there place in the education system

Btw the President of Brown University, Ruth J. Simmons, is a graduate of Dillard University a HBCU in New Orleans. where i am currently attending

Because 99.9% of people in Spelman are black females.   i rather deal with people who can coincide with other races rather than deal with a black female/male that are only familiar with their own people..i seriously dont understand why employers even hire people from HBCU's
Wait so just because they attend higher education for 4 or more years at an HBCU they automatically aren't familiar with other races? They couldn't have learned to "coincide" with other races earlier in their life or through internships or jobs? I'm glad everyone is pointing out all your flawed logic because you are doing nothing but stereotyping your damn self.
I for one, am proud of my fellow black folks no matter what kind of college they go to..HBCU or not, if you can go to college and get that degree you are accomplishing something.. I do however, can't stand people that belittle HBCU's because of "lack of diversity".  Most Universities outside of HBCUs have a "lack of diversity", its just skewed in the other direction if you catch my drift..SMH at black folks wit the "Black is Wack" mentality..
I swear J Dilla Himself needs to hang himself.

i hope you never have this conversation with an educated adult.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think more HBCUs are trying to get more diversity (as in non-black people). They do not want to forget their history of why and how they came to be but they want to have everyone attend.

Just cause black and white can use both water fountains now doesn't mean you just rip out the water fountain that used to be black-only. We need more water fountains and more people drinking.

My man said civil rights movement, as if HBCU's weren't around before the 60's.

So we were supposed to wait for MLK before we try to get higher learnng?

Self-hate gets you no where my brother. If you can't learn to appreciate and love your own race, then you're in trouble.

Instead of complaining on a message board, how about you go into your community and teach a kid so that he can go and wants to go Harvard instead of an HBCU.
Just another point I'd like to make about HBCUs: Often time, fortune500 companies and highly-rated graduate schools will seek out HBCUgraduates over those from PWIs in a need to "diversify" their company,and knowing the calibur of student that attends particular HBCUs. Iknow it may sound silly, but it is very truthful.

^Here's a post from another forum I visit. But then again, they'd mostly hire Females, since Gender is also a demonstration of "diversity"...
Originally Posted by Retro23J

I swear J Dilla Himself needs to hang himself.

i hope you never have this conversation with an educated adult.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think more HBCUs are trying to get more diversity (as in non-black people). They do not want to forget their history of why and how they came to be but they want to have everyone attend.

Just cause black and white can use both water fountains now doesn't mean you just rip out the water fountain that used to be black-only. We need more water fountains and more people drinking.

My man said civil rights movement, as if HBCU's weren't around before the 60's.

So we were supposed to wait for MLK before we try to get higher learnng?


really their racist? How are HBCU's racist when they were built because white schools wouldn't accept them.....ignorant people these days.

Their called HBCU's because their the first black college's in the history of America and probably the world. They had to work hard to get their colleges where they are today.
The college i go to was forced to move to where it is now because the government knew the area was rocky and would be hard to build on but they got the work done so they deserve the title.

Besides its not like they reject other races from joining the school
What is the point of the existence of HBCU's today?
[/h2] that's  preposterous...maybe some blacks aren't self hating and have a sense of pride. maybe they understand
that ivy league schools, like havard, yale, princeton  etc. weren't or aren't as socially accepting to people of color.
the original curriculum was designed without people like YOU in mind...for this reason a vast majority of colleges
had to revamp and add course like "urban-social studies" and "african-american studies"

have you ever read the president's barrack book? he attended an ivy college, and faced many obstacles because of it.
maybe educated blacks understand the power of MAJORITY and want to create a power structure to advance the
growth of their people the same as the english settler's that founded this country.
Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

really their racist? How are HBCU's racist when they were built because white schools wouldn't accept them.....ignorant people these days.

Their called HBCU's because their the first black college's in the history of America and probably the world. They had to work hard to get their colleges where they are today.
The college i go to was forced to move to where it is now because the government knew the area was rocky and would be hard to build on but they got the work done so they deserve the title.

Besides its not like they reject other races from joining the school

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

There are HWCU's
They're every school that isn't an HBCU

I feel like that's not a good comparison to make. Whites are the overwhelming majority in this country.
Anyways... this dude just heard someone else talk about HBCU and figured he'd post like he knew something... wow

I'm not black but I think HBCU were really important to Afro-American progress and to demolish them would be stupid. I don't see the purpose at all. 
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

There are HWCU's
They're every school that isn't an HBCU

I feel like that's not a good comparison to make. Whites are the overwhelming majority in this country.
Anyways... this dude just heard someone else talk about HBCU and figured he'd post like he knew something... wow

I'm not black but I think HBCU were really important to Afro-American progress and to demolish them would be stupid. I don't see the purpose at all. 
It was a semi-joke
The point I was trying to make is that HBCUs were created because black ppl were denied education at other schools
Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

Their called HBCU's because their the first black college's in the history of America and probably the world.

Any man that hates his race can not be considered educated..

Instead of loathing your race, try to understand why your race continues to

contribute to negative stereotypes, and then "DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT"

whether it is giving back to the community, never stop educating the future.

Correct me if i'm wrong

HBCU's were created because blacks were unable to be accepted in white colleges

but also because Blacks were confused about their identity as people.

At HBCU's students were taught about their history, their roles in the community,

and what their roles should be in the future.

Black people did not know how to properly conduct themselves in society

because they were previously never given the chance, and HBCU's changed that.

They educated their people, molded the future, and tried to advance their race's education.

The reason why HBCU's still exist is to continue the tradition...

educate their people, to know who they are, and to know what they need to do to continue to uplift their race

Maybe OP should go to an HBCU, u obviously know nothing about your race
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