***SF Giants 2009 Season Thread (88-74)***

I want Johnson to get to 300, but if he didn't in his next couple starts I wouldn't complain at all. I don't want him to get it in DC or Floridawhere there will be a total of like 63 people to witness it.
Originally Posted by vctry20

thats pretty cool though, especially coming off of that gem he threw in Seattle
That's true, but I'm getting a little tired going to the park always seeing Matt Cain now.
yeah it'd be nice to get it in the Bay

would've been cool to see him get it in Seattle, it was still nice to see them give him a standing O when he came out
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

I want Johnson to get to 300, but if he didn't in his next couple starts I wouldn't complain at all. I don't want him to get it in DC or Florida where there will be a total of like 63 people to witness it.

The Nat arent that bad as far as attendance the Marlins tho not so good . I watched Chronicle Live yesterday and they talked about how the was no realattachment the Jhonson and his 300 win and the SF Giants. Will he retire as a Giant no but is getting your 300 th win still exciting for fans I think so. Theyalso talked about who they felt could be traded and brought up a potential trade with the Padres Sanchez for brian Giles and Kevin Kouzminoff
Originally Posted by LB510

Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

I want Johnson to get to 300, but if he didn't in his next couple starts I wouldn't complain at all. I don't want him to get it in DC or Florida where there will be a total of like 63 people to witness it.

The Nat arent that bad as far as attendance the Marlins tho not so good . I watched Chronicle Live yesterday and they talked about how the was no real attachment the Jhonson and his 300 win and the SF Giants. Will he retire as a Giant no but is getting your 300 th win still exciting for fans I think so. They also talked about who they felt could be traded and brought up a potential trade with the Padres Sanchez for brian Giles and Kevin Kouzminoff
Interesting, they would trade within their division? I am happy that Johnson finally got #299, even happier that the Giants' bats came alivein this series and swept the Braves. Hopefully we do well against a strong club like the Cardinals this week....We'll just have to wait and see. I'mglad Torres was activated and already has contributed with an RBI-single. Haha.
I wouldn't like Brian Giles on this team.

1. He would take playing time away from my boy, Randy Winn.
2. Like Renteria, he'll be signed late, but not too late in his career.
^ yea they talked about the strog relationship Brian Sabean has with the Padres GM.
As for now I think the only player I wouldn't mind seing go is Sanchez. I really hope they keep Brian Wilson I think he has a chance to be a great player.I think we should stay away from Matt Holiday with his a gent being boris it could be hard trying to get him to sign a long term deal.
^ yea kinda tough his average was BA 3.06 last year and 1.90 this year

Someone photoshop Todd Helton in a Giants uni I want to see how that looks
Good win. Very pleased with the effort! Lets keep it going!!

By the way.....im completely straight off of getting Giles and Kouz. No real upgrades what so ever.
Do any of you work or have a buddy who works at a travel agency? I'm trying to trek up north in September for the weekend series but i'm looking for adecently priced Car Hotel Flight package for 2
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Do any of you work or have a buddy who works at a travel agency? I'm trying to trek up north in September for the weekend series but i'm looking for a decently priced Car Hotel Flight package for 2
I can't help you on that one.
Great W today

Big roadtrip ahead, boys need to turn around this trend of road losses. Nats, Marlins, and D-Backs...Let's get it done!
Playing pretty good ball right now. Very pleased with the last two series against Atlanta and St. Louis.

I was suprised to see Zito's record, however. Didn't realize he was 1-6 this season and it's a damn shame. For the most part, he has pitchedwell.

Off topic, but I respect Ryan Braun's game both on and off the field.

Evidence ...

Just wanted to share with ya'll.

P.S. @!$! Ohio.
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