Sex for Student Loans: Increasing trend among college students/grads.

Originally Posted by sreggie101

..that and majoring in something stupid like communications or psyc doesn't help either.

its a shame. i feel bad for em.

I flow for chicks wishin...they ain't have to trick to pay tuition..i see ya vision mamma.

WOW...this is too much for them. I can really understand where there coming from though. It's hard out here.
wow just did a quick search round my area and saw a chick I used to talk too 

another NTer knows her too

all bad
Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

Jennifer doesn't label what she's doing as prostitution. "I'm not a $##+$. $@@@#@ are paid by the hour, can have a high volume of clients in a given day, and it's based on money, not on who the individual actually is. There's no feeling involved and the entire interaction revolves around a sexual act," says Jennifer, who wears a $300 strapless dress purchased with money from her most recent conquest. The rest of the money, she says, went towards paying down her student loans.

"My situation is different in a number of different ways. First of all, I don't engage with a high volume of people, instead choosing one or two men I actually like spending time with and have decided to develop a friendship with them. And while sex is involved, the focus is on providing friendship. It's not only about getting paid."

Jennifer and many of the other young women realize the clock is ticking -- and it’s not ticking in their favor. In these circles, youth and beauty reign supreme, with most men preferring the company of a sugar baby in their early-to-mid twenties.

"I realize I'm not going to have it forever," Jennifer says, brushing her blond, wavy hair off to one side. "While I've still got it, I'm going to milk it for all it's worth. I mean, maybe I'll get swept off my feet. Really, anything could happen."


   "women are the grand wizards of backwards rationalizations"

wish i had a box. id have a bentley right now.
Originally Posted by Luciano Jones

wish i had a box. id have a bentley right now.

Also this:
Women selling their bodies is proof that there will NEVER be equality between men and women. Women want more power in life but they don't realize that through the control of sex, they already have that power. Respect and equal treatment is a result of actions, not something to be expected because you belong to a specific gender
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

this is funny to me they act like they are too low to go out and get jobs at mcdonalds are working at a low entry job (gap,aeropostale blah blah).If they had any real integrity they would be takin internships or doing the most basic legwork.They never had integrity if they will smash a guy for a check they could get doing a basic job ringing up groceries 2 weeks .Let these tarts revert to they real nature all day its funny.

i get what you're saying. but also to be fair, you'd have to work a mean schedule just to get some decent income when talking about financing hefty expenses like tuition. and all these companies are gonna start you on that bare min wage. The reason i say this is because my gf is working 2 jobs to help her stay in philly for school, Old Navy and PT Aide. She is very fortunate because she makes $10-11/hr at both jobs so with enough hours, she can bring in a solid haul at any given month. But most people aren't fortunate to get that pay, so they can work the same amount but make significantly less.

So this smash for cash madness serves them better in their eyes because they don't have to sacrifice tons of hours out of a week while making hundreds of dollars. giving them more time to spend on school and such..

im not trying to justify it, i just want to offer a diff perspective based on what i see my girl go thru. and no im not throwing on pics of my girl
lack of sense of humor and catching sarcasm is scarce i see. tell me youre getting tuition paid from smashing old white women.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

"Taylor doesn't explicitly refer to what she was doing in Greenwich as prostitution, but she now allows that her primary motivation was, indeed, money. She and her host ended up in his bedroom, where he peeled off her bikini."

The reasoning behind women, or lack-thereof astounds me. They will find ANY REASON to justify their actions...

-it wasn't cheating I was drunk
-I don't usually do this
-I'm not a +#%#, I'm just horny

yeah ok...

Word. Never accountable for their actions. But I'm surprised some of you just heard of this. This type of %*%+ has been going on for years. Even easier with Craigslist. Just never had the balls to play a female like that. Its always the real attractive ones too. The ones we all simp for in the ___________ appreciation threads.
these "sugar daddies" aren't repping Team RAW though.... right?

this would start to become more of a health concern, than the pure morals we're currently debating
I dont think this article was really about them looking for sympathy. Just how hard times are. To whoever recommended McDonalds or bagging groceries. C'mon son. She laid with that man probably 20 min. She $%*@%# up in not discussing price before they had sex. It's definitely prostitution but hey do you.

Some of y'all would too if you could
Checked out the site. Made an account so I could search.

This needs to go ahead and become an "Expose chicks you went to highschool with" thread.

If I find anything I'm updating this post immediately.
LMAO damnnn! Females these days..they do have more power then us, men. I say lets united and fight these dirty women
@ seekingarrangement site

One sugar baby said she is as kinky as a cheap hose.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I dont think this article was really about them looking for sympathy. Just how hard times are. To whoever recommended McDonalds or bagging groceries. C'mon son. She laid with that man probably 20 min. She $%*@%# up in not discussing price before they had sex. It's definitely prostitution but hey do you.

Some of y'all would too if you could

Hey real talk if there was a way I could smash dimes who would pay me I'd definitely do it

No way I'd smash an ugly girl though
I don't care I don't want to be about that life.
15k at a CUNY though

I'm pretty sure she can pay on her own with a retail job.
Assuming something like $7.60/hour or whatever and 24 hours/week (3 days of 8 hour shifts). That's like ~$730/month. Tax takes some of that off, but tuition for CUNY is like 2.7k for half the year and you can divide that into segments. And if she was poor, she'll at least get some financial aid.
Originally Posted by iWhipMyHeadovv

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by MrBrown

Girls have it so easy sometimes
I'm saying. As demeaning as some may see it they giving up the box for thousands of dollars AND they getting to pay off student loans. Can't feel bad for them just because they're females, especially when anybody chooses to do this.
btw im totally disgusted by all of you for thinking that the decision to sell your body is somehow easy, or taking the easy way out.
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