Seriously whats with all the hate towards denim shorts?

Its not even about getting angry (with me atleast) I just don't understand the logic. Its like you said though, why should someone care.
at dudes who still rock jean shorts all day
Now that I've recently seen a few cats rocking jorts, I've arrived at a different conclusion.

Jorts really aren't that bad, in terms of just a clothing piece, especially if they could be made with some decent denim, aren't baggy but are fittedproperly (not that Bruno-esque, bright color, nut hugging, newb-hypbeast fit either) and don't have those weird fades that most do.

Every person that I saw rocking jorts, was either dressed very poorly or really out of date. I'm taking dirty-white tees, or your "stuck in the90s," with a baggy graphic tee, where the sleeves went way past the elbow. Jordans/AF1 with the girly ankle socks, and those Euro-trash goggle shades werealso in high rotation with the jort fans.

It's easy to classify ppl by the way they dress, and I'm sure many folks choose not to wear 'em, simply based on the ppl that they see rockingjorts. Guilty by association, no? Hell, that's the same reason why I don't wear the hype-graphic tee, heavily branded look any more. I was tired ofbeing grouped into the same category as these douche-bag kids I see all over the Bay, playing out that over hyped the "streetwear" look.

I think that most ppl who choose to not rock the jort, are folks who have simply moved on from the style of clothes that they wore during their youth/highschool/didn't know better era. We've ALL worn them at a time, but that was when bigger/baggier was better. It's simply not these days. It'sabout wearing stuff that fits, is more refined, and more streamlined.

I bet that if someone could actually pull them off nicely, maybe in a more fitted manner (not the cut-off, I live on the fringe, act like I'm poor, drinkPBR, but have a 3k fixie look), folks would be more open minded to them.

They unfortunately just represent an era that most of us have grown out of.
I don't understand why some of you dudes have this strong beliefthat anyone over 18 can't wear jean shorts

I mean, myself personally, don't wear jean shorts. But it's not because I have that belief that only 16 yr olds and younger can only wear them.
Those shorts that they sell at GAP are more breathable and comfy than any type of jean shorts. This is why I choose not to wear jean shorts

My father wears jean shorts whenever he has to go out to do errands
and he's a 50+ year old man

I'm 24 yrs old but I'm not going to judge on what type of shorts other ppl are wearing. Vice-Versa.

Let ppl live and do whatever the hell they want instead of judging them.
lol I bet 99% of the dudes on here were rockin them non stop when they were hot... just because the trend died, not everything thinks they are not. Just likepeople get fun of rockin multi-colored bape hoodies now.
Originally Posted by ridikuloz

lol I bet 99% of the dudes on here were rockin them non stop when they were hot... just because the trend died, not everything thinks they are not. Just like people get fun of rockin multi-colored bape hoodies now.
thats the whole point of a TREND , they get played out and die . should we not clown someone if they rock parachute pants ? or have ajheri curl ?
I still wear jean shorts but not nearly as much as I wear cargos or plain front chino shorts. Hoop shorts only come out at bedtime and on lounge days.
I'm glad this topic has come up, b/c I've had numerous discussions with people about this.

I know tons of people who wear nothing but jeans around the clock when its not shorts weather, and I never see these cats in khaki pants or cargo pants of anykind. But once the weather breaks I see them in nothing but khaki shorts and cargos, and they wouldn't be caught dead in jorts.

and everyone I've asked that falls into this category never has a good explantion of which they ditch the denim in the summer time. It's always justb/c, or I don't like jorts. Then I ask why they don't like them and get no explanation there.

I'll be honest, I've still got jorts in the closet, but for every 10 times I put on a pair of khaki shorts or cargos, the jorts only find their way outof the closet about once.
Originally Posted by know polish

Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

NT is the only place they are not cool

I think you got that backwards.

If you're older than 18 and still wearing jean shorts, you're not doing it wrong.

Eff what NT thinks about jean shorts, i will rock my jerseys and jean shorts every summer for da foreseeable future when its 90+ outside.
Originally Posted by LLC Money

son said when he steps out he sees millions of people rocking them...Delusional Hell Rell-esque type dude smh
This thread has me in tears

You know the people defending jorts have a fleet of them in their wardrobe.
Originally Posted by ninjahood


Eff what NT thinks about jean shorts, i will rock my jerseys and jean shorts every summer for da foreseeable future when its 90+ outside.
those are just as long as my capris!

to me denim shorts are Ok up until around high school. there's just something immature-looking about them.
Its whatever. I still wear my denim shorts from time to time. Cargos don't look good with everything. If people clown you for what you wear, let them dothem. If you like how it looks play on playa.

NT/ISS/Hypebeast is the only place they are not cool

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by ninjahood


Eff what NT thinks about jean shorts, i will rock my jerseys and jean shorts every summer for da foreseeable future when its 90+ outside.
those are just as long as my capris!

hmmm if you got capris and your a guy then you got other issues
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